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After the battle between Mo Jiao’s body and Cang Ao’s body, although Cang Ao’s body was not killed, he wounded Cang Ao’s body, fearing that it would not last long.

Qin Yu listened to these words, a surprised look appeared on his face, didn’t expect this kind of hatred between Mo Jiao and Cang Ao’s body.

Mo Jiao was even more invincible under the second stage of transformation. Immediately, his gaze turned to Qin Yu’s body again, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Jiao’s claws were immediately extended.

After the flood claws stretched out, some dark green things leaked from the top, dripping on the ground, and the corroded ground made a creak.

Not only that, there was also a cold Spiritual Qi exuding on the Jiao’s claw, causing the surrounding temperature to drop a lot. Just standing in it, it already felt extremely cold.

Obviously, this is Mo Jiao’s hole card, and this hole card, extremely powerful and terrifying, is the strongest power Qin Yu has ever seen.


After the Mo Jiao displayed two stages of deformation, the silhouette shook. The entire beast body attacked at lightning speed. The terrifying speed caused the surrounding air to burst one after another.

When he got to Qin Yu, Mo Jiao lifted his claws and danced at extreme speed. The strong offensive turned into claw shadows in the sky, cold light fluctuating, and moved towards Qin Yu enveloped at extreme speed.

Ka-cha, ka-cha!

After Mo Jiao’s offensive unfolded, without touching Qin Yu, the Cold Qi above the Jiao’s claws froze the air, and under its majestic battle strength, it quickly broke apart. Come.

Whether it’s the lingering offensive of the Jiao Claw, the Cold Qi that burst out of the claw, and the Flood Dragon Poison, these three things are not touchable.

Now that the three are one, it changes the color of all people.

“Mo Jiao’s attack is so powerful that it is really hidden.” Mushroom said with scorching eyes, and a look of dreading appeared in his eyes.

Yuan Fei is hearing this, and fiercely nodded. Under the attack power of this let, if he confronts alone, he will definitely die.

“It seems that there is no need for the two of us to decide the victory or defeat. As long as Mo Jiao kills Qin Yu, the remaining people will face massacre, and we will win.” Yuan Fei said indifferently, and there was something in his voice. Doubtful confidence.

This confidence did not come from Yuan Fei himself, but from the attack on Mo Jiao, reaching a state of conviction, thinking that Qin Yu was impossible to escape from it.

However, while the two people were happy, a worrisome color appeared in the depths of their eyes. After all, there was only one Primordial Spirit of the ancient demon soul, and it was impossible for 2 people to allocate it at the same time.

After they drove or killed Qin Yu, there was still a fierce battle between the three. Now the stronger Mo Jiao’s performance, the greater the pressure on Mushi and Yuan Fei.

Qin Yu’s complexion also changed drastically. He immediately left and burst back. On his hands, the blue light and black light interlaced, attacking continuously.

This cyan light is the eruption of Azure Dragon claws, and the black light is Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art. These two martial skills are shot continuously, which cancels out most of the shadow of the claws.


A ghost of a flood claw landed on Qin Yu’s arm, causing Qin Yu’s arm to immediately appear a blood stain, deep visible bones, flesh and blood rolling.

Moreover, on the wound, there is a Force of Strange Cold spreading, moving towards Qin Yu’s arm, and it spreads, trying to freeze Qin Yu’s arm.

Qin Yu looked at the bloodstain on his arm with an extremely gloomy complexion. Fortunately, above this claw shadow, he only had physical attacks and Force of Strange Cold, not at all Flood Dragon Poison. Otherwise, he was afraid that he would be poisoned and died.

However, this Force of Strange Cold cannot be underestimated. Once this thing spreads to all of his right arm, then his right arm may be completely necrotic, and it will be abolished.

“God Slaughter Extreme Flame!”

Qin Yu’s thoughts moved slightly, and a Spirit Fire spread out from his shoulders, quickly moved towards the entire arm, refining these Cold Qi.

Under the refining of God Slaughter Extreme Flame, Cold Qi attached to Qin Yu’s right arm was pushed back a little bit, and finally turned into a mist and dissipated.

“Hey, you turned out to be a Spirit Flame teacher, hehe, it seems that you are really capable, but I don’t believe that you can resolve my Cold Qi every time.” Mo Jiao’s face showed a touch of astonishment. color.

But soon, this look of consternation turned into a thick look of ridicule, because the injuries on Qin Yu’s body have already explained everything.

“Resolve the shit, next time, if you can touch me, or two.” Qin Yu snorted coldly, still without any timidity.

Immediately, Qin Yu’s body suddenly agitated, and Spiritual Qi unreservedly aroused, whistling around his body, forming 9 Spiritual Qi giant dragons.

Each of these 9 Spiritual Qi giant dragons is extremely scary, and there is a faint sign of boiling, and the pressure on it makes the Mo Jiao expression change in front of him.

“Does this little bastard have any means to fail?” Mo Jiao said in a puzzled manner, suddenly having a bad feeling in his heart.

At the moment when the bad premonition appeared, he was strangled to death by Mo Jiao fiercely in the heart, and he made a decisive move, and moved towards Qin Yu again. The attack power in his hand was twice as powerful as before.

No matter what moves Qin Yu may have, the safest result is to kill Qin Yu directly here, so that Qin Yu has no chance to do anything, so that he can be completely at ease.

“I’m anxious now, I’m afraid it will be late!”

Qin Yu said indifferently, his hands completely changed, and he controlled 9 Spiritual Qi giant dragons, swiftly running, moving towards Mo Jiao gathered in the past.

Mo Jiao’s fierce attack burst open, continuously strikes on the Spiritual Qi giant dragon, but did not cause any damage.

This scene caused Mo Jiao’s complexion to fuse, and his full attack could not shake Qin Yu’s martial skill.

“Really strong fluctuations, this guy can even display such martial skills, which caused such violent fluctuations.” Yuan Fei said in horror.

The face of Mushroom also changed, and immediately said, “This is an Ancient Martial skill. Could it be that this kid has cultivated inheritance martial skill to Small Accomplishment.”

2 Like Mo Jiao, both expressions are fused. It is really rare to be able to comprehend those inheritance martial skills to such a point in such a short time.

Even on their Old Monsters, they can’t do it as fast.

Hong long long !

Nine Spiritual Qi giant dragons, surrounded by the terrifying power, made Mo Jiao’s expression extremely panic. He tried all means to crack it.


Qin Yu drank lightly, folded his palms together, and 9 Spiritual Qi giant dragons and giant dragons were together, completely wrapped the ink Jiao in it, and sealed it in.

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