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Qin Yu’s words, like a blast of thunder, fell on everyone’s hearts and shocked everyone, even Gu Fan was extremely shocked.

For Guang Yuanzi, even Gu Fan did not dare to offend him at will, but Qin Yu promised to kill Guang Yuanzi in two years in front of so many faces, and his head hung on the Beast Palace. Overbearing.

“Domineering, Qin Yu is too domineering!”

Everyone was extremely shocked. Who could have imagined that a young warrior from the 4th Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquan Realm would say such domineering words to an old fart monster.

Guangyuanzi, Song She and the others were shocked by Qin Yu’s words and couldn’t say anything. The two of them didn’t expect that Qin Yu would say such a domineering oath.

“Okay, okay, the old man is waiting for you, to see how you kill me, Qin Yu, you and I Beast Palace, but we are not standing together.” Guang Yuanzi said with trembling.

One pair of eyes protruded slightly outwards, as if they could fall down at any time, and the bruises on his face burst out, terrifying to the extreme, like a poisonous wolf.

Qin Yu turned around and didn’t pay attention to Guang Yuanzi anymore. It’s useless to talk about it here.

However, Qin Yu knew in his heart that at this moment, he was completely on the opposite side of Beast Palace.

Beast Palace is immortal, Qin Yu will never have peace.

“Beast Palace, one of the Five Great Influences of the Celestial Continent, is like a temple-like powerful existence. It is a bit difficult to destroy the Beast Palace, but who can tell the future?”

“Either Beast Palace will destroy me, or I will destroy Beast Palace. In the future, on this heavenly continent, there will only be one of the two.”

Qin Yu’s heart tightened slightly. Didn’t expect to stand out from the battlefield of these 100 races and form a vengeance with Beast Palace, which made Qin Yu laugh bitterly.

However, Qin Yu didn’t pay too much attention to it. Are there few stumbling blocks along the way? Whether it’s Beast Palace or other forces, it’s just one of them.

“Okay, let’s end this matter.”

Seeing that Qin Yu didn’t want to talk too much, Gu Fan stood up and said indifferently: “According to the rules of the 100 Clan Wars, you can now return to your birthplace, discuss with your family, and worship the power of Five Great Influences. “

“However, the old man here advises you that you should not just look at your appearance in everything. If you want to stand out, you must choose a sect that suits you, or a sect that can shelter yourself, so that you have enough time to grow up.”

After speaking, Gu Fan did not forget to glance at Qin Yu with the light of his eyes, and the last sentence seemed to be said to Qin Yu, which made Qin Yu smile in his heart.

Because everyone knows that from now on, he has been completely targeted by Beast Palace, and according to Gu Fan’s words, Qin Yu can only be sheltered by worshipping into the Heavenly Dragon Empire.

“Many thanks, old guidance!”

Everyone, including Qin Yu, all moved towards Gu Fan and bowed together.

“Well, the square under the high tower of the sky ladder is equipped with the Transmission Array of the place where you were born. Now you all return.” Gu Fan waved his hand and said, sending everyone away.

Everyone once again moved towards Gu Fan and bowed, and then they walked down the high tower of the ladder with 100 prestige in their hearts, preparing to take the Transmission Array and return to the place where all the races were.

After a month, they will enter different sects, become the disciplines of different sects, and then cultivation, and someday in the future, they may be able to gather together.

Of course, during this month, each sect will also send out experts to lobby the top 100 races in the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, hoping that they can join their own sect and become a discipline and a great Sect.

Only these fresh blood enter the sect continuously, so that each Great Sect can prosper for a long time, otherwise it will collapse soon.

“Are you going back?” Qin Yu sighed incomparably as he watched the flow of people above the high tower of the ladder.

On the battlefield of these 100 races, Qin Yu stayed for more than a year. The cultivation base has been upgraded from True Spirit Realm 7 Heavenly Layer to the 4th Layer Initial Stage of the Spring Realm. He won the first prize and gained a lot.

“Yeah, I’m going back, speaking of which, I really can’t bear to be here.” Mu Lingshan sighed and said, these 100 battlefields are the most important lesson in her life, and she has gone through many lives and deaths and despair.

However, Qin Yu took them and walked out!

Yan Li walked forward, his numb face squeezed out a smile, said with a smile: “Brother Qin, it’s really sorry. We have only seen each other not long ago, but I still want to say goodbye to you.”

“Oh, you are leaving again? Don’t you want to go back to the sword Top Sect to see?” Qin Yu said in surprise.

Like him, Yan Li was born in the Top Sect sword and has a deep affection for the Top Sect sword. However, Yan Li wants to walk to walk, which makes Qin Yu slightly surprised.

Yan Li shook the head, said with a bitter smile: “Don’t tell Brother Qin, I also want to go back to Top Sect to take a look, but I have too many things on my back to stop.”

“Can’t you tell me about you?” Qin Yu frowned asked.

Fourth Mother Feng didn’t want to say, Yan Li didn’t want to say, but these two people have a good relationship with Qin Yu, both of them are close relatives of Qin Yu, which makes Qin Yu somewhat uncomfortable.

“Hahaha, if you can survive this time, I will naturally tell you, if you can’t survive, it’s useless to say it.” Yan Li laughed heartily, and then left without looking back.

Fourth Mother Feng wanted to say goodbye to Qin Yu, but he hesitated, but left early. Bai Sha was extremely grateful to Qin Yu.

In addition, Wuling and Sovereign Dao also took the initiative to talk with Qin Yu 2 sentences, and then bid farewell to each other, return to the clan, and consider the matter of worshipping sect.

“Qin Yu, come here with the discipline of your sword Top Sect, I have something to say to you.”

When Qin Yu was about to leave, Gu Fan stopped Qin Yu and took Qin Yu and the discipline of the sword Top Sect aside, which made Qin Yu a little confused.

“Senior Gu!” Qin Yu bowed deeply.

“Well, I still know the etiquette, the old man is really afraid that when I call you over, your stubborn donkey will think that I harbor malicious intentions, and kick the old man, so that the old man can’t hold his face.”

Seeing Qin Yu so respectful, Gu Fan couldn’t help saying with a smile.

Qin Yu hearing this, his face was a little unnatural, said with a bitter smile: “Senior, could it be that I am so unbearable in your heart, but then again, even if I am a stubborn donkey, I should kick those damn people, Senior Gu It should not be among them.”

“Hahaha, you brat have a poor mouth.”

Gu Fan was hearing this, happily laughed, and then Complexion Sank said: “But you brat this time but got into a catastrophe, and it’s not easy to handle it after forming a beam with Beast Palace.”

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