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Qin Yu narrowed his eyes and stared at Guang Yuanzi. Compared with Song She, this person had to terrifying and plot against. It was too cruel. Accidentally, he would fall into this person’s hands.

However, these are all useless to Qin Yu. Guangyuanzi wants to seduce Qin Yu at ten times the price, which is a bit too whimsical.

“Guangyuanzi Senior, why do you do this? I believe you don’t need to say more, you know it well, but this kind of clumsy method is useless in front of me.”

“In addition, the hatred between Song She and I is not something that you can write off. Even if you want to write off, whether this Qin person can agree to it is another matter.”

“Compared to Senior, this Qin person is indeed a lower cultivation base, but it’s not the kind of person who allows others to poop and pee on their heads and then take them with one sentence.”

“In other words, this Qin person’s mind is not so broad, but the defect must be reported.”

“This Qin people hold grudges.”

Qin Yu’s voice was flat and could not hear any mood swings, but everyone could hear that Qin Yu not at all planned to join the Beast Palace, let alone cancel the grievances with Beast Palace.

Especially the last sentence “this Qin people keep grudges” shows Qin Yu’s attitude. Qin Yu is completely different from Song She.

Guang Yuanzi’s face was dark, but Qin Yu ignored his suggestion, and refused to let it go.

Qin Yu’s collision with Song She is equivalent to trampling on the reputation of Beast Palace, so he wanted to bring Qin Yu into Beast Palace, and once Qin Yu agreed and became the discipline of Beast Palace, he would leave it to his disposal and kill at will.

When the time comes, shut Qin Yu into the dungeon of Beast Palace, so that Qin Yu will never see the sun.

It can be said that as long as Qin Yu falls into the hands of Beast Palace, there are so many ways he can deal with Qin Yu.

Even if he killed Qin Yu on the spot, the others would have nothing to say.

However, his strategy was directly seen by Qin Yu, which made Guang Yuanzi’s heart a little bit cold, coldly said: “If this child is not eliminated, the future will become a big disaster.”

The young warriors of the many races present may not understand the truth, but Patrol Envoy of Five Great Influences is very clear that Guang Yuanzi is plotting against Qin Yu.

“This kid has good eyesight, and he can see Guangyuanzi’s mind clearly. He is a shrewd little monster.”

“Yes, Guang Yuanzi is vicious and merciless, and good at attacking the mind. How many Old Monsters have suffered a lot in his hands, but Qin Yu’s words have exposed his mind, hehe, Qin Yu is too smart.”

“I was exposed by a junior, Guang Yuanzi’s old face is lost, hahaha, I haven’t seen the embarrassment of this Old Guy for a long time, this time finally got what I wanted.”

Many Patrol Envoys sneered at the extremely unnatural and even distorted smiles on Guang Yuanzi’s face. They were happy to see Guang Yuanzi deflated.

“Qin Yu, regarding this matter, I hope you still think it through and answer it, tell you the truth, most of the enemies with our Beast Palace did not end well.” Guang Yuanzi said indifferently, holding back the anger in his heart. .

“Are you a threat?”

Qin Yu grinned, and moved towards everyone said: “See, this is the virtue of Beast Palace, this Qin people are unwilling to visit their Beast Palace, they threatened me, threatening that I will not end well, hahaha, you Beast Palace is not immune Too overbearing, too ridiculous.”

The billowing laughter fell in the eyes of everyone, and a strange color appeared on everyone’s face. On the entire 100 race battlefield, I am afraid that only Qin Yu would dare to mock Beast Palace so unscrupulously.

However, the reputation of Beast Palace has been completely stigmatized by Qin Yu. Many warriors have completely disliked Beast Palace. Joining such a sect, maybe they were threatened by Sect Elder that day, and they don’t know how to die. dead.

“Ai, is this the Beast Palace? I was looking forward to it, but today I can see their true colors, that’s all that’s all, by fair means or foul, next 3 sects, I’d better not join in .”

“Indeed, the food at Beast Palace is really ugly. I don’t want to join Beast Palace anymore. Snow Moon Sect is good, so I went to Snow Moon Sect.”

“Heaven Origin Sect is not as strong as Beast Palace, but it is also a good sect. I heard that the sect master of their sect is friendly, and it also helps the public to solve problems from time to time.”

Above the high tower, the sound of one after another discussion came like a tide. Many warriors of the races immediately expressed their reluctance to worship the Beast Palace, and instead turned their minds to other sects.

Although the voices of these disciplines were not very loud, when everyone added up, the rolling voices fell into the ears of Guang Yuanzi and Song She like a wave and tsunami, causing the cheeks of the two people to twitch violently, and they were extremely angry.

Because of this matter, their Beast Palace has completely fallen into the opposite of many warriors. Even the 100th Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking Ranked 4th and the 5th Donghuang and Datianwu tribes all said they would not join the Beast Palace.

“Qin Yu, count you as cruel, but do you think that this Eminence can be this Eminence, this Eminence will personally kill you.” Guang Yuanzi roared, abnormally furious.

On his body, one after another vigorous coercion radiated out, forcibly pressing on Qin Yu, that was coercion from the Tianhe realm, terrifying.

This coercion fell on Qin Yu, pressing Qin Yu’s skeleton with a loud burst of noise, but Qin Yu’s eyes did not change the slightest, his face was extremely firm, and he stood there straight.

“My mind was exposed, did you fly into a rage out of humiliation?”

Qin Yu murmured in his heart, standing there like a green pine, and said loudly: “Guang Yuanzi, you are really a villain, but you have forgotten the rules of prohibiting Patrol Envoy’s attack on the disciples of all races on the battlefield of the 100 races. Nothing?”

On the battlefield of 100 races, no matter how high your status is, you are not allowed to attack the youths of all races on the battlefield of 100 races, otherwise you will be jointly punished by other forces.

Moreover, the people who shot will be the most powerful Old Ancestor Level and other powerhouses of the Great Influence, the undead Old Monsters that have lived for 100 years, no one can escape.

Guang Yuanzi’s face changed a little, even he couldn’t break this rule, otherwise there would be countless troubles, and the gains outweighed the losses.

“Little bastard, don’t use these rules to suppress me, even if I can’t kill you today, but in the future, I will still have 1000 and 10000 methods to deal with you, so that you are not as good as dead.” Guang Yuanzi roared.

“oh, I see.”

Qin Yu indifferently smiled and said with a smile: “Actually, you don’t have to wait too long, because in one or two years, I will slaughter your old bastard by myself and hang your head on the gate of your Beast Palace .”

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