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“Heavenly Dragon Empire?”

Qin Yu frowned immediately said: “Gu Fan Senior, although I have heard about the Heavenly Dragon Empire, but I don’t understand it.”

However, although Qin Yu didn’t know it very well, when everyone heard about the Heavenly Dragon Empire, their expression changed slightly, revealing an envy.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, you just need to remember that these 100 battlefields are organized by a Three Sects and Five Great Influences, and our Heavenly Dragon empire is the so-called’One Empire’.” Gu Fan said with a smile.

Qin Yu’s heart moved a little, Qin Yu has some understanding of the things behind the 100 race battle.

Except for the Heavenly Dragon Empire, Yidian refers to Beast Palace, and Three Sects refers to Heaven Origin Sect, Snow Moon Sect, and Heavenly Cang Sect.

Among them, the Heavenly Dragon Empire is the strongest power among the Five Great Influences, while the Beast Palace ranks second, and the remaining Three Sects are the strongest Heaven Origin Sect and the weakest Heaven Sect.

Now, Gu Fan directly stated that he came from the Heavenly Dragon Empire. The meaning of it is self-evident. This is to win Qin Yu into their Heavenly Dragon Empire.

“Qin Yu, I hope that in the future, the old man has the honor to invite you to our Heavenly Dragon Empire.” Gu Fan said with a smile.

Qin Yu thought for a while, although he was dissatisfied with this Gu Fan.

But this person is much more generous than Song She, so cup one fist in the other hand said: “If there is a chance, I will definitely be invited by Gu Fan Senior to go to the Heavenly Dragon Empire to see and see.”

“Naturally have a chance!”

Gu Fan nodded with a smile, then looked at the high tower of the ladder, and immediately said: “This matter, let’s stop here. Next, open the high tower of the ladder.”

Everyone was excited when they heard that the high tower of the ladder was about to open, and their eyes moved towards the high tower of the ladder, showing their expectation.

Scaling Heaven Stairs tower, this is the final battle.

After this battle, who is the dragon, who is the phoenix, who can stand out, who is the strongest dark horse, will all be revealed.

Moreover, after this battle, the final ranking of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking will also be established, and the person who reaches the top will be ten thousand zhang rays of light.

“Is it finally going to start?” Qin Yu murmured.

After entering the battlefield of the 100 races, all the hard work was to prepare for this final battle. Now this battle is finally about to begin, which made him feel a little excited.

With Qin Yu’s current achievements, even if it is not in this final competition, it is quite dazzling and famous for the entire 100 clan battlefield.

Even Qin Yu has left an indelible impression among the many Patrol Envoys.

But this is not enough. It is far from enough. To climb to the top, Qin Yu has to stand on the top of this tall tower and walk to the strongest position, the focal point of ten thousands.

“Everyone, let’s join hands to unlock the seal.” Gu Fan was lightly instructed.

Beast Palace, Heaven Origin Sect, Snow Moon Sect, Tiancang Sect, each stood up with a silhouette, stood beside Gu Fan, each with an extra token in his hand.

Above this token, there was a kind of strange power, and it faintly echoed with the high tower of the sky ladder.

These tokens are the prohibition tokens on the high tower of the ladder.

After everyone took out these tokens, they immediately urged the cultivation base to drive the token into the high tower of the ladder. That day, there was a sudden tremor on the high tower of the ladder.

A light blue energy halo gradually emerged, covering the entire sky ladder tower, emitting one after another strong wave.

And the 5 prohibition tokens also emerged, suspended in the prohibition, emitting a mysterious rays of light, causing the light blue halo to appear a portal.

This portal, located at the end of the high tower of the ladder, is facing the ladder, as long as you enter this portal, you can step into the ladder.

“Everyone, it is not easy for you to get to this day. The opening of the high tower of the ladder today will be the time to determine your destiny. If you can benefit from it and stand out, you will be honored.”

“However, don’t rush to the summit. There are infinite treasures and opportunities in each floor of the high tower of the sky ladder, which is of great benefit to you.”

“The so-called high tower of the ladder is a Secret Realm in itself, and it is not inferior to the Secret Realm you have walked before. As for the good fortune, it depends on you.”

Gu Fan was condescending and said loudly, every word was clearly passed into the ears of everyone, making the blood of those who were already extremely excited completely boil.

“This tall tower turned out to be a Secret Realm, tsk tsk, it’s really peculiar. I must get some opportunities from it to stand out.”

“Since it is Secret Realm, it is possible to improve its strength. In other words, with good luck, it can become stronger and achieve higher rankings.”

Countless disciplines, blood boiled, and blood energy all over, as if it was burning up, one after another fighting intent was released from them.

In the discipline of Top Sect, each and everyone was breathing tightly.

Today, they are no longer the seemingly humble and weak race, but everyone has a desire to become stronger and reach the top.

“Now, the high tower of the ladder is just opening, and you are beginning to enter.” Gu Fan said loudly.

As its voice fell, Feng Clan, the Donghuang clan, and the Datianwu clan took the lead in moving, directly entering the portal, moved towards that day, the ladder high tower rushed in.

Other races followed closely.

“Go, we go in too.”

Qin Yu gave an order, and all the people from the desert tribe followed Qin Yu into the tall towers of the ladder, and began the final battle.

After the top ten races entered, the people behind them swarmed in. 7 people charged together, like a powerful army, the scene was extremely shocking.

In just over ten breaths of time, these 7-80000 people all rushed into the high tower of the ladder.

Subsequently, the person from Five Great Influences beckoned, and he took the prohibition token into his hands and closed the entrance of the entire ladder tower.

“Everyone, let’s wait for the result in front of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking.” Gu Fan said lightly.

All of them fell in front of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, watching the list.

On the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking of 100 races, except for the races in the previous life, each ranking is displayed in turn. However, he is not static, but changes with the strength of each race.

More than ten minutes after everyone came down, there was a change on the top of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, and this change was so fast that it was dizzying.

“The changes of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking this time are faster than the previous few times. It seems that the competition at this time is much fiercer than the previous few times. It can almost be said as unprecedented.”

“Yes, in addition to Qin Yu, a lot of dark horses have emerged on the battlefield of the 100 races. These people also have the opportunity to stand out.”

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