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Although the Ranked 2nd race is not as eye-catching as the Ranked 1st race, it is also a genius amongst geniuses, so everyone is also extremely curious and very concerned.

Seeing the brilliance of Ranked 2nd flashing out, Song She’s expression on his face gradually improved, and he was comforted: “Something must have happened that made Feng Clan fall to second place, but it doesn’t matter. Tianhao’s powerful aptitude may not be worse than Qin Yu that little bastard.”

However, Song She is destined to be disappointed this time.

The 2nd fierce brilliance shone, and gradually emerged, but it was not the Feng Clan that Song She was looking forward to, but the tarantula clan of the previous 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking Ranked 10th.


Seeing these three words, everyone’s heart trembled fiercely. The tarantula tribe was not defeated by Qin Yu early, but now they follow closely from behind and appear in the second place.

During this period, what happened in the end made everyone unimaginable.

Song She’s face was completely turned into ashes. He was optimistic about Feng Clan this time. Not only did he not win the first place, but now he also lost the second place. It is really a shame and a blow to him. .

In fact, the white evil spirit was resisted by Qin Yu on his shoulders. When Qin Yu stepped onto the peak of the ladder tower, the white evil spirit also climbed onto the tower tower and became the Ranked 100nd powerful race on the top of the 2 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking.

“Could it be that I really read Feng Clan wrong, but how is this possible? I have personally tested Feng Tianhao’s strength. On the battlefield of these 100 races, no warrior of that race can surpass him.” Song She whispered Tao, his face is full of unwillingness.

It wasn’t until the 3rd Guanghua showed that Song She’s face became slightly better, because Feng Clan finally appeared on the top 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking.

He has always worried that Feng Clan will be defeated, causing Feng Clan to fall behind the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, or die here.

But now, Feng Clan is still there.

Ranked 4th belongs to the Donghuang clan, Ranked 5th belongs to the Datianwu clan, and so on.

As Qin Yu stepped onto the top of the ladder tower, the Spiritual Qi torrents all dissipated, and the surrounding clouds, which seemed to have been pulled by some force, began to disperse, revealing the full view of the ladder tower.

At this moment, countless eyes looked towards the top of the high tower from the bottom of the high ladder, but when they saw the person standing at the top, they were all shocked.

What stood at the top of the ladder tower that day was not the Feng Clan they had imagined, nor was it the Donghuang clan, nor the Datianwu clan, but the “wild clan” fighting from the bottom of the 100 clan Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking!

“The Wild Clan, they turned out to be them. They defeated Feng Clan and became the No. 100 in the 1 Clan Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking?”

“It seems like this, it’s just didn’t expect. Feng Clan is so tough, but he was surpassed by the desert clan, and Feng Tianhao was finally pulled off the altar by Qin Yu.”

The people of the high tower of the ladder, all moved towards the sky, looked at them, their eyes were full of complex expressions, of course, more of them were envy, worship, and inner touch.

No one can imagine that in this final battle, it is the deserted tribe led by Qin Yu who will finally ascend the high tower of the ladder.

Qin Yu stood on the edge of the high tower of the ladder, looking down at the crowd, while the white evil spirit leaned back slightly, the sword Top Sect and the desert clan’s discipline stood behind two people, enjoying the attention from below.

This is the glory of Supreme, the glory of Supreme!

Under the high tower of the ladder, two young men, a man and a woman, stood on the first level steps, staring blankly at Qin Yu, Ye Tianyi and Ye Zhuqing from the “Barbarian Race”.

Ye Zhuqing, the woman who was as indifferent as the Zhuyeqing poisonous snake, was extremely moved and surprised at this moment.

“This guy is really amazing. When he met me back then, he was so weak, but he went to this step and even Feng Tianhao stood at his feet.” Zhu Yeqing said with a bitter smile.

At the time of 10000 blood graves, she got acquainted with Qin Yu in order to compete for the purple gold token to enter the ancient secret storage. At that time, Qin Yu was ranked above the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, only at the bottom.

In a blink of an eye, Qin Yu has surpassed him and ranked first in the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking. This kind of strong contrast has stirred up a huge wave in her heart.

Ye Tianyi laughed and nodded said: “This guy is indeed a talent. It is not a simple matter to step Feng Tianhao under his feet. If you have the opportunity, you can invite him to our Barbarian Race as a guest. Feelings can be regarded as a good emotional support for this girl.”

In addition to the ancient secrets, Ye Tianyi also had a relationship with Qin Yu. He wanted to help Qin Yu deal with Zhuo out of the ordinary, but was rejected by Qin Yu.

At that time, he was not very optimistic about Qin Yu, but now he is found to be wrong, completely wrong, because Qin Yu has reached the height that he can look up to.

“Big brother, what are you talking nonsense, Qin Yu and I are just strangers coming together by chance, how can we pin our feelings on him? And our family affairs have not been dealt with yet. I am even more impossible to consider personal feelings. “Ye Zhuqing said flusteredly, with a blush on his face.

But Ye Tianyi didn’t think so. His younger sister’s mind was always cold and cold, but because of Qin Yu, she showed the shyness of a woman, which is enough to prove it.

“Zhou Tong big brother, have you seen it? That’s Qin Yu, it’s Qin Yu. We used to stand with him.” A discipline from Great Zhou Dynasty lost his voice in shock.

“Is the 100-clan Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking Ranked 1st? This guy is really amazing. I, Zhou Tongneng, once stood with him and retreated together. This time the 100-clan battlefield has not come in vain.” Zhou Tong said with a smile.

Although this time, they did not achieve any decent results, but they once stood with the genius of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking Ranked 1st, which made him extremely proud.

Except for Zhou Tong, at the end of the 1 steps of the 1500st Layer, there is a smaller woman standing there, beautiful and beautiful, looking at Qin Yu with envy.

This woman is Ruo Yunfei from Snake Spirit Race. She once lived in the deserted Tian City where Liu Family is located. She was auctioned off by Liu Family’s rival Chen Family, and was eventually rescued by Qin Yu.

“God, it’s Qin Yu big brother!” Ruo Yunfei said excitedly, covering her small mouth with her hands, her face flushed.

Beside Ruo Yunfei, standing a few tough warriors from the snake Spirit Race, the leading snake Spirit Race man, frowned and said, “Do you know this guy?”

“It’s more than just acquaintance. When I was out of town, I might have died tragically if Young Master Qin hadn’t saved me, but aunt they didn’t like Young Master Qin.” Ruo Yunfei said with loss.

After Qin Yu rescued her, her aunt finally came to Liu Family, forcing Qin Yu to requite kindness with enmity. Thinking of these things, Ruo Yunfei felt very uncomfortable in her heart and felt sorry for Qin Yu.

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