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With the departure of Song She and Fang Jun, the entire battlefield became quiet again.

Others also left because they were afraid of Qin Yu’s relationship and knew they could not get the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit.

After everyone left, Cang Ao came to Qin Yu’s side, his eyes were a little deep, and he whispered: “Young Master Qin, the person you offended this time is completely different from before.”

Qin Yu is on the battlefield of 100 races, and has experienced a lot of dangers along the way, but the people who offended in the past were all races on the battlefield of 100 races, but this time offended Patrol Envoy on the battlefield of 100 races. It is the envoy of Beast Palace.

Compared with the Beast Palace envoy, the race on the battlefield of the 100 races is almost similar to that of the ants, while the envoy of the Beast Palace is like an unshakable giant elephant.

“Hehe, what you said is right, this time I have offended a terrible person, but there is no other way, I can’t hand over the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit.”

Qin Yu touched his nose, said with a bitter smile, and offended Song She. It was not what Qin Yu wanted, but Qin Yu couldn’t break through his bottom line.

“Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit naturally cannot be handed over, but the value of this item is too precious, so Song She will definitely not let go. You should understand the principle of an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime.” Cang Ao said solemnly.

Song She’s greed for Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit will certainly not disappear, and Song She will definitely find a way to frame Qin Yu, there is no doubt about it.

In addition, if Song She reveals the news of Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit, after Qin Yu walks out of the 100 clan battlefield, there will be countless expert looting soon.

“I understand this truth naturally, but there is no good way at the moment, I can only watch it while walking.” Qin Yu said lightly.

Song She is the envoy of Beast Palace. Although Qin Yu doesn’t know the origin of Beast Palace very well, he knows that it is huge. Anyone being targeted by such a powerful figure is under great pressure.

Qin Yu put this matter behind him for the time being, and then set off with Cang Ao. Anyway, the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit has been obtained, and staying here is useless.

On the way, Qin Yu asked Xue You to walk, and he himself took out a black talisman paper from the storage bag. On this object, countless ancient runes were depicted.

This black talisman paper, called the ancient talisman, was found by Qin Yu from the corpse of a powerhouse in the Tianhe realm in the Yinfeng Canyon in the ancient secret storage.

After taking out the ancient talisman, Qin Yu pointed on the ancient talisman, and the majestic Divine Sense wrapped it, one after another Divine Sense power eroded the ancient talisman.

“weng! ”

As Qin Yu’s Divine Sense eroded, a bright black light broke out on the ancient talisman, and it trembled violently, as if struggling with all his strength to resist Qin Yu.

Qin Yu’s eyes condensed slightly, his teeth scratched his fingers, and a drop of blood essence dripped into the ancient talisman, causing a strong wave to rise on the ancient talisman.

After the wave dissipated, the traces of the ancient talisman’s struggle gradually weakened, and finally quieted down, letting Qin Yu’s Divine Sense invade and refine.

A few days later, Qin Yu slightly opened his eyes, there was a gloomy color in his eyes, and his face was extremely ugly.

“This ancient talisman is so difficult to refining, it took me 3 drops of blood essence, several days, but so far, it has only been refining half of it, and I can’t fully control it.” Qin Yu said silently.

He originally thought this ancient talisman was very good for refining, but in fact, it was not what he thought it was, and it was the ancient talisman.

If this thing has just been refined, Qin Yu wants to control this ancient talisman, I am afraid it will be difficult to do it, unless Qin Yu reaches the Tianhe level.

“After all, this thing came from the powerhouse of the Tianhe Realm. It’s not bad for the master to do this, and the higher the level of this ancient talisman, the greater the power that the puppet controlled by it will burst out.” Dragon Soul explained Tao.

Qin Yu’s eyes moved a little, right hand gently patted the storage bag, a puppet appeared on Xue You’s back, there was no vitality in his body.

This one puppet is not a human figure, but a demon looking at each other. Although there is no vitality, just standing there gives people a breathtaking feeling.

“En? This puppet is…”

After seeing this puppet, Cang Ao on the side suddenly fluctuated in pupil light and asked: “Young Master Qin, where did your puppet come from?”

“I got it from the Ancient Demon Temple, why, what are your questions?” Qin Yu asked indifferently.

“There is no problem, but this one is a puppet, but it is made from the bodies of two Heavenly Tiger monsters. If it can be activated, this thing is definitely terrifying.” Cang Ao said with a little excitement.

“Double Heavenly Tiger Demon!”

Hearing these 4 words, Qin Yu’s eyes also condensed slightly, revealing an incredible expression.

The puppets in the Ancient Demon Temple are all made with human combat bodies, or the bodies of Demon Beast, using extremely cruel techniques, and the double Heavenly Tiger demon is one of the well-known figures.

Moreover, the double Heavenly Tiger demon such as Demon Beast, the battle strength was originally good.

If he is still alive, he will grow up, I am afraid that even the experts of the Tianhe Realm will not be able to infantry. Even in Ancient Era, many people have heard of them.

“Yes, it is the double Heavenly Tiger demon, and if you can find the ancient talisman seal that urges it, plus the Spirit Stone, you can urge it, and the more Spirit Stones, the stronger the formidable power that erupts.” Cang Ao introduced.

Qin Yu nodded, Cang Ao’s statement was basically the same as he had imagined. Soon, Qin Yu put the ancient talisman just refining into the foreheads of the double Heavenly Tiger demon, and at the same time entered the 1000 middle grade Spirit Stone.

After the 1000 middle grade Spirit Stone entered the double Heavenly Tiger demon puppets, the dead and dead double Heavenly Tiger demon puppets, whose eyes suddenly opened, shot through the air and burst out suddenly. There was a dull roar.


The roar of the tiger shook the sky and shook the ears of the disciples, making everyone quickly moved towards Qin Yu. It seemed that each and everyone’s complexion changed in shock.

And if you don’t know that this is a puppet, you think it is the Great Desolate beast that has awakened.

Qin Yu was the closest to the Heavenly Tiger demon puppets. Without protection, his eardrums were almost shattered by the sound of the tiger roar, causing Qin Yu’s face to alternate with blue and red colors, and blood energy surged.


Qin Yu tapped his finger lightly, and the two Heavenly Tiger monsters immediately rushed out, clenched their front paws, and blasted them on the ground.

On the ground, a crack as long as several meters appeared immediately, countless sand and gravel, all turned into powder, and the formidable power was extremely huge.

“Really strong formidable power!” Qin Yu said in shock.

“The formidable power is indeed very strong, but looking at the movements of these Heavenly Tiger demon puppets, Young Master Qin does not seem to be able to fully control it. If it is completely controlled, it will be an ultimate weapon.” Cang Ao said with a smile.

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