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“Beast Palace really spent a lot of money to train you. Everyone has high grade True Artifacts, and they also have expensive poisons, which is really unusual.”

Looking at the high grade True Artifact in the hands of the 3 Great Death Gods, Qin Yu said slightly surprised.

Not only that, the other deadpool hands are middle grade True Artifact.

I am afraid that only one or two of these items will appear occasionally in the highest-ranking gold auction house in the Beast Palace, and they will be madly snatched by Great Sect and families.

But think about it, Beast Palace is different from other sects. It has a huge business. The most indispensable thing is treasure. Take out 3 high grade True Artifacts and some middle grade True Artifacts, which makes sense.

“Hehe, have you discovered it?”

Song Yan sneered and said proudly: “However, this is not their true terrifying point, because their true terrifying point can only be revealed when you do it, and you will soon realize it.”

After the words fell, the silhouettes of the other powerhouses in the 3 Divine Grade suddenly moved. Under the weird body, their silhouettes and breaths have completely disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

“Hidden body method!”

Qin Yu was a little surprised. These three people are worthy of Divine Grade and other Deadpools. They even cultivated the seclusion method to such a brilliant realm, which is difficult for ordinary people to detect.

Moreover, even if they are aware, it is difficult to resist, because when they see the silhouette of the three death gods, they will be pierced by the short blade in the hands of the three death gods.

“The most vulnerable part of the human body is behind, and it is difficult to defend. As Deadpool and killer, what they are best at is to start from behind.” Qin Yu said lightly.

However, to everyone’s expectation, Qin Yu did not turn around at all, but urged the cultivation base, one after another black light gushing from the pores and flowing all over the body.

This is the power of Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art.

Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art is currently still at the 5th floor Great Accomplishment. It is exceptionally strong, coupled with Qin Yu’s cultivation base, and its hardness is 30% harder than steel.

After Qin Yu displayed the Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, 3 black shadows immediately appeared behind Qin Yu. The high grade True Artifact short blade in his hand suddenly came out, all piercing the back of Qin Yu.

“Well, it’s done.”

Seeing this scene, Song Yan eyes shined and secretly said in one’s heart, Qin Yu really is a rubbish.

Obviously knowing that the three Death Gods will attack from the back, but not defending, is a complete fool!

“Perhaps, it’s too late to defend, but in this way, his heart will be pierced by the short blade in the hands of the three Death Gods, and he will die here completely. It’s really boring.” Song Yan shook the head.

When Song She passed the news to him, he asked him to be careful of Qin Yu. Therefore, he arranged the Deadpool of Beast Palace in the wasteland and brought them all out to besiege Qin Yu.

But now it seems that there is no need at all. Qin Yu can slap to death with just one palm.

Qin Yu will soon be pierced by 3 short blades through the back of the heart, piercing the heart, even more how short blade, there will be extremely overbearing poison, which will die when touched, almost no one can survive.

“Clang, clang, clang!”

Three sounds rang as expected, but unexpectedly, these three sounds were not the sound of a blade piercing the flesh, but three metal roars.

“What, is there something defensive True Artifact passed on this kid, otherwise, how could there be the sound of metal collision.”

Song Yan’s expression was slightly startled after hearing the three sounds of metal clinking. First of all, he thought of the defensive armor, and his body would not erupt the sound of metal collision.

However, only the three Death Gods behind Qin Yu understand that there is simply no armor on Qin Yu’s body, and there is nothing else besides Jin Yi.

The pierced clothes were lifted up by the breeze, and what caught your eye was an inch of black, hard as iron skin, extremely smooth.

In other words, the blades of their three people fell on Qin Yu’s skin, but Qin Yu’s skin was not pierced, not even the slightest scar.

Even though they were killing people like scything flax, they had long lost all emotions, and only killing was left in their eyes, but after seeing this scene, their hearts were still shocked, and the cold sweat on their foreheads fell into their eyes. , Is full of deep panic.

In the past, they also assassinated some body refinement warriors. Even if these bodies were powerful, they could not suffer from their full strength attacks.

After the blade pierces the skin and blends into the blood, these people will die, and their assassination mission will succeed, which can be said to be with no difficulty.

But now…

“How could this be?” one of Death God murmured, his eyes full of fear.

He really couldn’t figure out how the physique of a warrior could be so strong that he could withstand the full strength attack of the 3th Layer Initial Stage Expert of 7 Earth Springs without leaving any scars.

There are no scars, and the poison that they smeared on the blade can’t penetrate within the body, so it loses its effect.

“a frog in well !”

Qin Yu turned around, looking at the surprised expressions of the three people, a sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth, and then his hands came out quickly, like two giant dragons, which were extremely sharp.

Hey, hey, hey!

When the dull sound of 3 physical collisions resounded, one after another bright red blood spewed from the chests of several people, and then was flew out and hit the ground.

It can be seen that on the chests of the three people, there is a blood hole the size of a fist peak, running from the chest to the back, fresh blood dripping.

The location of this blood hole is exactly the location of the human heart. In other words, the hearts of three people were exploded by Qin Yu’s fist peak and died on the spot.


Seeing the death of the three major Death Gods, the faces of those dead servants were moved.

On weekdays, when the 3 Great Death Gods led them to perform their tasks, they were indifferent and invincible. They were completely godlike, but now they die so miserably.

After killing 3 people, Qin Yu shook his wrist and said indifferently: “Song Yan, is this the strongest Deadpool that your Beast Palace has spent a lot of money to cultivate? To be honest, it’s too rubbish.”

The cold glow of Song Yan’s pupils flickered, and a blood-red color faintly appeared in his pupils, violently surging, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into a ferocious wild beast.

3 The Big Death God is his strongest expert, shaped like his right arm.

In this barren continent, he didn’t need to take care of general tasks at all. They were all handed over to the 3 Great Death Gods. Now being killed is equivalent to cutting off one of his arms.

The most important thing is that Qin Yu actually satirized him with this incident, which completely aroused the killing intent in his heart.

“It seems that Deadpool has nothing to do with you, but you shouldn’t overestimate yourself, because in the future, this Eminence will make an effort to make you worse off.”

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