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The young man who talked to Qin Yu and the others is the big brother Cao Yang in his mouth.

When Cao Yang heard this, his eyes lit up, and he immediately sneered: “Hehe, it turned out to be a rubbish race that didn’t even enter the top 100 of the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking. I said why I haven’t heard of it before. The clown dare to be impudent in front of me. Isn’t that ridiculous.”

As for the conflict between Qin Yu and Patrol Envoy Song She, Cao Yang didn’t care.

After all, although Patrol Envoy is powerful, it is not allowed to attack the disciplines on the battlefield of the 100 races. This is an iron rule, and no one dares to easily violate it.

In this way, some people have the courage to bump into Patrol Envoy one or two sentences, but it is reasonable.

The people around are hearing this, and there is also a look of ridicule on their faces. The expression of disdain of hiding the sky and covering the earth is constantly falling on Qin Yu and the others. They feel that Qin Yu is too ridiculous.

“What if you haven’t entered the top 100 of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking?”

Liu Shuanghan frowned her brows, but she didn’t have the slightest intention to retreat. Instead, she was full of confidence and not at all because of their rankings, and she felt depressed.

I think they have come across a lot of experts along the way, but now they are trampled under their feet and become their stepping stones, and they have just come here.

“Hehe, below the top 100, they are all rubbish, haven’t you heard of this matter?” Cao Yang said disdainfully, his face full of arrogance.

For races like them, for races other than the top 100 in the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking of the 100 races, they are simply to disdain as beneath contempt, and they don’t even want to take a straight look.

Although this was a bit arrogant, after everyone heard it, they all fell silent, not at all objecting.

Obviously, this sentence has become a recognized thing in the core city of this 10000 ancient city.

“I’ll say it again, you rubbish, get out of the way, otherwise, don’t blame you, but there is no one alive under my blood butcher Cao Yang.” Cao Yang said coldly.

When everyone heard the three words “blood butcher”, their whole body trembled fiercely. They were no strangers to the three words “blood butcher”, but they were extremely jealous.

“Blood butcher Cao Yang, he actually appeared here, and he is a member of the blood elephant clan, which is really unexpected.”

“I have heard that Cao Yang, the blood butcher, personally destroyed 3 races that are ranked more than 100 on the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking. It is quite terrifying. It’s courting death.”

“Cao Yang’s battle strength itself is out of the ordinary, and now it is backed by the powerful lineage of the blood elephant, so that Cao Yang can’t provoke him at all.”

There was an uproar in the crowd, like an undercurrent in the sea, wave after wave, when looking towards Cao Yang, they were full of fear.

When everyone’s eyes fell on Qin Yu, they all shook the head, thinking that under this situation, Qin Yu and the others might be planted here.

Hearing the color of discussion from the crowd, a smug look appeared on Cao Yang’s face, and said to Liu Shuanghan contorts one’s face in agony: “I heard it, you will die undoubtedly.”

When Cao Yang spoke, a horrible breath spread from within the body, and the strong Spiritual Qi storm swept through the body, making many people tremble.

At the same time, everyone could feel that the vague blood baleful qi and the icy killing intent mixed in Cao Yang’s breath, as if even this world had become cold.

Obviously, Cao Yang has already had murderous intention on Liu Shuanghan and Qin Yu and the others, and once he does it, Cao Yang will not leave any room to kill Liu Shuanghan and Qin Yu and the others.

Cao Yang, the blood butcher, was not called for nothing.

Everyone who was aware of Cao Yang’s murderous intention was secretly afraid in their hearts, and involuntarily retreated back. If accidentally, they might be implicated in it and be killed in Yellow Springs.

“They are afraid of you, but my desert clan is not afraid of you. They think it is us who die, but my desert clan thinks that it is you who die, blood butcher Cao Yang, hehe, this name is coming, I am afraid it is futile.”

Liu Shuanghan sneered. Although she is not as strong as Qin Yu, she still has enough confidence to kill Cao Yang.

In the few days in this core city, Qin Yu has been cultivating and honing his martial skills at the slow marching speed. As a Qin Yu servant girl, Liu Shuanghan has not been idle.

“Okay, okay, no wonder you dare to confront Patrol Envoy. It turns out that you are so courageous. I underestimated you before, but I hope your cultivation base is as powerful as your mouth. Otherwise, it will be as beautiful as you. Lulu, if you lose, you won’t end well.”

Cao Yang Yin tested said with a smile, and with the light in his eyes, he couldn’t help but swept Liu Shuanghan’s body. The meaning was so obvious that there was no concealment.

Everyone naturally understood what Cao Yang meant, but under such a scene, no one dared to say nothing, but felt that it was a pity that Liu Shuanghan’s beauty did not fall into their hands.

After Cao Yang’s negative test words fell, Cao Yang moved his feet, like a cheetah, kicked the ground suddenly, moved towards Liu Shuanghan at an incredible speed, leaving behind a series of vague shadows.

In Cao Yang’s hand, there is also a short blade measuring about 30 cm in length. The blade of this short blade protrudes a lot, and the shape is a bit like a sharp axe.


On the short blade, a strong cold light burst out. Accompanied by Cao Yang’s movements, even the expert of the 6th Layer Middle Stage same realm in the Earthquan Realm could be easily obliterated.

Cao Yang’s attack was such a fierce offensive. The countless faces of people who looked at him were shocked, revealing a look of shock, secretly said in one’s heart. Cao Yang deserves to be a blood butcher who can destroy three races by the strength of oneself.

Facing Cao Yang’s fierce attack, Liu Shuanghan’s eyes condensed for a while, the next moment, a long sword appeared in the shot, and the long sword decisively shot out under the eyes of everyone.

The moment the long sword was killed, an extremely powerful sword energy formed an unrolled bolt of white silk, tearing the air alive, and killing it in the blink of an eye.


A crisp metal humming sounded. At the point where the sword energy collided, a silhouette flew out at extreme speed. It was Cao Yang, who had just rushed in, with a cold expression on his face.

He made a sudden killing with this move. When he used it in the past, it was all unfavorable. Almost everyone would suffer a big loss under this move.

But right now, he was beaten back by the latter.

Cao Yang’s gloomy face, moved towards the right hand holding the short blade. On the right hand, drops of bright red liquid flowed out, dyeing the entire short blade red.

Short blade drinks blood, but unfortunately it is not the opponent’s blood, but his Cao Yang’s blood.

Everyone saw that Cao Yang had suffered a bit during the fight, and there was a look of astonishment on his face. It was really scary that the seemingly indifferent girl could do this.

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