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Duan Wuhu knew that although his blood-killing crystal silk was not made by Divine Weapon, each one possessed the hardness and toughness of middle grade True Artifact, and when it shrank, it was enough to divide the warrior into countless pieces.

Even those powerful Demon Beasts could not escape his blood-killing crystal silk strangling, but the blood-killing crystal silk he was proud of was actually shattered.

“How did you do it?” Duan Wuhu asked subconsciously.

This was the first time he encountered this situation, and he couldn’t help but not be alarmed.

Yan Yun’s expression also changed drastically at this moment. Only then did he remember Liu Shuangxue’s words. It was not from groundless origin, but because he was really ignorant, which made him shiver fiercely.

Ignorance, how terrifying is!

Qin Yu grinned, and a faint arc appeared at the corner of his mouth. He explained, “Although your blood-killing crystal silk is tough, my battle body is stronger, and the hardness is second only to high grade True Artifact.”

“What, second only to high grade True Artifact, how is this possible?” Duan Wuhu lost his voice, he really couldn’t figure out how can one’s battle strength be so strong.

“There is nothing impossible, the key is to see how you cultivation, but in the future, you are afraid that there will be no chance of cultivation.”

Qin Yu indifferently said, slammed his foot on the ground, and the powerful force rushed under the ground. A crack of more than 2 meters wide and ten meters long appeared on the ground.

With the help of the counter-shock force from the ground, Qin Yu’s silhouette, like a cannonball, rushed forward suddenly, leaving behind one after another gray afterimage.

Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art goes to the back, the more difficult it is to break through. However, after the breakthrough, it brings a qualitative increase to Qin Yu, which makes Qin Yu’s explosive power increase countless times.


The gray afterimage fell in front of Duan Wuhu’s eyes. Duan Wuhu only felt his eyes sway, and a touch of blood sprayed out of his forehead. Half of his head was disappeared, and only that was left as if it were ripe. A red thing like a watermelon.

Brush, brush, shua!

Everyone in the Great Yan Dynasty was stunned by this scene. They were completely stupefied. Their backer, their proud trump card, was actually killed by Qin Yu.

“How is this possible? This is impossible. Brother Duan is an expert who has the qualification to attack the 6th Layer Middle Stage. How could he be killed in seconds.”

“Anyone who can kill Duan in seconds can only be done by experts in the top 100 of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking. Could it be that Qin Yu’s strength has also reached the top 100.”

“Yan Yun, I blame you, why are you going to provoke this demon? Okay now, we are all going to die here.”

The people of Great Yan Dynasty finally all pointed the finger at Yan Yun, looked at Yan Yun with anger, wishing to swallow Yan Yun alive.

If it were not for Yan Yun’s greed of the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit in the Qin Yu storage bag, and wanted to deliberately please Beast Palace envoy Song She, they would not die here today.

“gu lu !”

Yanyun complexion ashen swallowed a mouthful of water, and the whole person seemed to be mad, standing there blankly, looking at the corpse of the Wuhu that hadn’t completely fallen down, as if dreaming.

“Are you dreaming?”

Yan Yun murmured in his heart, he must be dreaming, but what made him laugh is that this dream is a bit too real, it looks exactly like the real one.

Qin Yu’s news, he has inquired about, just killed more than 100 Meixu in the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking of 600 races. The strength is basically impossible.


“Dreaming, I let you dream.”

Just as Yan Yun was immersed in the dream, there was a fiery pain on his face. When Yan Yun saw it clearly, she found Liu Shuangxue standing in front of him, and still slapped his face.

“Isn’t it a dream?” Yan Yun felt the pain on his face, and his eyes suddenly changed.

Pa pa pa !

Liu Shuangxue’s violent temper slapped Yan Yun’s face, slap after slap, Yan Yun’s face swelled directly under the terrifying power.

The slap of each and everyone completely pulled Yan Yun back from the dream.

Only then did he realize that he was not dreaming at all, everything was true, and the Duan Wuhu he relied on was really killed in a second.

“Looking at your face, it seems that you have awakened from a dream, but I suggest that you go to Netherworld to dream next time you dream. This is a place where there is no that many daydreams for you.”

Liu Shuangxue sneered, and with a light tap of her finger, a white light shot in from Yan Yun’s throat, but when shot from the back of his head, it had already turned into a blood light.


Yan Yun’s corpse fell heavily to the ground, stirring up some dust and completely dead.

“Kill everyone else too.” Qin Yu said indifferently.

Mu Lingshan and the three Liu Family sisters made a shot together, quick sword cuts through tangled hemp, and killed all the remaining Yan Clan warriors. In this way, the entire Yan Clan was directly destroyed.

Looking at Yan Clan’s body, Qin Yu’s face is still a little dull, as if happy does not raise.

From Yan Yun’s words and performance, Qin Yu could see that this guy was not sent by Song She deliberately to embarrass Qin Yu, but made his own way.

However, this is more terrifying.

Without Song She’s order, these people wanted to take Qin Yu’s head and Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit to go to Song She to claim credit, and this type of people might not be rare.

If Song She did some tricks in secret, then the next situation would be in jeopardy, and I was afraid that many people would come back to trouble them.

“Although these 100 clan battlefields have some constraints on Song She, Song She’s influence is a bit too great, and even if the 100 clan battlefields are calculated, Song She is also a difficult opponent.” Qin Yu has some speechless sayings.

When he got the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit and rejected Song She face to face, he saw too many people, which inevitably made the news leak out.

Fortunately, this is a battlefield of 100 races. Otherwise, how crazy the Old Monsters who are greedy for Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit will be, this is hard for Qin Yu to imagine.

“Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit is of great value, but once the news is exposed, this thing is like a hot potato, which will cause endless trouble.” Dragon Soul also said with a calm face.

Incarnation this kind of Magical Powers can only be cultivated after the Primordial Spirit is condensed, and before the Primordial Spirit is condensed, this Magical Powers makes it impossible for many people, like a moon in the water.

But this Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit can condense the warriors before the Primordial Spirit to refine an Avatar. This attraction is enough to drive those Old Monsters crazy.

Moreover, this Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit is still in the hands of a discipline of a 100 race battlefield. The Old Monsters will naturally use some of their minds to fight for it.

“It’s really a hot potato, but this thing, I’m impossible to give up, it’s really a bit difficult.” Qin Yu said with a bitter smile.

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