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Under the gaze of everyone, Su Ming stood in the center of Hua Qingfeng and Cao Yunxiao, around his body, one after another vigorous aura slowly flowing past, giving people a sense of oppression by an extremely powerful superior.

Everyone knows that Su Ming is the Vice Palace Lord of the Beast Palace, might shaking the deserted continent, aloof and remote, is a powerhouse like a god, and Beast Palace is a mysterious huge monster in everyone’s mind, and it is an unoffendable existence. .

The swords Top Sect, Blood Spirit Sect, and Xuanqingzong Three Great Sects stand in the deserted continent. To say nothing, they have nearly 500 years of history, and their background is not weak.

But on weekdays, when facing the Beast Palace, he will tolerate 30%. If it is not for nothing, he is even unwilling to have the slightest quarrel with the Beast Palace. It is even more impossible to offend the Beast Palace.

Beast Palace is so powerful and domineering!

Now, Su Ming appeared here to participate in the war of Three Sects, completely making everyone desperate, many people lowered their heads and their bodies trembled.

Shan Lao’s face was also extremely gloomy, his eyes became extremely sharp, and his gleam was floating, just like a wild beast in the dark night, staring at Su Ming firmly.

“Su Ming, what do you mean?” Old Shan asked Brace Oneself, with an extremely ominous feeling in his heart.

“Hehe, what do you mean?”

Su sneered, then his sights on Qin Yu body, face up gradually cold, cold voice said: “Single-old son do your side of a bitch, he did not tell you what’s on the battlefield 100 families Is it a good thing?”

When everyone heard this, they immediately moved towards Qin Yu and looked at them, with doubtful eyes, secretly guessing in their hearts, could Su Ming appear here and have something to do with Qin Yu?

“Qin Yu…” Shan Lao asked in surprise.

Qin Yu frowned slightly, and then some sorry said: “Sorry, Shan Lao, on the battlefield of 100 races, I had some conflicts with Beast Palace. I offended the envoy of Beast Palace, so it attracted Beast Palace’s revenge. .”

“There is a conflict between you and the envoy of Beast Palace, how is this possible?” Shan Lao said in surprise.

On the battlefield of the 100 races, there is a clear stipulation that Patrol Envoy does not deal with many disciplines of all races. Moreover, Patrol Envoy has always been acting in the dark to inspect warriors of all races.

According to the general principle, Qin Yu has no possibility of offending Beast Palace envoy. What is going on?

Qin Yu nodded, explained: “Song She wanted to snatch a very precious treasure from my hands, but I rejected it on the spot, so he held a grudge against me everywhere.”

Qin Yu probably explained what happened on the battlefield of the 100 races. It sounded like a frowned. Of course, Qin Yu hid the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit.

“It turned out to be the case.”

Old Shan suddenly cleared the comprehension, and then angrily said: “This old bastard, really to have no shame, actually wants to snatch things from your disciplines.”

According to his understanding of Qin Yu, Qin Yu would definitely not bow his head easily, so that’s why he offended Song She, but he knew that Qin Yu was not to blame for this matter.

“Yes, we were all watching at the time, that Song She was bullishly intolerably, and Young Master Qin was not to be blamed at all.” Hao Xueyao stood up, coldly said, clarifying for Qin Yu.

The eyes of Moruo and Zhou Ze were also a little bit cold, Song She’s actions were really bully intolerably.

“Lao Shan, do you believe me?” Qin Yu asked suddenly.

Shan Lao was taken aback for a while, but he was still nodded and said, “Although the achievements of the old man on the battlefield of the 100 races are not as brilliant as yours, the old man can be regarded as your elder. You have been insulted by others, but you just made it. Normally, the old man is naturally on your side. Why don’t you believe you?”

“Yes, the two of me on the battlefield of 100 races also experienced it at that time. It was the Songshe who was totally intolerably. No wonder you, you are going to live or die today, just like them.” Zhou Ze solemnly vowed.

At this moment, Moro opened the mouth and said domineeringly: “You are the discipline of our sword Top Sect. As your elders, even if you make a mistake, we will be on your side.”

Qin Yu grinned upon hearing these three people’s words, with a hint of satisfaction on his face, but the conversation changed, indifferently said: “But today’s things are impossible and simple. Three people should be mentally prepared.”

The expressions of the three people changed slightly, and Old Zheng replied, “Do you mean that our sword Top Sect is going to perish today? If this is the case, you don’t have to worry, since we are on your side. , You know the consequences.”

“No, I am not worried about this matter. With me, the sword Top Sect cannot be destroyed.”

Qin Yu shook the head, rejecting Shan Lao’s thoughts, and explained: “What I worry about is the human mind, and what I worry about is the human mind of the sword Top Sect, because the human mind is the most terrifying, and I’m afraid that the three of you will see it in a while and it will be uncomfortable. After all, the sword Top Sect is your hard work.”

“People’s heart?”

The 3 people were a little clouded by Qin Yu’s words. It seemed that they didn’t know what Qin Yu said, but Qin Yu didn’t explain anything.

Seeing Qin Yu and Shan Lao finished explaining, Su Ming faintly smiled, showing a sneer, and then said: “Old Shan, now you should know, have you offended who?”

“Hehe, Su Ming, you seldom baring fangs and brandishing claws, frigid irony and scorching satire here, but is it offending you Beast Palace? What terrifying is there.”

Shan Lao sneered, and didn’t give Su Ming any face.

He was as jealous as Qin Yu. After learning about the entire process of development, he stood firmly on Qin Yu’s side, and finally he did not forget to ridicule: “By the way, you people at Beast Palace, really to have no shame, It’s shameful that an older powerhouse wants to grab Qin Yu’s stuff!”


These two words were deliberately bitten by Shan Lao, and his voice was loud and loud. The hong long long rang in front of the mountain gate made Su Ming’s face look ugly.

“Impudent, how we use Beast Palace is not something you can judge at will!” Su Ming said furiously.

Damn, this Old Guy knew that Qin Yu had offended Beast Palace, so he dared to shelter Qin Yu and insult them Beast Palace, which is really disgusting.

“Since you can’t judge, it’s useless to say more, one word, kill!”

Qin Yu said in a loud voice, giving tit for tat with Su Ming, since these people have no shame, kill them and kill them cleanly.

And Qin Yu did the same in the past. For example, the more than 100 Deadpools and Song Yan in Beast Palace were completely killed by Qin Yu, and none were left.

“Well, so decisive, very ruthless, if you don’t agree, just kill!”

Qin Yu’s voice was in the crowd, and the sound of hong long long made everyone’s hearts shake together, all revealing an extremely shocking expression.

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