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“What, did they kill?”

In the secret room, all the faces of all people changed in unison, with a gloomy look on their faces, each and everyone stood up directly from their seats.

The return of Qin Yu and the others can be regarded as a potent invigorating everyone. However, when the real hands are started, the effect has not yet been known. Now the two sects teamed up to kill, it is even more fierce.

Not long after, outside the mountain gate, a sound of hiding the sky and covering the earth came. It was the clarion call that the war had been solved.

“Lingshan, you go to inform the other people, let everyone gather, Shuanghan, Shuangxue, you follow me to see.” Qin Yu ordered immediately.

Mulingshan was nodded and quickly left the secret room. The Liu Family sisters followed Qin Yu, followed by Shan Lao and the others.

“Master, why do I feel something is wrong? The news of Qin Yu’s return should have been introduced into the two sects. Two sects must know that our strength has increased a lot, and now we dare to kill, is it a brainstorm.” Moro said suddenly.

Qin Yu’s reputation has reverberated throughout the desert. The best choice for two sects is to protect their own mountain gates and then support each other. In this way, there is still the probability of survival.

But now, under the situation of the sword Top Sect like a tiger that has grown wings, two sects took the initiative to attack the sword Top Sect, and everyone heard an unusual smell from it.

“It’s true that something is wrong. Two sects have some trump cards, or they have made a desperate blow.” Shan Lao frowns saying is also worried.

Qin Yu’s face sank a little, but he shook the head and said, “If two sects had any hole cards, they should have been used long ago. There is only one reason for such aggressive killings now, and that is that Beast Palace gave They supported and got involved.”

“What, you said it was Beast Palace!”

Shan Lao, Zhou Ze, Moro and the others were hearing this, their whole bodies trembled fiercely. They were all people who had participated in the 100 clan battle, and they naturally knew what the word “Beast Palace” meant.

“Beast Palace is the powerful presence of Ranked 2nd among Five Great Influences in the Celestial Continent. If they intervene in, we will only be extermination by Sect.”

“Yes, in front of a huge monster like Beast Palace, whether it is our sword Top Sect, Blood Spirit Sect and Xuan Qingzong, they are just ants, and they cannot be matched.”

Moro, Zhou Ze, and the others were all horrified. The pressure of Beast Palace 2 was too great for them, and it was not on the same level at all.

“Two people, don’t be so pessimistic, Beast Palace intervenes, it may not be us who died here.” Qin Yu shook the head, said confidently.

Regarding this matter, Qin Yu had long anticipated that, no matter how many people came to Beast Palace, Qin Yu wanted them to die here completely, he and Beast Palace, irreconcilable.

A few people quickly arrived at the gate, and all the disciplines that had returned from the battlefield of the 100 races, all arrived under Mulingshan’s notice.

In front of the mountain gate of the sword Top Sect, densely packed, standing between 1000 and 10000 warriors, these are all two sects, almost rushing out, they came here, and the people watching have scalp numb.

The Top Sect disciple, the sword guarding outside the gate of the mountain, has long been scared to pale by this magnificent army with thousands of men and horses scene. They have never seen such a huge lineup.

In front of the two sects men and horses, two old men stood, one with gray hair and the other in blood robes, all exuding a majestic aura, just like a Divine King, floating in the air.

These two people are the Old Ancestor Cao Yunxiao and Hua Qingfeng of two sects.

The two people stood there, looking down at the sect of the sword Top Sect, their last gaze fell on Qin Yu’s body, with slightly frowned eyes, and said coldly: “I can’t imagine that the ants more than a year ago have grown to this point. , It’s really surprising.”

A year ago, Qin Yu had only the cultivation base around True Spirit Realm 7 Heavenly Layer. Today, Qin Yu has grown to the 4th Layer Initial Stage of Earthquan Realm, and has also taken over the Mountain Protecting Great Array of Top Sect.

After hearing this news, Cao Yunxiao and Hua Qingfeng were extremely shocked, but both of them were also the strength of 2 Heavenly Layer 2 Heavenly Layer in Earthquan Realm. They controlled the power of the entire sect and were naturally fearless.

“You are here, do you want courting death?” Qin Yu said coldly, exuding a strong fighting intent.

When the Liu Family sisters looked towards Hua Qingfeng, they were even more indifferent. Murderous aura came out from within the body one after another, because it was this person who picked up their twin Blood Soul within the body.

When they were drawing Blood Soul, the pain and torture made them unforgettable, so after seeing Hua Qingfeng, the two people immediately became angry.

Mu Lingshan was staring at Cao Yunxiao. Her experience in Xuanqingzong was almost exactly the same as the Liu Family sisters, and she was also treated inhumanly.

Had it not been for Qin Yu here, the three of them would have rushed forward and hunted down these two old dogs.

“Hehe, boast shamelessly, do you think you won the top 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking. We two really scared you, even more how, I heard you haven’t chosen to join any sect.” Hua Qingfeng With a cold smile, his face was full of triumphant expression.

If Qin Yu chooses to join Five Great Influences early, no matter it is in any case, they will definitely not dare to do anything with Qin Yu, but Qin Yu, an idiot, has not yet decided.

In this way, they also gave them a chance. Even if they killed Qin Yu and Five Great Influences were to blame, they also had excuses.

Qin Yu and the others complexion turned cold, it turns out that these two Old Guys were afraid of this, but even if Qin Yu joined sect, they would not use the power of sect to deal with these two Old Guys.

“To deal with you, you don’t need to use the power of Five Great Influences, Qin Yu and the others, you can kill your pieces without leaving.” Qin Yu said coldly, fighting intent soaring into the sky.

“Oh? You are so confident, but look, who are they?” Hua Qingfeng said with a smile.

As soon as his voice fell, a silhouette suddenly shot out from the crowd, and fell in the center of Hua Qingfeng and Cao Yunxiao, with his hands held up, looking at Qin Yu.

“Su Ming, how come back to him? He is the Vice Palace Lord of Beast Palace, how could he appear here.”

“What, Vice Palace Lord of Beast Palace, are you right?”

“Gosh, the Vice Palace Lord of Beast Palace has all appeared. So, will our sword Top Sect this time be completely destroyed?”

After seeing the silhouette, the many disciplines of the sword Top Sect, as well as Elder, all throbbed. No one didn’t expect that the people from Beast Palace appeared here, and they were also the famous Vice Palace Lord, Su Ming.

Su Ming’s strength is also at 7 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage in the Earthquan Realm. It is even more terrifying than the Old Ancestor of Three Great Sects. Coupled with the prestige of Beast Palace, it makes everyone desperate.

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