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The heavenly demon plate bounced and Qin Yu received some shocks and backed up a few steps, and Mo Jiao’s python giant tail was also injured a lot.

The 2 was equivalent to evenly matched, but this made Mo Jiao’s expression gradually a little gloomy.

I thought that the strength of some beasts would be able to clean up Qin Yu, but now it seems that this is already impossible, because Qin Yu is stronger than he thought.

After the Mo Jiao was repelled, Qin Yu’s face did not fluctuate much. This result was not bad at all as he expected, and there was no difference.

For Mo Jiao, Qin Yu is not worried, and Cang Ao is also an Old Monster, even if it is not as good as Yuan Fei, but the latter wants to completely defeat Cang Ao, within a short time, it is impossible to do it.

Therefore, Qin Yu set his sights on the disciples of Osmanthus and Sword Top Sect, wanting to see the strength of the two sides and how much difference they have.


The beast body of the osmanthus is a huge sky-spirit rhinoceros. It is completely dark and its majestic cultivation base power. After it burst out, it suddenly trampled down and moved towards the sword Top Sect disciple.

The discipline of the sword Top Sect uses the Black Tortoise battle formation in the 4 Holy War formation. The defensive power is extremely powerful. Therefore, the beast of the osmanthus, trampled on the Black Tortoise battle formation, just makes the Black Tortoise battle formation lighter. There was a slight tremor.

On the Black Tortoise battle formation, red light was released, the majestic blood energy, and the Black Tortoise phantom formed by the black Tortoise, the scales were extremely thick, and the osmanthus was bounced out with a slight shock.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yu smiled with satisfaction. The defensive power of this Black Tortoise battlefield was really strong enough to trample on the beast body of the osmanthus with all its strength, without even the slightest trace of damage.

Moreover, in this Black Tortoise battlefield, there are also experts like Mu Lingshan and Liu Family sisters.

With these three people working together, Osmanthus may not be able to get any benefits, and there is even the possibility of death in the hands of three people, not to mention the Black Tortoise battle formation now protects them.

However, it is still a bit troublesome to completely solve this osmanthus and the others. After all, these three people are all Old Monster-level experts, with weird methods.

“Qin Yu, I said, fighting against the old man, you are still worried about others. This is courting death.” Mo Jiao’s face was extremely gloomy, and he said with some shame.

His big mouth opened, and he suddenly spit out a Spiritual Qi. The instant the Spiritual Qi spit out, a terrifying wave force was formed in the air, and it quickly attacked and killed it.

At the same time, the amazing giant tail, like a sharp knife, slaughtered it in a straight hook. When approaching Qin Yu, the scales on the snake tail opened quickly, forming an undercut state, spinning and tearing at extreme speed. Crack the air.

After these two big moves, Mo Jiao finally raised a faint smile on his face. No matter how powerful Qin Yu is, he should stop now, because Qin Yu basically blocked his move.

“What are you, dare to say that it made me courting death, and no matter how strong your battle strength is, it can’t help me.” Qin Yu said with a sneer, not at all, showing a timid look.

Qin Yu burst into heavenly demon again, and all over his body, a violent Spiritual Qi surged out, one after another terrifying power, fluctuating, attached to Qin Yu’s body, and the black light kept flashing.

Under the black light, Qin Yu seemed to be immersed in the entire fog, but Qin Yu didn’t seem to plan at all, but Divine Sense moved and heavenly demon struck again.

At the same time, Qin Yu’s palm was filled with violent black light, urging the power of Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art to the extreme, pressing fiercely on the heavenly demon plate.

The heavenly demon plate was originally the Heaven Rank low grade martial skill. After the crash, the formidable power was terrifying. Now, coupled with the amazing power of the Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, which is about to be 5th floor Great Accomplishment, after this hit, it will be even more Tough.


The moment the heavenly demon blasted down, the so-called Spiritual Qi hurricane was struck away in an instant. The sharp knives turned into by the snake’s tail were beaten and broken by the heavenly demon. The upper scales fell off one after another, and the flesh and blood was blurred. .


At this moment, no matter how strong Mo Jiao was, he couldn’t help holding breath cold air. The pain that came from the smashed giant tail made him contorts one’s face in agony, his face full of hideousness.

And this scene fell in the eyes of three Old Monsters, including Cang Ao, Mu Xi, and Yuan Fei. The corners of the eyes of the three Old Monsters twitched fiercely, and their complexion changed again.

As for the origins of Mo Jiao, the three people are very clear. Its body is among the three. It is the strongest existence. Not to mention that it is now on the battlefield of these 3 races. It is also terrifying. He is a dangerous figure like Death God. .

However, it is such a powerful character who not only suffered from Qin Yu’s hands three or five times, but now he is also broken by Qin Yu’s body. This level of horror is beyond their reach.

Especially Osmanthus and Yuan Fei. Both of these two people have fought against Qin Yu. Now, seeing this scene is even more scary. If they hadn’t ran fast that day, they would have been buried in Qin Yu’s hands.

“Little bastard, the animal body of you dare injure me.”

Mo Jiao said furiously, his face sullen, not only was the body in a wild beast state at this moment, but the entire imposing manner had also become a wild beast. The pair of three-horned snake eyes revealed extremely vicious cold light.

“Well, today I will let you have a taste, what is true despair, when the time comes, you are afraid that you don’t even have the qualifications to regret.” Mo Jiao said sharply.

As its voice fell, the python-like combat body unexpectedly changed again, and several claws grew out of the abdomen.

The claws continued to grow, and the head was also changing. Soon after the terrifying fluctuations emanated, the whole person turned into a black dragon.

“Young Master Qin, be careful. This guy has undergone two transformations. This ink-colored flood dragon is what makes him really scary.”

After seeing the black dragon, Cang Ao’s complexion greatly changed, and a terrifying picture was formed in his mind.

By chance, Cang Ao saw Mo Jiao perform two stages of transformation, and these two stages of transformation were enough to increase Mo Jiao’s strength by more than ten times.

“Hehe, I haven’t used these two transformations for many years, and few people have seen them, because almost all of them are dead.”

After Mo Jiao finished the 2 stages of transformation, he smiled and moved towards Cang Ao and said, “Cang Ao, in this world, you are the only one who has seen me in these 2 stages of transformation. That’s why I attacked and killed. The reason for your body.”

Cang Ao’s complexion was extremely gloomy. Some time ago, he felt that his main body seemed to be in trouble, but he didn’t expect that Mo Jiao would look for his main body for this reason.

“It’s a pity that you still let your body escape, but it’s not far from death.” Mo Jiao shook the head, his face full of indifference.

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