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The demon sword hates the sky, and until now is one of Qin Yu’s cards, but Qin Yu rarely uses this stuff when he is not in crisis of life and death.

Seeing Cao Yang who was constantly screaming and struggling fiercely in a sea of ​​blood, everyone looked scared. This scene was too terrifying.

The many experts of the blood elephant clan, each and everyone are extremely discolored. Cao Yang is a rare expert among them, but he ended up like this in the end.

It can be seen that as if the sea of ​​blood had the power to erode life, the continuous extraction of Cao Yang’s Life Power and blood caused Cao Yang’s face to gradually dry up.

In a short while, Cao Yang will turn into a corpse that has been drained of flesh and blood, and the end will be extremely tragic.

“Zhu big brother!”

The people of the blood elephant clan hurriedly looked towards Zhu Ying, and saw Zhu Ying’s face, which was also very ugly. In front of so many people, killing Cao Yang, is this not beating and insulting him?

According to his original idea, it should be Cao Yang under him defeating Liu Shuanghan, and then fiercely trampled on it. After all, the strength of their blood elephant clan lies here.

But now, in front of Zhu Ying, Cao Yang was defeated and ended in such a tragic end. Their blood elephant clan will also become the jokes of others and lose face.

Although these people would not speak on the surface, they would laugh secretly. As Zhu Ying, one of the powerhouses on the 6th Layer Peak of the Earth Spring, he didn’t want to hear any gossip.

Thinking of this, Zhu Ying’s heart gradually rose with a touch of anger, and the whole person burst out like a lion, with terrifying energy in his hand, and directly patted Liu Shuanghan’s heart.

Liu Shuanghan now controls the power of Twin Blood Soul, without distraction, and did not expect that Zhu Ying is so despicable. He took the opportunity to sneak attack her, and immediately felt cold behind her back.

Feeling the crisis coming from behind, Liu Shuanghan was shocked, and the power of Blood Soul hurriedly transferred, but this movement was still a little slow, too late to resist.


Lost the erosion of the power of Blood Soul, Cao Yang fell out of the power of Blood Soul, his whole body was thin with a punch, and his whole body was covered with shriveled skin. It was terrible, his breath was dying, he could die only by half a breath. Absolutely.

However, everyone didn’t have the mind to pay attention to Cao Yang’s fate. Instead, they all focused on Zhu Ying, sucking in a cold breath, and no one didn’t expect Zhu Ying at this time sneak attack.

“elder sister.”

Seeing that Zhu Ying came from the assault, Liu Shuangxue’s complexion changed and hurriedly reminded Liu Shuanghan, but it seemed that it was too late for her to act or Liu Shuanghan’s defense.

Being attacked by a 6th Layer Peak expert sneak attack, even if it is the same realm expert, will be caught off guard, even more how Liu Shuanghan has not reached such a realm.


At this moment, Mu Lingshan also uttered two words. In those eyes, there was a flash of cold light that seemed to burst at any time.

Liu Shuanghan herself, the clothes behind her back were soaked, and a huge crisis in her heart struck her, leaving her at a loss, gradually closing her eyes and waiting for death.


Just after Liu Shuanghan closed his eyes, a dull bloody collision sound came from behind Liu Shuanghan.

Liu Shuanghan’s subconsciously eyes opened, but he saw Qin Yu standing behind her, flushed with blood on the corners of her mouth.

“Young Master Qin !”

Seeing Qin Yu seriously injured, Liu Shuanghan turned pale with fright. She still didn’t understand what happened. Qin Yu took the palm of her hand just now.

Among the members of the desert tribe, only Qin Yu could react quickly, and came behind Liu Shuanghan to block Zhu Ying’s blow.

“I’m fine!”

Qin Yu indifferently said, within the body, a black light, faintly floating, one after another Dragon Qi, diffused, obviously motivated the Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art.

If there is no Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art body, facing the terrifying blow of the 6th Layer Peak of Zhuyingdi Spring, Qin Yu would really die here, there is no doubt about that.

The black light on Qin Yu’s body circulated, a little bit infiltrated into the skin, and it took half a breath to suppress the boiling Bloodline breath within the body and Zhu Ying’s terrifying palm force.

“Zhu Ying, the leader of the blood elephant clan, the top 100 existence of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, and the expert of the 6th Layer Peak of the Earth Springs. Such a title, I want to come to each of them to be extremely dazzling, but now they are shooting sneak attacks on others What about your dignity and face when doing such things as to have no shame?”

Qin Yu lifts the head, looking towards Zhu Ying standing not far from him, cold light is released from his eyes, just like a wild beast that is provoked.

If Zhu Ying is dignified in a straight battle, Qin Yu may not be so angry, after all, victory or defeat is commonplace in battles, and no one can go smoothly on the road of Martial Dao.

But this Zhu Ying, with so many fame and body, the realm is even higher than Liu Shuanghan, but still under the eyes of everyone, doing such a to have no shame thing is really annoying.

Zhu Ying’s face was also gloomy, if he succeeded in the attack just now, then the matter would be that’s all, but he failed, and his face was completely lost.

Sneak attack did not say anything, but failed. Such a result made Zhu Ying a little unacceptable. A raging anger was ignited in her heart, and she could burst out at any time.

“Let your people release Cao Yang, this matter will stop there, if you don’t let it go, don’t blame me for letting your people torture and kill you desert race.” Zhu Ying icily said.

“Hehe, let go?”

Qin Yu raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth and said, “If you don’t have a sneak attack, I might be able to release people, but now you let me release people, it’s a bit naive.”

“Shuanghan, kill Cao Yang!”

Qin Yu ordered coldly, and the long sword in Liu Shuanghan’s hand immediately moved.

In full view, Liu Shuanghan’s long sword directly penetrated Cao Yang’s throat, cut off Cao Yang’s head, and sprayed blood on the city wall, making the city wall more flashed with blood color.

This scene completely angered Zhu Ying, Zhu Ying’s face was twitched violently, Qin Yu actually dared to kill someone in his face, it really eaten a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gallbladder.

“courting death is not!”

Zhu Ying furiously said, the whole person was like an angry lion, her figure was slightly shaken, the violent energy, the impact caused Zhu Ying to dance wildly, her clothes hunted and hunted, a monstrous breath, It exploded on Zhu Ying.

“If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price. This Cao Yang head is the price you hurt me. If you don’t accept it, just come up, We will see who will kill who.”

Qin Yu gloomily said, the same burst of breath rushed up, and his eyes revealed endless murderous intention.

“Well, the people who killed me in front of me dare to be so rampant. Since you ask me for a price, well, you will use all the lives of your desert clan to pay for Cao Yang.” Zhu Ying said furiously.

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