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The other disciplines on the battlefield of the 100 clan looked weird when they heard this voice. Obviously, the explanation made by Gu Fan was somewhat far-fetched.

A haze gradually appeared on Gu Fan’s face.

For a while, he did have the heart to protect Song She, after all, Song She is the envoy of Beast Palace, not as a last resort, it is not good to put aside all considerations of face.

However, he underestimated Qin Yu’s determination to kill Song She. Qin Yu plots against him well, and was disturbed by Gu Fan. Although there is no expression on his face, he doesn’t at all like him in his heart.

“But don’t be surprised everyone. The so-called weak are prey to the strong. This is the truth. If I were strong enough today, Song She would have died here long ago, and the king I, your father would have come.”

Qin Yu’s voice suddenly became sharp, the killing intent Ling Ran’s voice echoed across the square, extremely loud, extremely domineering, and extremely sharp.

This sound, like a sharp knife, fiercely pierced everyone’s hearts, causing everyone to tremble fiercely, each and everyone was shocked.

However, before everyone could talk to Gu Fan, Qin Yu looked towards Song She, coldly smiled, and suddenly opened the mouth and said: “Song She, in fact, I really want to see how we two are perish together.”

Song She was hearing this, her complexion changed and then changed again, and then it froze where she was, her eyes widened, she looked at Qin Yu with an incredible expression, shocked to the extreme.

Qin Yu wants to be perish together with him, is this crazy?

Numerous Patrol Envoys, Feng Tianhao, Sovereign Dao, Wuling, and the countless disciplines were all shocked at this brief moment, staring at Qin Yu.

Even Gu Fan was shocked by Qin Yu’s words at this moment. His words just now sounded a little threatening.

Who knows, Qin Yu turned out to be such a dangerous idea, and he has no fear of his threat.

The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became extremely cold and extremely silent.

At this time, no one spoke because they didn’t know what to say.

In the entire square, there was only the sound of everyone’s breathing.

Perish together, how terrifying is this idea, almost madman than madman.

“pu 呲!”

In the silence, after 3 or 4 breaths in Moyue, a chuckle sound broke the tranquility of the scene, and this chuckle was Liu Shuangxue standing next to Qin Yu.

“Young Master Qin, don’t scare Song She’s old bastard anymore. You can see how you scared him. The eyeballs are about to fall out. And if you look at everyone’s eyes, you seem to be scared. It’s here.” Liu Shuangxue lightly said with a smile.

The cold color on Qin Yu’s face also gradually disappeared, replaced with a chuckle, indifferently said: “It would be nice to let Song She, the Old Guy, be afraid for a while, you, you, you know how to talk.”


The two people were chatting and laughing, and the tense atmosphere on the scene was suddenly broken. The 2-7 disciple and all the Patrol Envoy had a black line on their faces.

At this time, they realized that Qin Yu was actually scaring Song She, but the ridiculous thing is that they and the others were also scared by Qin Yu.

It can be said that Qin Yu’s words scared almost everyone.

However, this incident was just a joke made by Qin Yu, playing with Song She.

It’s just that, like Song She, those who watched the play were also played by Qin Yu, which made them feel the urge to scold their mother.

“It turned out to be just a joke, I almost took it real.”

“Um, in this case, I am afraid that everyone will take Qin Yu’s words as true, and I am afraid that only Qin Yu and that girl will know the meaning.”

“Damn it, this kid is that’s all playing Song She, and he even came to play us. It’s really hateful.”

“Hehe, teasing you? You look too high on yourself, just like you, do you need others to play around.”

The noisy voices of the crowd quickly spread to the entire square. The expressions were complicated and the faces were strange, and there was an unspeakable taste in their hearts.

However, although everyone complained that Qin Yu played with them, but those Patrol Envoy, Gu Fan and the others were not at all happy.

They could see that with Qin Yu’s character, if he really arrived at Life and Death Boundary, he could really do such a thing.

As long as Song She dares to make a move, then die without a burial site.

“This kid, so courageous, even the old man can’t quite sigh.” A Patrol Envoy sighed, and couldn’t help but cast a high look at Qin Yu.

“It’s true. Everyone knows that he teased us, but who knows, this guy’s psychology and in the bones have a kind of domineering meaning, not to allow others to trample on the slightest. If anyone takes action against him, it would be very miserable.”

“Song She is also really bad luck this time. Didn’t expect to encounter such a stubborn stubbornness in these disciplines, hehe, but Qin Yu is a character that the old man likes. If possible, put him under the sect.”

Many Patrol Envoys have a playful taste on their faces. Temperament like Qin Yu has not been seen for a long time. Each and everyone is amazed.

As for Song She, her face was black, and the anger in her heart continued to erupt. He was suppressed in the heart, unable to vent, and she was suffocated to the extreme.

It’s not that he is unwilling to vent, but that there is no way to vent. Now that he has reached this stage, he has nothing to say and can only become a joke of everyone.

“Okay, okay, Qin Yu, you remembered it for me, today’s vengeance, the old man will not give up, and vowed not to give up.” Song She said angrily, her eyes were extremely sinister.

The expression moved on Gu Fan’s face, he didn’t hold much hatred for Qin Yu, instead he admired Qin Yu’s temperament.

If you put him here, his approach is probably not as good as Qin Yu. In contrast, Qin Yu’s temperament is much better than him.

After thinking about it for a while, Gu Fan said to Qin Yu: “My little friend’s behavior today opened my eyes to the old man and I admire him.”

“How dare you, the next one is just a discipline on the battlefield of 100 races. Except for the sharper words, it has no strengths.” Qin Yu said indifferently. Although the words are not so strong, they are not so friendly.

Gu Fan smiled bitterly. It seems that what he could help Song She before made Qin Yu feel grudge against him in his heart, which showed a little hostility.

But Gu Fan didn’t care about anything, and he didn’t mean to target Qin Yu. Otherwise, it would be no better than Song She’s fate.

“Qin Yu, do you know my origin?” Gu Fan said with a smile after turning his expression.

Qin Yu frowned slightly. He really didn’t know the origin of Gu Fan, nor did he understand what Gu Fan said. He slightly opened the mouth and said: “Gu Fan Senior, please say.”

“Hehe, Gu is not talented, from the Heavenly Dragon Empire, and is also the highest performer of the Patrol Envoy in the 100 clan battlefield.” Gu Fan said with a smile.

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