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With a dull sound of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, Qin Yu finally stood at the top, the sword Top Sect and the tarantula tribe’s discipline, also each and everyone climbed the Peak, standing there, looking down at Feng Clan .

And when Qin Yu stepped onto the top, on the top of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, a brilliant brilliance burst out from the top of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, and slowly condensed in the sky.

The many Patrol Envoys cross-legged before the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking are all shocked at this moment. This bright brilliance rises, which means that someone has successfully reached the top.

And this person on the top is the first race of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, and its leader will be the strongest genius on the 100 races battlefield.

“Who, who has reached the top?”

An old man roar said, his face full of excitement, staring at the bright brilliance, wanting to see clearly.

At this moment, Song She also opened his eyes. According to his understanding, the person who reached the top was undoubtedly Feng Clan, because apart from Feng Clan, no other race had such strength.

“It should be Feng Clan, hehe, Feng Clan is really powerful, and according to past habits, Feng Clan will inevitably come to the door of my Beast Palace.” Song She laughed and said with a smile.

In the previous 100 races on the battlefield, Feng Clan has won the first place in the 100 race Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, and all have chosen to enter the Beast Palace. This time is no exception.

When the others heard Song She’s words, a gloomy color appeared on their faces. Every time the first race of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking was gathered by the Beast Palace, they were naturally extremely unwilling.

But there is no alternative. The entire Feng Clan has a great relationship with Beast Palace. The connection can be said to be 1000 threads and 10000 threads, which is extremely complicated.

It is impossible to dig out the good seedlings of Feng Clan from the hands of Beast Palace.

However, at this moment, in Patrol Envoy, an unusually abrupt voice sounded, which completely shocked everyone.

“Look at it, the Guanghua condone does not seem to be Feng Clan, but the name of another race?”

“Hey, it is true. Although it is also two characters, it seems to be a bit more complicated than Feng Clan 2. It won’t be a desert clan.”

“Wild clan? You mean the race Qin Yu belongs to. This is impossible. How could they climb to the top and crush Feng Clan down.”

When everyone looked at the gradually condensing brilliance, they were all startled in amazement. It was not Feng Clan who first stepped onto the top of the ladder this time, but another race.

The eyes of everyone at the Beast Palace trembled slightly. They really couldn’t figure out, with Feng Tianhao’s aptitude, who else could take the first place in the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking from his hands.

Especially Song She, just as soon as he lowered his crotch to Haikou, there was such a change, which is no different from Fiercely’s slap on his old face, making his complexion extremely red.

And if it is really like everyone’s guess, then he will be even more uncomfortable.

“Absolutely impossible is the desert race. How can they be the first in the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking of the 100 races, and even more impossible to defeat Feng Clan.” Song She roared.

But just as his voice fell, the bright rays of light that emerged, finally came with two large characters in a clear and incomparable condense, and these two characters were exactly-the deserted race.

“Desolate Clan.”

“Look at it, it turned out to be a Desolate Clan, God, they really defeated Feng Tianhao and set foot on the top of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking.”

This sound of horror sounded, and many Patrol Envoy’s hearts shook together. No one didn’t expect that the Wild Clan was the first in the 100 Clan Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking this time, and the first person to set foot on Peak.

Song She’s old face turned blue and purple, completely flushed, he clearly asked the Qingqiu clan to obliterate Qin Yu, but Qin Yu was still alive.

Among them, what happened, but no matter what, his old face in Song She was completely lost and hot.

“This guy unexpectedly ranked first in the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, Fang Jun, we must draw this kid over and become our Celestial Sect’s discipline.” The Celestial Flame Elder said excitedly.

The top ten races in the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking are all closely related to the Great Sects. Their Celestial Sect is the weakest, and it is impossible to gather other races.

However, Qin Yu’s desolate clan has not been well-known, and there is no relationship between it and the Great Sect forces. There is absolutely room for competition.

“It seems that I really missed it at the time. This kid is really surprising. He actually won the first place in the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking.”

Fang Jun murmured, and then said with a smile: “It is indeed possible to be drawn together, but besides the Beast Palace, other sects and forces, and even the Heavenly Dragon Empire, are also eyeing this brat. It’s not easy to draw in.”

Qin Yu and the Songshe of Beast Palace are almost at odds. It is impossible for Qin Yu to worship Beast Palace.

However, Qin Yu and other sect races do not have the slightest conflict. These sects must find ways to win over Qin Yu.

Especially the Heavenly Dragon Empire. Before the opening of this high tower, Qin Yu was familiar with the ancient sails of the Heavenly Dragon Empire, and the Heavenly Dragon Empire was the strongest among many forces. No one would refuse the invitation of the Heavenly Dragon Empire.

“Heavenly Dragon Empire?”

Huo Zhu’s eyes sank a little and said: “The strength of the Heavenly Dragon Empire is indeed terrifying, but what they can take out, we will take out something, such a good seed, we can’t give in. It’s really impossible. Use that thing.”

“What? That thing, Elder Huozhu, are you serious?” Fang Jun said in a daze.

Nodded with heavy flames, if even that thing can’t move Qin Yu, it can only be said that Qin Yu has no relationship with their Tiancang Sect.

Gu Fan and the others also smiled and looked at the two large characters floating in the sky.

Such a good seedling is only suitable for their Heavenly Dragon empire, and their Heavenly Dragon empire has the strongest background and strength, so I don’t believe that Qin Yu is unmoved.

“Come here, go and prepare some good things, remember, must be precious and rich, what is good, what is prepared, the old man has sacrificed this time, and this Little Brat must be left in my Heavenly Dragon empire and cultivated into a strong “Expert.” Gu Fan instructed.

The face of Martial Dao expert behind him moved slightly. It was the first time he saw Gu Fan’s tempting appearance, but it was all worthwhile.

Except for the Beast Palace, almost all other forces began to stir, trying to find a way to bring Qin Yu into their sect.

Defeating Feng Tianhao and stepping on the high tower of the ladder, such a genius is too dazzling. It is the only one seen in the past few 100 races.

Oh la la !

When everyone was discussing, a touch of brilliance once again appeared on the top of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, and this brilliance represented the race of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking Ranked 2nd.

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