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But Qin Yu just blurted out these words, regretting in his heart.

Sure enough, Liu Shuangxue’s beautiful eyes opened wide, and moved towards Qin Yu threw a wink, and said mischievously: “Hehe, I’m not ashamed or impatient, as long as Young Master Qin doesn’t dislike me, I can control He the actual situation.”

When everyone heard this, they all smiled fascinatingly, their eyes were placed on Qin Yu, and they seemed to think that Qin Yu understood what they meant.

Qin Yu’s face darkened slightly, and he realized that sometimes he was not the opponent of Liu Shuangxue this girl at all, so he had to give up and urged everyone: “Let’s enter the city.”

Under the urging of Qin Yu, everyone started to move, and moved towards the core city of 10000 ancient city rushed forward, moved towards the final place of competition.

In fact, the North City is not too far away from the core city. If you are on your way, it only takes more than three days.

It only takes a day or so to come to this 10000 ancient city from the relics of the Great War. However, this day’s journey, because Qin Yu and the others need to be continuously cultivated, took more than 4 days.

These 4 days have been extremely slow, but everyone’s strength has improved. The Mist and Blood Fiend Tiger King in Qin Yu’s pocket has long been eaten by everyone.

As everyone approached the core city, the silhouettes on the road gradually increased. In the eyes of these people, all with joy, like crazy, rushed into the core city.

Here, regardless of the level of the cultivation base, being able to come to this final competition is originally a kind of out of the ordinary. Even if it cannot stand out, it can also increase insight.

Of course, Qin Yu noticed that among these dragons and snakes mingle crowds, there are also many of the former. The expert of the 6th Layer Initial Stage, Qin Yu has noticed several people, and the breath is not weak, many of them are Duan Wuhu-level powerhouse.

In a race, if you have a powerhouse like Duan Wuhu, it is on the top of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, at least about 100, and it can be regarded as a strong family here.

Through the crowd, Qin Yu and the others gradually came to the core city, and the fuzzy outline before then finally became clear at this moment.

This core city is as big as 20 northern cities. Compared with the northern city, the city wall is much higher. The upper part is 100 ten meters thick. If several dozen meters are circled, it can be used as a martial stage. .

“This city is a bit surprisingly big.”

Qin Yu murmured, although he had already guessed the majesty of this core city, when he really walked under the city wall, he couldn’t help but feel shocked.

The 100-meter-thick city wall is all made of huge rocks. I really don’t know how powerful a sect is to build such a magnificent city wall.

On this city wall, there is a groove every 1000 meters, and there is some pitch black and some special atmosphere on it. It must be the place where the Protection Formation Law is arranged.

Qin Yu Divine Sense found out that in the place where the Formation was arranged, some fluctuations can still be felt so far. Even if it is very subtle, it is somewhat dreaded.

If it were in the period of 10000 ancient city’s heyday, then this Formation is absolutely terrifying, at least not what Qin Yu’s current knowledge can imagine.

But even such a powerful sect turned into ashes, leaving only an empty city.

“Young Master Qin, you see what it is, it seems to be a legendary ladder.” Mu Lingshan suddenly said in surprise.

Qin Yu hurriedly looked up and saw that in the Core Center, there was an extremely majestic tower, standing upright, submerged in the clouds, and extremely magnificent.

“Yes, it is the legendary ladder. The legendary ladder is a tall tower, which fits it.” Qin Yu said in a low voice, the pupil light was full of emotion.

When Qin Yu and Cang Ao communicated privately, Cang Ao once mentioned the majesty of the ladder, so Qin Yu is no stranger to this ladder.

Just hearing what is false, seeing is believing. Now that he really saw this ladder, Qin Yu was completely shocked.

In addition, because of the blocking of the city wall, what they saw was not the full picture of the ladder, just the tip of the iceberg.

“Go, let’s go in, go up the city wall to see, where might we be able to see the real ladder.” Qin Yu coldly shouted, first walked into the core city and boarded the city wall.

The discipline of Sword Top Sect couldn’t conceal the impulse in his heart, and hurriedly followed behind Qin Yu, rushed to the wide city wall, and completely put the tower into his eyes.

Above the tower, there is a row of stairs, which is more than 50 meters wide. Starting from the ground, straight moved towards the top of the tower and rushing towards the top of the tower, sinking into the clouds, without knowing the end.

On the two sides of the high tower, there are some pavilions guarded by some Formation, dimly visible, just like Immortal Realm, there are great treasures there.

Legend has it that this tall tower of heaven is the residence and land of cultivation of Sect Elder in the 10000 ancient city and the City Lord of the 10000 ancient city at that time. There are not only arrays handed down, but also various treasures, medicine pill, and The experience of Xiuwu, if you can get some, it will surely rise up.

Sword Top Sect’s Old Ancestor, Blood Spirit Sect Old Ancestor, Xuanqingzong’s Old Ancestor only stepped on the 1st Layer of the tower, and gained a little bit of benefit from it, and they can dominate the entire deserted continent and become the gods of the deserted continent. The same exists.

Qin Yu couldn’t see through the cultivation base of these three people, but now he has come to this step. In retrospect, it is a bit clear comprehension.

But for the latter two, Qin Yu doesn’t have the slightest meaning of respect, but has a monstrous killing intent.

I think that when Qin Yu entered the 100 clan battlefield, he killed the discipline of two sects and forged an undead vengeance with Blood Spirit Sect Old Ancestor and Xuanqingzong Old Ancestor.

Otherwise, it is not just the discipline of Sword Top Sect that is here now.

Back then, Qin Yu once boasted that if he returned from the battlefield of the 100 clan, he would kill these two old dogs to the last one. Now although nearly two years have passed, the blood debt is still there. Qin Yu never forgets Over.

This incident flashed through Qin Yu’s mind, and was immediately suppressed by Qin Yu. This matter will be discussed later, and what I have to face now is this final competition.

There are many people on the city wall, almost most of the races, the first thing they do when they come to the city wall is to climb the city wall to watch the high tower of the ladder.

While Qin Yu was watching, the crowd suddenly became noisy. A group of people, more than a dozen people, slowly stepped onto the city wall under the congratulations of everyone.

Qin Yu and the others heard the noisy sound, moved towards the crowd and looked at them. In the crowd, everyone was dressed in red robe, revealing a vague atmosphere, which seemed extremely out of the ordinary. .

“Well, the breath of these people is really strong?”

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