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In the depths of Duan Wuhu’s eyes, there was a cold color. This was the first time he heard that someone treated him as Yan Yun’s running dog to his face. He absolutely couldn’t tolerate this.

Seeing the cold color in Duan Wuhu’s eyes, Yan Yun couldn’t help but fiercely trembled, and immediately explained: “Brother Duan, I absolutely didn’t mean this.”

“Well, I know, this person is just soliciting discord. What is going on on weekdays, and what will happen in the future.” Duan Wuhu said in abdominal language.

Qin Yu saw Duan Wuhu speaking in ventriloquism, and a surprised look appeared in his eyes, and immediately said with a smile: “I really admire you for being a running dog for others, but your running dog relationship is still today. That’s it.”

“Hmph, Qin Yu, you don’t want to be rampant here, brother Duan’s strength is much higher than you, you are dead.” Yan Yun said with gnashing teeth.

Even though Qin Yu has a taste of instigating discord, there is always something better about his relationship with Duan Wuhu. After this incident, I am afraid that some estrangement will appear.

Seeing that Yan Yun has always regarded Duan Wuhu as his “backer”, Qin Yu’s eyes showed a touch of drama and abuse, and then said: “Lingshan, Shuangxue, Shuanghan, the three of you will encircle Yanyun and the others. Get up, don’t kill them first, I let them see with their own eyes how Duan Wuhu died.”

“Yes, Young Master Qin!” 3 people responded at the same time, quickly besieging Yan Yun and the others.

Yanyun and Yanliang each lost an arm, and the battle strength of the two people dropped greatly. As for the remaining 2th Layer Peak warriors, there is nothing to worry about. Three people are enough to deal with it, and more than enough.

“Hehe, besie us, wait a while for you to die, I see what else the three of them are capable of.” Yan Yun didn’t mind sneered.

Qin Yu didn’t pay attention to Yan Yun anymore, but looked towards Duan Wuhu, indifferently said: “Do it.”

Qin Yu and the people of Great Yan Dynasty have never had any grudges or disputes. However, this entire group took advantage of Qin Yu’s ignorance and wanted to plot against Qin Yu, and obtained the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit from Qin Yu to please him. Song She.

Holding other people’s things and asking for someone who is really strong, this kind of heart is too vicious.

In this way, the killing intent in Qin Yu’s heart quickly agitated, one after another majestic Spiritual Qi, burst out, turning into a spiritual Qi storm in the sky, roaring fiercely.

“Hehe, I really thought you had the ability to compete with me after avoiding my sneak attack, a joke.” Duan Wuhu couldn’t help but raise his eyes when he saw Qin Yu want to fight him alone. A touch of sneer.


The power on his body also fluctuates suddenly like Qin Yu, but his fluctuation seems to be much stronger than Qin Yu, fierce and unusual.

After Duan Wuhu urged and agitated that majestic power, it moved with Duan Wuhu’s hands and gradually gathered in front of his chest, forming an illusory 8 hexagram map.

The 8 hexagrams are divided into yin and yang, with black mist rising on one side and white smoke curling on the other side. The 8 fish eyes in the center of the 2 hexagrams also evoke a sky of killing aura. There is actually a feeling that makes people tremble all over. .

“Blood killing 8 hexagrams, Brother Duan actually made this martial skill, it seems that what this guy said just now completely angered Brother Duan.”

“The blood kill 8 hexagram is a Heaven Rank low grade martial skill, and it has been cultivated to Perfection Realm by Brother Duan, coupled with Brother Duan’s powerful realm cultivation base and the formidable power of this move, it is not bad.”

Everyone in Great Yan Dynasty saw this blood kill 8 hexagrams, each and everyone had a terrified look in their eyes, as if they were extremely jealous of this trick.

In Yan Yun’s eyes, there was also fiercely’s shock.

Although his realm is the same as Duan Wuhu, Duan Wuhu has the qualifications to attack the 6th Layer Middle Stage. This martial skill is enough to crush him, and he has no power to resist.

“It seems that the word’running dog’ completely angered Brother Duan, so when Brother Duan came up, it was such a killer move, hehe, this kid is dead.” A take pleasure in appeared in Yan Yun’s eyes. Other people’s expression of misfortune, smiled coldly.

Qin Yu dared to cut off his arm, and now this hatred is finally going to be repaid.


After displaying the 8 hexagrams of blood killing, Duan Wuhu did not hesitate anymore. With a touch of his finger, the 8 hexagrams pattern containing killing aura was crushed by fiercely’s moved towards Qin Yu.

Qin Yu looked at the familiar 8-hexagram pattern, and a touch of surprise appeared in his eyes. He suddenly thought that his previous cultivation of the ancient Eight Extremes Fist could also condense 8 hexagrams.

However, the ancient Eight Extremes Fist cultivation to 8% perfection is no more powerful than the quasi Heaven Rank martial skill, and the blood kill 1 hexagrams in front of you are Heaven Rank low grade martial skill, and it is in the Heaven Rank low grade martial skill. , Can be regarded as the strongest martial skill.

However, if he wanted to use such a martial skill to kill Qin Yu, then Wuhu had miscalculated.

“Heaven Rank low grade martial skill, hehe, I have it too.”

Qin Yu smiled indifferently, the roaring Spiritual Qi rolled up into his body, and then spit out. In a blink of an eye, the gleaming Spiritual Qi turned into a gray and black color, moving towards the sky, rushing quickly Go, get together.

Above the sky, a black magic disk suddenly appeared. This magic disk was about 3 feet square. The whole body was gray and black. It was extremely solid. It hovered wherever it was. It slowly turned, as if it could push the sky out of a hole.


After the heavenly demon disk was cast, it suddenly moved towards the 8 hexagrams that was pressed, and the moment when the two collided, the surrounding air was blasted away in an instant, forming Destruction Strength, and moved towards all around dispersed.

Such a scene, as if the sky was shaken, the waves of destruction formed by the air fluctuated violently, extremely shocking.


The heavenly demon disk spins at extremely fast speed, the majestic and heavy power, and the little by little crushing past, makes the originally somewhat illusory 8-hexagram pattern, fiercely’s trembling, seems to be split at any time.

And this crisp cracking sound, in the eyes of the warriors of Great Yan Dynasty, made the warriors of Great Yan Dynasty have an astonished expression in their eyes, as if they had seen something incredible.

“The blood-killing 8 hexagrams are actually cracked. This guy’s Heaven Rank low grade martial skill is also cultivated to Perfection Realm, and it seems to be much stronger than Duan brother’s blood-killing hexagrams.”

“Could it be that this person’s battle strength is much more terrifying than Brother Duan, this time is worse.”

The people of Great Yan Dynasty whispered that there was some fear in their words. They sneak attacked Qin Yu and wanted to use Qin Yu’s head to honor Song She’s hatred. Once Duan Wuhu loses, they will It is inevitable to be slaughtered by Qin Yu.

“Shut up, what nonsense are you talking about, Brother Duan is impossible to lose, shut up all of them, shut up!”

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