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At this moment, Qin Yu was also standing straight, like a loose body, with a suggestive color on his face, and a strong breath appeared on his body, which seemed to be sharper than Feng Tianhao’s sharp sword.

one after another fighting intent, radiated from Qin Yu, gathered in Qin Yu’s body, that huge will seems to be able to set off the entire Heaven and Earth.

After this fighting intent was released, Qin Yu was immediately noticed among the crowd.

Seeing Qin Yu facing a powerhouse like Feng Tianhao and still able to rise up the fighting intent, admiration appeared in his heart.

“What’s the matter with this guy, Feng Tianhao is so powerful, but he still wants to fight Feng Tianhao, is it really fearless?” Wu Ling said in horror.

When he faced Feng Tianhao, he had 20% certainty, but he still didn’t dare to fight, but Qin Yu never backed down when facing Feng Tianhao. What a powerful Heart of Martial Dao.

“It’s really admirable. If he doesn’t die today, he will be able to surpass you and me in the future, and even pull Feng Tianhao from the altar.” Sovereign Dao was horrified and made a bold guess. .

Even if it was Feng Tianhao, he felt a throbbing color from Qin Yu’s body at this moment. This throbbing color made him extremely uncomfortable and was accompanied by a little danger.

“This guy can’t be treated as an ant, his desire to win is too strong!” Feng Tianhao said suddenly in his heart.

Hong long long !

However, at this time, on the top of the stone platform that day, there was a sudden strong fluctuation, and a torrent of torrents rushed down from the top of the stone platform, shaking the sky.

“What, it turned out to be the Spiritual Qi torrent, is it impacted from the top of the stone platform?”

“It should be right. The emergence of the Spiritual Qi torrent means that the real competition has begun. Only by climbing to the top can you become the most dazzling genius.”

“Go, go to the top!”

Seeing the Spiritual Qi torrent hitting, everyone’s eyes went crazy, all moved towards the Spiritual Qi torrent hitting away, but many people just stepped into the Spiritual Qi torrent and they were hit down.

Seeing this scene, everyone’s eyes shrank. This Spiritual Qi torrent is too strong, like a flood, enough to turn people who beat people up, if the strength is too weak, it is impossible to reach the top.

However, there were still many people who rushed into it first, and thus climbed up. The one who bears the brunt is the Tarantula Clan where the White Shaman is located, and under great pressure, it goes against the current.

The Ranked 2nd Donghuang clan and Ranked 3rd Datianwu clan also rushed in and rushed upwards quickly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, except for those who were knocked to the ground and unable to climb, there were two races of the Deserted Clan and Feng Clan on the platform.

“Tianhao big brother, what shall we do? If we are here to clean up this kid, I am afraid that it will take a lot of time to reach the top immediately.” Feng Shuo said anxiously.

Feng Clan is not bad to beat the Donghuang clan and the Datianwu clan. However, the strength of these two races cannot be underestimated. If they delay here for too long, the opponent is likely to reach the top before then.

Feng Tianhao frowned slightly and looked at Qin Yu. The feeling Qin Yu gave him was extremely uncomfortable. In the past, what he said would trample Qin Yu here.

But the situation now makes him a little uncertain.

“My Feng Clan ranks first in the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking. This name has been maintained for 100 years and cannot be lost in my hands. Therefore, this number one must belong to us.” Feng Tianhaoshen took a deep breath Tao.

Feng Shuo was nodded, and immediately comprehended Feng Tianhao’s meaning. He smiled coldly, pointed and said: “We really need to maintain this number one name, and then inheritance from generation to generation, but it is a pity that these ants have lost their lives. .”

The ants in Feng Shuo’s mouth naturally refer to Qin Yu and the others. He glanced at Qin Yu contemptuously, and his eyes were full of sneers.

“Hehe, you really to have no shame, you keep on saying that we are ants, but I was almost cut by the sword just now.” Yan Li stood up and said with a sneer.

Had it not been for Feng Tianhao’s intervention, Feng Shuo would have long become his departed spirit under this sword, and it is still here boast shamelessly, completely to have no shame to the extreme.

“You…” Feng Shuo’s face was flushed, and he was so speechless that he could only leave in an embarrassing manner.

More than a dozen people Feng Clan stepped on the stone platform again and left. At this time, Liu Shuanghan, Liu Shuangxue, and Mu Lingshan also came here early to meet Qin Yu.

Qin Yu and the others, a full 40 people, each and everyone stood on the steps, looking at the torrent of the sky, his face was a little dull.

“This torrent is too strong. The cultivation base is lower than the 6th Layer Middle Stage, and it is impossible to climb at all, but among us, there are more than a dozen people in the 6th Layer Initial Stage.” Xu Ning said gloomyly.

As long as the cultivation base is lower than the 6th Layer Middle Stage, the warriors in the 6th Layer Initial Stage are all overturned by the spiritual Qi torrent.

And along the way, their strength has indeed improved a lot, but some of the cultivation base of the discipline is still only the realm of the 6th Layer Initial Stage, which is obviously impossible to climb.

Upon hearing this, all the disciplines fell silent.

Soon, the more than ten 6th Layer’s disciplines took the initiative to stand up, one of them opened the mouth and said: “Young Master Qin, sorry, we asked you to retreat. Why don’t you go up, we won’t Go up.”

“Well, we have no regrets to be able to reach this point in this 100 race battlefield. It’s better to stop here and watch you climb to the top.”

“As long as you can reach the top, even if we stand here and can only look up to you, that is also a kind of Supreme glory, because we are all from the desert race.”

More than a dozen disciplines said they wanted to leave Qin Yu’s team, instead of becoming a burden to Qin Yu, they watched Qin Yu climb to the top of the tower.

“No, since we are always together on the battlefield of 100 races, we will climb to the top together. When I don’t want to climb to the top, without any of you, we are all brothers.” Qin Yu immediately refused.


Before everyone was finished, Qin Yu waved his hand and looked at the majestic Spiritual Qi torrent, indifferently said: “I once promised you to take you to stand in Peak together. Now that you have reached this point, you want Let me give up?”

“Martial Dao cultivation, isn’t it just going upstream. If you encounter a little obstacle and stop, then we will enter the 100 race battlefield, and everything is in vain?”

“If you stop here, it means you stop on the Martial Dao road. Don’t you want to stand on Martial Dao Peak and take a look at the majestic Martial Dao World?”

“Or you are willing to fall and refuse to move forward. In this way, you can only obliterate everyone and become a stepping stone for the latecomers.”

“My generation of warriors, shouldn’t you be so ambitious?”

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