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Fourth Mother Feng’s eyes were slightly chilly, the blue veins on his forehead violently, a pair of fists clenched tightly, due to excessive force, the nails sneaked into the palm, and drops of blood continued to drip.

The reason why she agreed to Feng Shuo’s rude request was because of her father and two elder sisters, and she didn’t want to see Feng Clan embarrass the three people, but now this Feng Shuo threatens Fourth Mother Feng with three people, completely Fourth Mother Feng was furious.

However, under that rage, there are deep helplessness, despair, and dead silence hidden!

Feng Shuo didn’t care about the feelings of Fourth Mother Feng at all, and said disapprovingly, “Why is the Fourth Mother angry? As long as you obey the arrangements of the family, not only your two elder sisters are fine, but your father can still live well, as for other things. , You can experience it for yourself.”

When Fourth Mother Feng heard this, her eyes were full of despair and more intense. She was born in Feng Clan, so she knew the power of Feng Clan even more, almost to the point of unshakable.

And in this case, even if she wanted to help Qin Yu out loud, it was impossible.

She herself is powerless to defend himself, how can she help Qin Yu, and she can’t help Qin Yu at all.

“Young Master Qin, if you die here, don’t worry, after the Fourth Mother finishes the family affairs, when the time comes Fourth Mother will die with you.” Fourth Mother Feng said bitterly inside, helpless to the extreme , Can only pray silently for Qin Yu, vowing to be buried with death.

On the battlefield, Feng Tianhao danced wildly, his eyes were extremely gloomy, and his whole body was like a sharp sword out of its sheath, agitating the majestic murderous intention.

“Little bastard, you irritated me completely, today I will let you know that no matter how good you get on the battlefield of these 100 races, in my eyes, you are rubbish all the time, all ants. .”

Feng Tianhao looked at Qin Yu in a condescending posture, that posture, unusually cold and arrogant, like a god emperor descending from the sky, giving people an aura of extreme oppression.

Qin Yu stood opposite Feng Tianhao, his eyes sank slightly, the fatal feeling revealed by Feng Tianhao made Qin Yu also feel Alexander.

However, Feng Tianhao wanted to force Qin Yu back like this, which would be too naive.

“Did you say that I am an ant? Did you know that an ant can also eat an elephant, and can crush all your pride, and then step on the ground fiercely.” Qin Yu said indifferently.

Qin Yu knew that in Feng Tianhao’s eyes, he was indeed an ant, and it was nothing, so he didn’t bother to quibble Feng Tianhao’s views on him.

Martial Dao World, powerhouse is respected, the relationship between people is also extremely naked, and there is almost no equal status at all, unless you reach the same height as others.

Otherwise, if you say one more thing, others will kill you, which is normal.

Song She dared to show up and ask Qin Yu to ask for Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit. It was also because Song She’s realm was strong and it was the envoy of Beast Palace. He thought Qin Yu could not compete with him and would condescend to him.

Today, Feng Tianhao is still the same, because Feng Tianhao is stronger than Qin Yu.

“Hehe, anteater? It’s ridiculous, a dying person, I don’t know what courage you have to say such a huge shamelessly.” Feng Tianhao said with a sneer.

Suddenly, Feng Tianhao’s hands turned into eagle claws, and he grabbed the air directly, moving towards Qin Yu from a weird angle, and he was going to Qin Yu and death.

He never wanted to see this kind of ants anymore, so when he shot, he brought the strong murderous intention to suppress and kill Qin Yu here.

“Golden stage, the clutches of town!”

Qin Yu silk without the slightest hesitation directly urges the golden stage devil’s palm, shaking hard with the eagle claws, the golden rays of light erupt, forcibly blocking this palm.

The moment Feng Tianhao’s arm touched the golden stage’s devil’s palm, he grasped the front as if he had grabbed a hard rock, and immediately closed his 5 fingers. The majestic power was used from 4 limbs and 100 skeletons, and he wanted to Qin Yu crushed.

Qin Yu shook his hand slightly, the golden stage’s devil’s palm was also urged to the extreme, the golden rays of light burst into bloom, hiding the sky and covering the earth burst out.


After a collision, the two of them flew upside down again, and Qin Yu’s feet shook suddenly, and then all the strength was leaked into the ground and stopped.

It can be seen that there are 5 scratches on Qin Yu’s palm peak, which are very clear. This is the mark Feng Tianhao left on Qin Yu.

Qin Yu didn’t take advantage of Feng Tianhao’s hands.

But in the same way, Feng Tianhao did not take advantage of Qin Yu’s hand. After backing 2 steps, he stood firmly in silhouette, but his arm was extremely stiff, and he received a tremendous impact.

Moreover, the tiger’s mouth of the eagle’s claws also cracked a trace, and a drop of blood dripped from the tiger’s mouth of Feng Tianhao’s palm, dyeing the stone platform under his feet red.

“Look, Feng Tianhao is injured!”

In the crowd, an abrupt voice suddenly sounded, and then everyone gathered their eyes to see Feng Tianhao injured.

This scene made all the people suck in a cold breath and their complexions were extremely shocked.

Feng Tianhao is strong. This is a fact that everyone can see, but now, he was hit by Qin Yu. This kind of strong impulse made everyone unable to calm down for a long time.

How strong is Qin Yu’s ability to wound the terrifying Feng Tianhao?

“Feng Tianhao, this is the so-called ant, it can still hurt you.” Qin Yu said coldly, and the words were full of look of ridicule.

Feng Tianhao said that he is very strong. Looking at Qin Yu is like looking at an ant, but now, the injury on his hand is the best proof. Fiercely hit Feng Tianhao’s face.

“Tianhao big brother!”

Many of Feng Clan’s youths also turned gloomy at this moment, and looked towards Feng Tianhao anxiously. They also saw Feng Tianhao injured for the first time.

Feng Tianhao looked at the cracked tiger’s mouth, then waved his hand to signal Feng Clan’s youth to be quiet, and then said indifferently: “I’m fine, but I was accidentally bitten by a mosquito.”

Immediately, Feng Tianhao straightened up, the whole person still became very tall and straight, still full of indifference, and still arrogant.

“A very arrogant person, even if he is injured by Qin Yu, he still treats Qin Yu as a’mosquito’. With such a strong mentality, it is difficult for Feng Tianhao not to go to the present level.”

Seeing Feng Tianhao’s straight silhouette, countless people in this brief moment left an indelible impression in their hearts. They originally thought Feng Tianhao was injured by Qin Yu and would value some Qin Yu.

But Feng Tianhao not at all values ​​Qin Yu, and still treats Qin Yu as an ant that can be pinched to death.

Qin Yu’s heart also moved slightly, this Feng Tianhao is really not comparable to ordinary people, such a genius is too terrifying.

“If you have Martial Dao in your heart, you will be out of the ordinary and out of the ordinary, then you can break the sky. My martial artist should break through the sword for 9 days. Feng Tianhao is strong, I am stronger than Feng Tianhao, Feng Tianhao Proud, I am more proud than Feng Tianhao.” Qin Yu murmured in his heart.

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