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However, in the face of such a furious Zhu Ying, Qin Yu’s seemingly thin body suddenly took a step, and the whole person was like an unsheathed sword, standing straight in front of Zhu Ying, full of Resolute.

This imposing manner really had a sense of incomprehensibility, which made everyone’s mind fiercely tremble.

“This Qin Yu is really terrifying. He originally thought he was standing in the crowd, not happy nor angry, but he could go crazy, more terrifying than a beast, and the imposing manner is not weaker than Zhu Ying.”

“Yes, we all thought this guy was a docile sheep who would only hide behind a woman, but now it seems that is not the case, but more like a dormant wild beast.”

“Zhu Ying met his opponent this time. Even if he defeated Qin Yu and killed Qin Yu, they will be ashamed of blood as a family.”

Everyone whispered, they realized that Qin Yu is not the kind of pampered young master they imagined, only to yield and tolerate.

After Qin Yu became really angry, it actually gave people a very sharp feeling.

This is like a sharp sword. When it is not out of the sheath, it is plain and ordinary, even a little too ordinary, but once it is out of the sheath, it is 10000 1000 sword light, which is extremely sharp.

With this imposing manner alone, in the face of Zhu Ying’s expert at the 6th Layer Peak of the Earth Spring, his unrelenting and sharp imposing manner is enough to impress everyone.

“If Qin Yu is given some chance, Qin Yu will surely be sword light soaring into the sky, but his realm is really too low, and he took a palm for Liu Shuanghan, causing serious injuries. What a pity, what a pity.” A warrior murmured.

Everyone was also nodded and admitted this.

Even though they looked down on Qin Yu in various ways before, the scene before them made Qin Yu occupy a place in their hearts, even stronger than Zhu Ying.

Seeing Qin Yu’s invincible posture, Zhu Ying’s eyes shrank slightly, and he could feel the terrifying breath of Qin Yu.

But Zhu Ying, the 6th Layer Peak battle strength of the Earth Spring, the leader of the blood elephant clan, wants to let him retreat in the face of difficulties, and this sharp imposing manner alone is still not good.

“I will kill you first, and then kill the people behind you. They will all be buried with Cao Yang.” Zhu Yingyi said fiercely, lifting his palm slightly, and a bloody rays of light slowly condensed in his hands.

This scarlet rays of light is not Martial Soul, but the monster force of blood contained in Zhu Ying within the body. It is also one of Zhu Ying’s most powerful cultivation and one of the strongest trump cards.

The blood light bloomed in Zhu Ying’s hands and quickly condensed into a blood elephant. A scalp tingling horrible throbbing from the blood elephant made everyone feel a tremor from the soul.

“Blood, Zhu Ying actually used this kind of power. He didn’t want to give Qin Yu any chance to make Qin Yu die with one blow.” A warrior lost his voice.

The warrior next to him, nodded, facial expression grave said: “Zhu Ying’s actions today are ashamed. This place naturally finds it back. Now he wants to kill Qin Yu in one blow and find some face, so at first It used the power of blood.”

In the eyes of everyone, the power of the blood image quickly condensed, and in addition to the terrifying aura that made the scalp numb, there was also a vague sound of blood image anger.

“Master, this Zhu Ying condensed blood elephant out of the ordinary, you have to be careful, if it doesn’t work, just use that puppet.” Dragon Soul suggested.

That Qin Yu Qin Yu refining is still a bit worse. Although it can’t be controlled freely, it can only play a battle strength of one in eleven, but it shouldn’t be a problem to stop Zhu Ying.

“To deal with this kind of rubbish, why should I use that puppet, that thing is one of my cards used by Scaling Heaven Stairs, and it cannot be exposed here yet.”

Qin Yu sneered also lifted a palm. In the palm, the golden light quickly condensed, and Qin Yu’s palm was completely dyed into golden, as if it were made of gold.

Moreover, the place in the center of the palm seemed to contain a strong storm, causing the surrounding space to hear a violent howling sound, covering where.

As soon as Qin Yu’s actions were completed, Zhu Ying culled over. The blood in her palm was urged to the extreme, and a fierce color appeared on her face.

He wants to kill Qin Yu completely here, with one blow, and kill him, without giving Qin Yu any chance to resist.

Seeing Zhu Ying’s culling of impatient, Qin Yu sneered at the corner of his mouth. Golden’s palm quickly greeted him and shouted lightly: “Golden stage, the clutches of town!”

Qin Yu golden stage The Demon Palm of Qin Yu has just been cultivated, but the formidable power is not bad. After this palm is slapped up, the golden light masterpiece, faintly dyed the void into golden.

“Golden stage Demon Palm? Hehe, if you dare to confront me forcibly, you don’t know that no matter what martial skill is used, it is rubbish under my bloodline,” Zhu Ying said snered.

If Qin Yu chooses to dodge and find an opportunity to attack him, it may be more difficult, but he chose to meet force with force like this, which is completely courting death.


Golden stage The palm of the town and the power of the blood elephant of Zhu Ying collided, the blood red color and golden intertwined, burst out from the center of the palms of the two, and quickly swept the surrounding void.

That kind of horrible fluctuations caused the faces of the surrounding people to change in shock, and they all took a few steps back, not daring to move forward.

Immediately afterwards, under the eyes of everyone, two figures flew upside down, their figures were a little embarrassed, and the expressions on their faces were different.

The expression on Qin Yu’s face is colder, her eyes are extremely cold, and there has never been any fluctuations, but Zhu Ying’s face is full of ugly and iron.

He did not expect that under the power of his blood, Qin Yu could still block it, and there was a tearing pain on his arm, which made him just hold the peak of the fist. After a long time, he gradually This force dispersed.

The corner of Qin Yu’s mouth also overflowed with some blood. The golden stage formidable power is strong enough to satisfy Qin Yu, but the power of the other party’s blood is not weak, even more how the other party’s realm is placed.

“Qin Yu actually blocked Zhu Ying’s blood power. That is Zhu Ying’s most powerful trump card.”

When many warriors saw this, each and everyone had a look of shock, and their hearts were even more shocking and incomparable. Zhu Ying used the strongest power, but was still blocked by Qin Yu.

Everyone’s eyes are on Qin Yu, not happy nor angry from the very beginning, not tepid, and now hardly shaking Zhu Ying, Qin Yu has brought them too many surprises.

“This guy is really deeply hidden.”

A warrior deeply sucked in a cold breath of air, shocked in his heart, like a stormy sea, constantly impacting his psychology, giving him an indelible impression.

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