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There was a burst of uproar among the crowd, thinking that Qin Yu offended Song She was not a wise move.

Let alone the huge monster of Beast Palace, even if it is facing the envoy of Song She, the Beast Palace, Qin Yu is just an ant and can be trampled to death at any time.

“It’s really a group of courageous creatures. In front of a Beast Palace envoy, they just bowed and bowed like this, even if they worshipped Beast Palace in the future,”

Qin Yu heard the words of these people, but there was a hint of mockery, full of disdain.

“Qin Yu, you are impudent, do you dare to insult us like this?”

After everyone heard Qin Yu’s words, it was as if someone had stepped on the tail of a mouse, and they immediately jumped into thunder. Each and everyone stared at Qin Yu angrily.

“What about insulting you? What is the difference between your humble attitude and that running dog? Of course, if you feel that I insulted you, if you are not convinced, just come up and kill me.” Qin Yu said with a cold laugh.

Brush, shua!

As soon as Qin Yu said this, everyone hadn’t acted yet, and all the disciplines of the Top Sect sword immediately stood forward. The long sword in his hand was unsheathed, and everyone was giving tit for tat.

In an instant, one after another Cold Light Sword flashed, making the atmosphere of the scene suddenly tense.

At the same time, Mu Lingshan, Liu Family sisters, Cang Ao and other four people also swept out and came to the front of the sword Top Sect disciple, each and everyone’s complexion became cold.

The strong killing and killing aura made this space agitated again, and after seeing this scene, many people were scared to face deathly pale.

“Lunatic, this guy is a lunatic!”

“That’s right, we don’t have to fight with a madman, he will die sooner or later anyway.”

Everyone looked pale, as if they were kicked by a donkey. Facing Cang Ao and the others and the lingering attitude of the sword Top Sect disciple, they all stepped back involuntarily and did not dare to move forward.

“Say I’m a lunatic, then I’ll be it, but since you dare not do it, then go away, the farther the better, because seeing you makes me feel sick.” Qin Yu said coldly.

After dismissing everyone, Qin Yu turned and looked towards Song She. Song She’s face was even uglier than the disciplines on the battlefield of these 100 races. His old face twitched violently, and his chest came and went one after another.

“Song She, I want you to be refuted by me now, and hate me. But your conditions are really not very attractive to me, let alone the top 100 in the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking of the 100, even the top 1 Ten, I, Qin Yu, want to make a break too.” Qin Yu said with a cold laugh.

With Qin Yu’s current background and potential, the top 100 is not enough to be Qin Yu’s goal, and the top ten are the areas that Qin Yu really wants to set foot in.

Moreover, as long as Qin Yu enters the top 100, or even the top ten, he can enter the Beast Palace without Song She’s alms and promises. There is no doubt about this.

Since where can Qin Yu go by himself, why should he bend his knees and be a dog for others?

“Do you want to be in the top ten of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking?”

When Song She heard this, he was slightly stunned, and then said with a cold laugh: “No wonder you rejected my proposal, hehe, but you are too arrogant. Don’t forget, the top ten races, Everyone is a monster-level character, and you want to make it into the top ten, it’s completely daydreaming.”

Among the top 100 existences of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, each race is extremely powerful and terrifying. As for the existence of the top ten, those races are metamorphosis among metamorphosis.

Over the past 100 years, the ranking of the top 100 races in the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking has some low-frequency changes, but they are not very large.

Because these races, after so many years of development, participated in countless 100 races, their background has accumulated to an extremely powerful level, and few people can shake them.

As for the existence of the top ten, each of those races is the same existence as the Great Desolate Giant Beast. The foundation is so strong that it is impossible to imagine.

Therefore, Qin Yu wanted to shake the top ten thoughts. From Song She’s point of view, it was completely a joke. Even Fang Jun on the side could not help shook the head.

Although he disagrees with Song She’s bullying of Qin Yu, he has to admit that Song She’s words are true and Qin Yu has not shaken the top ten’s probability at all.


A silhouette flashed in Fang Jun’s mind, but this silhouette quickly disappeared, because Qin Yu simply couldn’t reach that person’s level.


Qin Yu hearing this, shook the head, unperturbedly said: “The race for the 100 clan wars is imminent. It is impossible. I believe that it won’t take much time and there will be results. Look when the time comes.”

“Okay, okay, the old man hasn’t encountered someone as arrogant as you in the last 100 years. Now that you have this confidence, let’s wait and see. If you can break into the top ten, the old man will twist your head and give you a chamber pot , If you can’t make the top ten, you can hand over the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit, dare you?”

Song She said aggressively, wanting to bet with Qin Yu.

According to his understanding, although Qin Yu is one of the most powerful dark horses on the battlefield of the 100 races, it is basically impossible to reach the top ten.

Therefore, as long as Qin Yu inquires about this bet, then he will win. When the time comes, even if Qin Yu refuses to hand over the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit, it will not work.

“Chamber pot?”

Qin Yu hearing this, said with a smile: “Hehe, use the head of the Beast Palace envoy as a chamber pot. Those disciples and high-level members of the Beast Palace will hate me. However, Qin Yu has decided to use this chamber pot.”

“Hmph, sharp-tongued little bastard, the old man won’t fight with you, let’s just wait and see.” Song She was coldly snorted, and his sleeve robe swung out immediately.

As an envoy of the 100 clan battlefield, although his cultivation base is extremely strong, but because of Patrol Envoy’s rules, he dare not do anything to Qin Yu, so he can only leave angrily.

Besides, anyway, the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit, he could get it sooner or later, but it was unhurried at this moment.

After Song She left, Fang Jun also had the intention to leave. He stepped forward and said to Qin Yu: “Qin Yu, you really shouldn’t have smashed the Old Guy just now, but there is no turning back for this matter, so please take a good cultivation. When the time comes, I will also think of a way for you. As for whether you can survive from that Old Guy, it’s up to God’s will.”

“Then many thanks” Qin Yu touched his nose and said with a little gratitude.

However, Qin Yu disagrees with Fang Jun’s words.

If he is not so tough, the Old Guy will definitely have to bully him. In that case, Qin Yu is afraid that he will lose all his dignity.

A person, a warrior, if he doesn’t even have dignity, what is the difference between a walking corpse, and those lackeys who wag their tails.

If you want Qin Yu to be a dog for others, even if you kill Qin Yu, Qin Yu can’t do it.

This point, although I am a bit stubborn, but this is Qin Yu’s bottom line, the bottom line cannot be broken.

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