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Yan Yun was hearing this, the blue veins on his forehead burst out instantly, and he turned around and roared to prevent everyone from talking nonsense here and disturbing his mind.

But when he looked towards both sides of the war, his eyes were extremely gloomy, and his heart was trembling. Above his back, he was unconsciously sweating.

Duan Wuhu’s face is not very good-looking, his eyes sank, and a haze appeared in his eyes, and immediately coldly snorted and said: “hmph, it seems that I still underestimate you, but do you really think this is the end? Let you see the real blood kill 8 hexagrams.”

Before he finished his words, Duan Wuhu pierced his finger, and on his fingertip, he immediately pointed out 2 blood essences, which were submerged in the 8 fish eyes in the 2 hexagrams.

As the two blood essences submerged into the fish’s eyes, bursts of blood mist rose up from the fish’s eyes, and the blood quickly spread, completely dyeing the 2 hexagrams red, and the Blood Fiend Qi became even more rich.

“Qin Yu, see it, this is the real blood kill 8 hexagrams, and it has surpassed the category of Heaven Rank low grade martial skill. If you can see it, you are considered lucky.” Duan Wuhu’s mouth showed a touch of arrogance. The color.

After incorporating these 2 drops of blood essence, the 8 hexagrams of Blood Killing finally leaked out of their original features, and the formidable power will be increased by more than ten times, absolutely tyrannical.

Not surprisingly, Qin Yu must die!

Hong long!

As the blood baleful qi on the blood kill 8 hexagram rises, one after another mysterious fluctuation, spreads, and on the heavenly demon disk, there is also a tendency of retreat, and one after another crack appears on the top, which spreads rapidly. Makes the heavenly demon disk finally burst open.

Seeing the explosion of the heavenly demon disc, Qin Yu’s eyes condensed a little, and his speed dodges, avoiding the powerful blow of the 8 hexagrams of blood killing, his face is a little indifferent, and slightly shook the head.

“It seems that the two martial skills of Azure Dragon Claw and Heavenly Demon Disk are no longer enough to deal with powerful enemies.” Qin Yu said somewhat helplessly in his heart.

These two sect martial skills are strong enough. However, with the advancement of realm, the formidable power of these two sect martial skills is already insufficient and gradually stretched.

However, in Qin Yu’s mind, there was not much fluctuation. After all, besides these two sect martial skills, he also possessed other methods and did not use them.

“Hehe, do you want to run?”

Duan Wuhu saw Qin Yu dodge extremely fast, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his eyes. Next moment, above the blood kill 8 hexagrams, one after another bloody crystal silk appeared.

These blood-colored crystal filaments, densely packed, with a total of 100, quickly moved towards Qin Yu and enveloped the whole body, sealing all the space around Qin Yu, causing Qin Yu to have no retreat.

“Hahaha, did you see that, this kid has been sealed off by Blood Killing Crystal Silk, this time, let’s see how he runs.”

Yan Yun saw this scene, his eyes were full of surprises, and secretly said in one’s heart, Duan Wuhu was hiding so deeply, even he did not know this blood killing Jingsi.

However, he could see that these blood-killing crystal filaments are extremely tenacious. Compared with the middle grade True Artifact, they are not much better. Qin Yu is besieged by the blood-killing crystal filaments, so only the part of the killing is left, even a little suspense. No.

In this way, he can take Qin Yu’s head and Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit, go to Song She to claim credit, and obtain the status of Beast Palace disciple.

As long as you have the identity of the Beast Palace disciple, on the battlefield of the 100 races, the big races in the top 100 will temporarily don’t dare provoke him.

And by virtue of this status, he can also occupy some good places and benefits in the final competition.

He had heard that on the ladder that day, it was not just a simple assessment, but an endless treasure and benefits. As long as he had the identity of the Beast Palace disciple, then these things would be readily available.

Liu Shuangxue saw Yan Yun’s ecstasy, but in her eyes, there was a look of contempt, and she said: “Hehe, you are really ignorant, but ignorance is the greatest stupidity.”

“Impudent, what did you say?” Yan Yun was furious with Liu Shuangxue’s words.

Qin Yu had fallen into a disadvantage and was soon beheaded. However, Liu Shuangxue was just one of Qin Yu’s subordinates, and she dared to speak to him like this and mock him.

“Hmph, you dare to ridicule me like this, wait a while to catch you, I want to make you look good, tsk tsk, I didn’t find out just now, you are still a beauty, I will let you taste the taste of being a woman in a while, brothers like us I entered the battlefield of the 100 races, but I haven’t tasted a woman for a long time.”

Yan Yun is coldly snorted, said with a smile, and there is an evil light in his eyes.

Liu Shuangxue was hearing this, and she felt a super disgusting meaning radiating from her heart, making her feel uncomfortable. If it weren’t for Qin Yu’s explanation, she would have gone up and killed Yan Yun with a single sword.

“Yan Yun, you are really disgusting, but you are afraid that you will not have this chance. To tell you the truth, the heavenly demon disk is just one hair from nine oxen of Young Master Qin’s strength. If Young Master Qin does a real killer Trick, your backer, Duan Wuhu, is afraid that Yellow Springs would have died long ago.” Liu Shuang Xue Wuqing slammed.

Yan Yun was hearing this for a moment. Could it be Qin Yu’s strength and reservations, but how is this possible?

This lady must be lying here, trying to lie to him and mess his mind.

But I don’t know why, Yan Yun still couldn’t help moving towards the battlefield. Looking at the battlefield, the anxiety in his heart never stopped, her fists clenched and trembled.


After Duan Wuhu used the blood-killing crystal wire to trap Qin Yu, he quickly gathered the blood-killing crystal wire. The densely packed blood-killing crystal wire formed a large net, and finally fell on Qin Yu, besieging Qin Yu. solid.

“Qin Yu, the next move is your death date. Remember, the person who killed you was named Duan Wuhu, not anyone’s running dog, and will stand out from the 100 clan battlefield and become the most eye-catching existence.” Wu Hu said proudly.

He Duan Wuhu swore to the death to walk on Martial Dao Avenue.

“Oh? It’s rare that you have this confidence, but unfortunately, you got the wrong person, so you can only be trampled on the battlefield of these 100 races and become a dead bone here.” Qin Yu said indifferently.

Hong long!

In an instant, Qin Yu within the body seemed as if a tiger had awakened, and the black aura, like a spring, spewed majesticly, forming a huge pressure.

At the same time, on Qin Yu’s skin, a little streamer appeared, and on the spine, a vague phantom appeared, just like a dragon.

“Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, open for me!” Qin Yu shouted.

As this burst of shouting sound spread rapidly in the space, the majestic power poured into the 4 limbs and 100 skeletons, and the body shook slightly, the seemingly tenacious blood-killing crystal silk, inch by inch broke apart. , Instantly turned into a powder.


Seeing this scene, Duan Wuhu’s face suddenly changed.

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