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Numerous Patrol Envoys watched the ranking changes on the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking of the 100 races with undecided eyes. They thought 10000 1000 in their hearts, and seemed to be thinking about something.

They came to the battlefield of 100 races as Patrol Envoy, not only for inspection, but also an extremely important purpose, that is, to choose the discipline for their sect or dynasty.

The top 100 races of the 1000 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking all have the opportunity to independently choose to enter an empire of Three Sects as the new discipline training for this year.

Of course, the higher the ranking, the greater the rights they will obtain, and the treatment they will enjoy after entering the sect will be different.

Races other than the 1000th rank, although they also have opportunities, they don’t at all choose their full power, but it depends on Patrol Envoy’s mood and vision.

Because of the above reasons, each Patrol Envoy stared at the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking of 100 races intently, watching the changes on it, and looking for each genius warrior to join their sect.

Of course, in addition to observing these changes, everyone is more focused on the top ten races, because the top ten races are the strongest geniuses and possess absolute innate talent.

It can be said that their real purpose is to rank in the top ten races, and other people are just doing it easily.


Among the tall towers of the ladder, Qin Yu is standing on the 1st Layer, looking up, the steps made of huge stones spread upward, directly into the clouds, without seeing the end.

And every more than 30 meters, a huge platform appears on 2 sides of the steps. Among these platforms are high-rise buildings, and many opportunities are hidden in them.

“Young Master Qin, shall we rush forward?” Liu Shuanghan asked.

Qin Yu shook the head, said with a smile: “I don’t know how many floors are on this ladder tower, and each floor is more than 30 meters tall, so tall, there must be various prohibitions in it. I want to rush to it directly. It’s not realistic at all.”

In front of Qin Yu, many races have stepped into the ladder, but after everyone entered, the complexion greatly changed, and it was difficult.

Everyone of the sword Top Sect also looked up, and each and everyone became serious.

Although they are only standing at the bottom level and have not yet stepped into the steps, looking at the expressions of the people, they know that this tall tower seems to be as simple as climbing.

“Well, let’s be separated, Shuanghan, Shuangxue, Lingshan, and me. We each take a team to climb, and we go to different floors.” Qin Yu instructed.

According to Qin Yu’s estimation, since this high tower of the ladder is a Secret Realm, if you want to come to other races, you will not climb directly, but will accumulate strength, step by step.

Moreover, no one knows how high this ladder tower is, and what will happen later, only by accumulating strength first is the kingly way.

As for the Liu Family sisters and Mu Lingshan, although their battle strength is not as good as Qin Yu, if they really move their hands, they might not be much weaker.

On the entire battlefield of 100 races, there are not many people who are better than the Liu Family sisters and Mu Lingshan. If you are good luck, you will get some unexpected gains. If you are not lucky, self-protection is more than enough.

“Well, in this case, we will act separately. There are too many people on this 1st Layer. Let’s go to the top.” Liu Shuanghan said nodded.

Immediately, all the disciplines of the sword Top Sect were separated actively, each led by about 9 people, stepped onto the ladder steps, and went up quickly.

It’s just that the moment everyone stepped onto the stairs of the ladder, a terrifying gravity immediately pressed on everyone, making everyone’s feet sink violently, and they did not raise.

“This is… a gravity array!” Qin Yu said in horror, his face pale.

The gravity array this thing, Qin Yu hasn’t seen it before, on the contrary, this gravity array is the most common kind of Formation.

In the cultivation room of each sect, almost all have this gravity array, which is of great benefit to the martial artist of body refinement, or solid strength.

However, the gravity array in front of us is different. The majestic gravity makes many people breathless. It is too large and has the effect of suppressing the body spirit strength.

“Sure enough, it’s not that easy to climb, but the gravity array of this First Step, if there is no realm above the 5th Layer Initial Stage of the ground spring, it can’t be climbed at all.” Qin Yu was surprised.

Fortunately, the strength of Qin Yu and the others is not weak. This first step is not difficult for them. With the body Spiritual Qi running a little bit, they easily stepped over this first step and walked up.

After crossing more than ten steps, Qin Yu discovered that the gravity array is constantly increasing. The more you go up, the stronger the gravity suppression and Spiritual Qi suppression will be. It is hard to imagine that the gravity array at the highest point , How powerful it is.

“Adjust your mentality, don’t worry, and climb slowly.” Qin Yu said to the sword Top Sect disciple.

The most taboo of this growing array of gravity is the climbing in a spurt of energy. Only by maintaining physical strength and breathing can it rise at a uniform speed.

Everyone hurriedly nodded, adjusted their breathing and speed, and then let go of their steps and climbed upwards. It didn’t take long before Qin Yu and the others came to the 2nd Layer tower.

“Young Master Qin, I’ll go to the 2nd Layer tower.” Liu Shuanghan took the initiative to ask, and led people into the 2nd Layer tower.

The rest, continue to maintain the rhythm, and climb up.

Although the speed of Qin Yu and the others is slow, but fortunately, it rises at a constant speed, but it does not pull down much.

After the 3rd Layer, Mullingshan landed, and in the 4th Layer, Liu Shuangxue led people into it.

Qin Yu’s goal is the 5th floor.

After Liu Shuangxue led people into the 4th Layer, Qin Yu left and looked ahead. There were not many people in front of him, and the ten major races were all in it, even Baisha was no exception.

These races did not have the slightest stay in the first 4-Layer, they are all climbing at a rapid speed, wanting to go to higher floors and get better treasures.

Qin Yu ignored these, and after climbing to the 5th floor, followed the edge of the steps and walked in.

The entire 5th floor was like a palace. After Qin Yu entered, he soon led the discipline of the sword Top Sect and searched it.

In the center of the great hall on the 5th floor, there are more than a dozen yellow prohibitions, flashing strong rays of light, and looking through these prohibitions, you will find that under these prohibitions, each and everyone is really small Porcelain bottle.

In addition to these small porcelain bottles, there are various spiritual weapons in the great hall, but these spiritual weapons are not at all attractive to Qin Yu.

“Those spiritual weapons are all middle grade True Artifacts, Xu Senior Brother Ning, you can take someone to fight, let me crack these prohibitions, and see what medicine pill inside.” Qin Yu was instructed lightly.

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