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Qin Yu looked at these blood-robe persons, slightly surprised.

Among these people, not only the expert of the 6th Layer Middle Stage of the Earthquan, but also the powerhouse of the 6th Layer Peak, they are extremely powerful.

The expert with the 6th Layer Middle Stage is enough to make it into the top 100 of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking. As for the 6th Layer Peak, I am afraid that it is on the top of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, and the ranking is extremely high.

“Young Master Qin, these people are from the blood elephant clan, do you know them?”

Liu Shuanghan whispered in Qin Yu’s ear that she has been responsible for the collection of various news, and it is not difficult to recognize these people’s identities immediately.

The blood elephant race is not a foreign race, but like Qin Yu and the others, it is a Human Race, but within the body, it contains the blood essence of the blood elephant.

Rumor has it that the ancestors of the blood elephant clan once swallowed a blood elephant great demon that was almost condense Primordial Spirit, merged with the bloodline of the blood elephant, and has been inherited. Since then, there has been a blood elephant clan.

Although the blood elephant clan is not as strong as it was born at the beginning, but on the battlefield of these 100 clan, it is considered the strongest race, so after entering the city, it attracted attention.

Many small and weak races surround the blood elephant clan, expressing humility and praying to catch up with a strong clan like the blood elephant clan. Later, when I was at Scaling Heaven Stairs, I received some care from the other party, so I have this scene.

“The blood elephant family?”

Qin Yu murmured, grinning said with a smile: “I can’t talk about acquaintance, it’s just that a few of this group of people make me feel dangerous…”

The warrior of the 6th Layer Middle Stage is that’s all, Qin Yu can deal with it, and even kill it, but the warrior of the 6th Layer Peak gives Qin Yu a strong sense of oppression.

Qin Yu had to pay attention to this existence.

Liu Shuangxue nodded, the warrior of the 6th Layer Peak, is indeed a little rare. Now that he appears here, he should be careful.

“This blood elephant clan is indeed powerful. Although I haven’t collected their specific rankings, Zhu Ying, the leader of the blood elephant clan, is indeed terrifying. We must be careful of this person.” Liu Shuangxue nodded, said solemnly.

Qin Yu looked at the crowd of blood elephants and remembered the name Zhu Ying in the heart. This is a very terrifying expert. This person is a rare expert of the 6th Layer Peak in the ground spring.

In addition to Zhu Ying, the blood elephant clan has at least three 3th Layer Middle Stage experts. These people are also extremely out of the ordinary and are strong opponents.

“It seems that in this final competition, there are a lot of terrifying experts, and I don’t know the ranking of this blood elephant clan on the top 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking.” Qin Yu murmured in his heart.

After the blood elephant clan felt Qin Yu’s gaze, several of them also moved towards Qin Yu, but they just swiped Qin Yu’s body, then retracted their eyes, behaving, and somewhat disdain for Qin Yu and the others. .

Obviously, a cultivation base like Qin Yu can’t get into their eyes. For this matter, Qin Yu is just a faintly smiled, not at all too many actions, not taking seriously.

After the blood elephant clan climbed on the city wall, they also watched the tall tower of the ladder. In the pupil light, some look of shock also flashed.

“Is this the high tower of the ladder? It is really majestic and magnificent, but the position we occupy is not very good, and we still can’t see the full view of the tower of the ladder.” Zhu Ying said indifferently.

In this city, in addition to high towers, there are many tall buildings, these buildings will block some of the line of sight, so even if you want to see the towers on the city wall, you must find a good angle.

Where Qin Yu and the others stand, there are few sheltered buildings, so you can get a glimpse of the whole view of the tower.

“Hehe, big brother Zhu, since we can’t see clearly here, we might as well just change to another place, and it’s good to see where those people are standing.” One of them laughed and looked towards Qin Yu and the others.

The other people also looked towards Qin Yu and the others, and before Zhu Ying could speak, the young man who spoke moved towards Qin Yu and the others.

“Zhu Ying big brother wants to see the whole view of the high tower of the sky ladder, you still don’t hurry up, if it is slow, Zhu Ying big brother is unhappy, be careful not to eat.”

The young man stepped forward, waved his hand like a fly, and suddenly scolded.

Qin Yu’s frowned, looked towards Zhu Ying over there, but Zhu Ying did not at all stop his actions, but acquiesced to the other party’s arrogant posture.

On Qin Yu’s side, Liu Shuanghan, Liu Shuangxue, and Mu Lingshan also showed a hint of dissatisfaction. They seemed extremely dissatisfied with the youth of the blood elephant clan.

“Sorry, this place is already occupied by us. You want to peek at the high tower of the ladder and come back when we leave.” Liu Shuanghan said indifferently.

The young man raised his brows, it seemed that Liu Shuanghan would not expect Liu Shuanghan to talk to him in this way. In his brows, a touch of warmth and anger immediately appeared, and his expression became cold.

“According to you, did you let us wait here?”

The young man let out a cold voice, and said, “Unfortunately, as members of the blood elephant clan, we don’t have the habit of waiting for others. As long as it’s something we are fancy, we must get it.”

“Hmph, your blood elephant family does not have the habit of and the others, like the barren clan, we have no habit of letting people. Since it is something we occupy, no one should try to take it away.” Liu Shuanghan coldly said, and the youth a pin against an awl , Not giving up.

If this young man speaks happily, Qin Yu and the others would have left long ago. However, this young man’s attitude is extremely bad, which makes Qin Yu and the others a little unhappy.

If you leave here like this, then Qin Yu and the others are afraid that they will become the other’s joke. There is no doubt about this. Therefore, Qin Yu completely acquiesced to Liu Shuanghan’s emergence.


Hearing these two words, the young man seemed a little confused. He turned to the crowd and said: “Have any of you heard of the deserted race? Why do I know nothing about this race.”

The other people also looked at each other in blank dismay. They knew very little about the desert clan, and eventually shook the head, and did not know the origin of Qin Yu and the others.

Just when the youth was slightly disappointed, a warrior who surrounded the blood elephant clan graciously said: “The name of the desert clan, I seem to have heard of it for a few days, and it is rumored that there was a conflict with a Sir Patrol Envoy.”

“What, had a conflict with Patrol Envoy?”

Hearing this, everyone’s complexion has changed. Patrol Envoy is the powerhouse among powerhouses. Those who dare to conflict with Patrol Envoy must be out of the ordinary.

Therefore, the young man seemed to be dazed for a while, not knowing how to deal with the matter before him.

At this time, the diligent warrior opened the mouth and said again: “But Cao Yang’s big brother, in the top 100 of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, there seems to be no desert race. If this is the case, they are not. It is worth mentioning.”

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