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Wu Family, where Wu Hao is located, is one of the families of Desolate Flame City. He is very clear about the Beast Palace in Desolate Flame City, and he can recognize the origin of this middle age person at a glance.

“What, he is Beast Palace Elder Song Yan, what the hell is going on, how does he know we will come back here?” Xu Ning said in horror.

They have just returned from the battlefield of the 100 races, and have not yet returned to the Top Sect sword. Before returning to the family, they encountered the expert lurking in the Beast Palace and Song Yan, one of the strongest experts in the Beast Palace in the deserted city.

Qin Yu’s conflict with the Beast Palace on the battlefield of 100 races is known to all. Now he has encountered Song Yan who is lurking here. It is conceivable that the other party’s purpose.

“It is indeed Song Yan, Young Master Qin, this guy dare not look down on it. In this deserted city, except for the experts such as Shan Lao, almost no one can match this guy.” Mu Lingshan said solemnly. .

As early as when Mu Lingshan was still in the Mu Family, he knew the existence of Song Yan. This person was ranked 3rd among the Beast Palace expert. He was very ruthless decisive and extremely domineering.

In this barren continent, almost no one dared to offend Song Yan, and to offend Song Yan’s people, all kinds of strange things died at home, the cause of death was a single blow.

It can be said that this Song Yan seems peaceful, but in fact, it is a ferocious wild beast, with fierce and vicious methods, choosing people to eat.

“Hehe, I don’t think that among you juniors, there are still people who know this Eminence and know out of the ordinary.” Song Yan smiled, eyes full of playful expressions.

His gaze swept over everyone, and then fell on Qin Yu, jokingly saying: “You are offending my brother Song She’s little bastard, whose surname is Qin, you are really bold.”

“Song She, are you the elder brother?” Qin Yu was slightly surprised.

Song Yan was nodded and said coldly and proudly: “Hehe, yes, you are on the battlefield of the 100 clan and rebelled against my brother Song She. I really don’t know where you have the courage.”

Qin Yu’s face sank a little, didn’t expect Song She to reach out here, coldly said, “What do you want?”

“Little bastard, as long as you kneel down and beg for mercy for me, then hand over the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit on you and give it to my brother, I will be kind, just abolish your cultivation base and spare you death.” Song Yan said with a cold laugh.

Qin Yu returned from the battlefield of the 100 races and won the first place in the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking of the 100 races, but it is always only a contest among young warriors, but for his powerhouse, it is not worth mentioning.

“Abolish my cultivation base, this can be considered kindness?”

Qin Yu hearing this, eyes suddenly shrank, icily said: “Song Yan, if you are kind, then I will kill you, I’m afraid it will be more kind.”

Everyone knows what kind of miserable the martial artist will end after being abolished from the cultivation base. In that situation, life is almost worse than death, and more uncomfortable than death.

I think back then, Qin Yu awakened the lowest Martial Soul and was betrayed by the family members. If he was completely ineffective, it would be equivalent to being thrown into hell and living in pain forever.

In this case, it is better to be killed, at least not to suffer the humiliation in despair and wait for death.

“You want to kill me?”

Song Yan sneered and said with a smile: “Cannot tell good from bad dog stuff, do you really think you have the power to kill me? Hehe, it’s really ridiculous.”

After all, a strong aura fluctuated suddenly on Song Yan, this aura fluctuating, extremely cold, killing intent revealing, extremely terrifying.

After the cold breath on Song Yan’s body completely broke out, the entire mansion fell into a strange silence, only the cold murderous aura of the sky.

Song Yan himself, standing there, was more like a terrifying knife, and a killing knife.

“Actually, I don’t need to take care of your garbage, because you are not worthy.”

Song Yan said sarcastically, and then patted the palm of his hand, all the doors in this mansion opened in an instant, and 100 warriors walked out of it.

These 100 warriors are all black clothed, their expressions are numb, their eyes are gloomy, and their breath is convergent. All of them are dead waiters trained by Beast Palace at a great price.

These Deadpools, the supporters who eat and drink on weekdays, will be sent out if they need to be assassinated or sneak attack because they are more professional.

There is no slight aura fluctuation on Deadpool. This is not because their cultivation base is not strong, but because they all have cultivated and hidden aura methods, so that they are not easy to be perceived.

Just a little observation, you will find that the cultivation base of these deadpools is not very low, even the 6th Layer Peak expert has more than a dozen, and the 7th Layer Initial Stage has 3 people.

“The 7 Deadpools of the 3th Layer Initial Stage are called the 3 Great Death Gods. The powerhouses that died in their hands are almost countless, and with the strength of their three people, they can almost suppress the entire deserted continent.” Song Yan said with a cold laugh.

Qin Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly. These three 3th Layer Initial Stage Deadpools are indeed powerful, even reaching the status of Feng Tianhao, and killing people like scything flax, there is also a strong baleful qi hidden on his body.

“If they can suppress the entire deserted continent, then this Qin can also suppress the deserted continent.” Qin Yu said indifferently, without fear.

The 3 Big Death Gods are indeed powerful, but they are still not Qin Yu’s opponents. Qin Yu still has such confidence.

Hearing Qin Yu’s words, a stern look flashed across the cold eyes of the three Death Gods, but they were quickly covered by the numb expression on their faces.

Even though they are Deadpool, they have underestimated life and death, but they still have an eagerness to compete, and in the deserted continent, few people dare to look down on them so much.

Even if the Old Ancestor of Three Great Sects comes, it won’t work!

“Sharp-tongued little bastard, it seems that you are Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin. After you die for a while, see how arrogant you are.” Song Yan said coldly, and then moved towards the 3 Great Death God Envoys Gave a wink.

3 Divine Heart understood, and walked out of the crowd. Suddenly, the majestic murderous aura surging out of his body, like a Taotao river, extremely majestic and surging .

The smell of one after another Death God also spread from them, and if they make a move, they will barren.

“Do the three want to shoot together?”

Qin Yu murmured, and then walked out of the crowd and confronted the three Death Gods.

The 3 large Death Gods stood in place, remained unmoved, and tried their best to urge the cultivation base. Each hand came out a black short blade about 3 feet, and these 3 short blades were all extremely precious high grade True Artifacts, above the blade. The cold light flashed, sharp to the extreme.

In addition, through keen sense, Qin Yu also caught the blade, there is a strange smell, like some kind of poisonous tempering.

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