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Hearing this, everyone turned their eyes to Qin Yu, their eyes full of extremely strong envy.

The so-called Patrol Envoy is a figure who controls the entire 100 race battlefield, and has a good understanding of each race on the 100 race battlefield.

If a Patrol Envoy can say such a thing, then this matter, most likely to be true, and the top 100 is enough for people here to look up.

“Top 100?”

A curve appeared in the corner of Qin Yu’s mouth, slightly smiled, and muttered in his heart: “It’s really underestimated.”

Reaching the top 100 of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking is nothing for Qin Yu, and Qin Yu’s real goal is to be the top ten of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking.

“Qin Yu, be careful, this Old Guy flatter you so much, I’m afraid it’s uneasy or kind.”

After Cang Ao heard this, his brow frowned, but a sense of vigilance arose.

Sure enough, the voice of Cang Ao’s reminder had just fallen, and Song She’s words changed. Indifferently said: “Although the top 100 is possible, if you want to go further, it will be too difficult.”

“Your Excellency, just say it directly, don’t be so circumspect.” Qin Yu said indifferently.

Song She’s old face twitched a little, didn’t expect Qin Yu to see through his purpose as soon as he turned around, and a flash of discomfort flashed in his heart.

As Patrol Envoy on the battlefield of the 100 races, an older person, but now he is seen through his mind by a younger person, which is a shame for him.

But in order to get the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit, Song She still suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, and instead said with a smile: “Qin Yu, you can’t say that your eyesight is really sharp, yes, the old man has no other purpose here. , But want to give you a further opportunity.”

“Oh? There is such a good thing, Song Lao can’t help but tell it.”

Qin Yu laughed calmly and said to his heart, this Old Guy’s fox tail is finally about to be revealed.

“That’s it. The first identity of the old man is the Patrol Envoy on the battlefield of the 100 races; and the second identity is the envoy of the Beast Palace. If you give the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit to the old man, the old man can guarantee All of you, enter the Beast Palace and become members of the Beast Palace.”

“The old man has now promised to make all the people of your desert race the discipline of Beast Palace. Then, on the battlefield of the 100 races, many people will hinder your identity as the Beast Palace disciple and give you 30% thin face. The deserted tribe is on the top of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, and has reached the top 50. I’m afraid it is not a problem.”

Song She unperturbedly said that as a Beast Palace envoy, he promised Qin Yu and the entire deserted clan to enter the Beast Palace, and he did not believe that Qin Yu was unmoved.

If Qin Yu is interested, he will obediently dedicate the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit to him, and he also believes that Qin Yu will do so, otherwise, it would be equivalent to offending them Beast Palace.

“Just become the discipline of Beast Palace?”

After hearing Song She’s promise, a dozen people around him were shocked, and their eyes fell on Qin Yu with all kinds of complexity and envy.

The 100 clan wars have not yet ended, and Qin Yu is valued by Beast Palace. Although this treatment cannot be said to be unique, it is enough to honor Yaozong.

Moreover, if Qin Yu is willing, with Song She’s promise, he can directly join the Beast Palace, so as to withdraw from the battlefield of the 100 clan battle and become aloof and remote.

Qin Yu and Cang Ao were also stunned. The two obviously did not expect that Song She would really be willing to spend money in order to obtain the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit.

What’s more, it is worth mentioning that Qin Yu knew about the huge monster Beast Palace when he was in the deserted continent. Unexpectedly, he actually saw Beast Palace here.

“Fourth Mother Feng once said that on the battlefield of these 100 races, there is the shadow of Beast Palace. It seems that this matter is true, but I don’t know if there are other forces besides Beast Palace.”

Qin Yu murmured, and flashed through the silhouette of Fourth Mother Feng in his mind, she was a beautiful woman from the unfathomable Feng Family.

While Qin Yu was thinking, Cang Ao laughed and said with interest: “Hehe, didn’t expect this Song She is really willing to let you enter the Beast Palace in advance and become the discipline of Beast Palace.”

Qin Yu hearing this, but there was not much excitement on his face, but turned around and asked: “Old Guy, do you think a Beast Palace disciple identity can be exchanged for things like Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit?”

“Naturally not, things like Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit, even my body is so greedy, what is the discipline of Beast Palace, how can it be compared with the value of Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit.”

Being questioned by Qin Yu, Cang Ao said slightly embarrassed.

Compared with Cang Ao’s body, the identity of the Beast Palace disciple, and even the envoy of Song She, or Beast Palace Elder, is nothing.

And the treasure that can make Cang Ao’s body greedy, its value far exceeds the identity of the Beast Palace disciple, and the two are basically impossible.

“That’s right, and don’t you think that Old Guy kind of means to pay a small price for big rewards in return?” Qin Yu laughed.

A promise that Qin Yu wanted to hand over the Supreme Treasure of Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit was obviously impossible. Moreover, whether this promise could be fulfilled after all was another matter.

Seeing Qin Yu not at all answering to himself, Song She flashed an unpleasant color in the depths of his eyes, and asked anxiously: “Qin Yu, you have heard the promise of the old man, this kind of good thing does not happen everyday Yes, I missed this time, and I don’t know when it will be next time.”

When this was said, Song She’s words contained some threatening flavors. He didn’t believe it. Qin Yu was unyielding under such a huge temptation and his threat.

Facing this scene, Qin Yu was only coldly smiled in his heart, and immediately opened the mouth and said: “It is really sorry, although I want to enter the Beast Palace, but I will not exchange it with the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit, if Song Lao really wants it If you want me to enter the Beast Palace, I will be directly included in the Beast Palace. If you want me to take out the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit, then don’t think about it.”

“So, you rejected my proposal?”

Song She squinted his eyes slightly, releasing a ray of cold light, and there was a terrifying killing intent in his eyes, which suddenly surged.

A small child of the desert clan, even if he is a group of dark horses, compared to his Song She identity, he is like an ant, but now he dares to reject him in front of such a person.

The young warriors of the major races around were also slightly surprised at this moment, showing some incredible expressions, and could not figure out why Qin Yu rejected Song She’s proposal.

“What’s the matter with Qin Yu, he rejected Song Lao’s proposal. Isn’t this a waste of opportunity?”

“Song She is the envoy of the Beast Palace and the Patrol Envoy of the 100 clan battlefield. Even if he can’t attack Qin Yu, if he really troubles Qin Yu, Qin Yu can’t eat it.”

“Tsk tsk, Qin Yu is really bold, even the envoy of the Beast Palace dare to offend, so even if it stands out from the battlefield of 100 races, I am afraid there is nothing good to eat.

“Qin Yu, it’s dead!”

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