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Several people eyes shined, extremely excited, extremely tempted.

They have been greedy for Fanmei’s beauty for a long time, but they have never had the opportunity to do it, and they didn’t expect Fanmei to come to the door by herself.

And before that, they had also heard of Fanmei’s life, the extremely chaotic, didn’t expect this thing, it turned out to be true, it seems that they came here with Fanmei this time, it is considered to be right.

Even more how, in addition to Fan Mei that they think about day and night, there are also Liu Family sisters and Mu Lingshan who are several times more beautiful than Fan Mei, making them unable to conceal their dirty thoughts.

“Fanmei Senior Sister, let me do it first.”

A warrior stood up first and said, with a strong aura fluctuating all over his body, Spiritual Qi surging, as if it would explode at any time, extremely powerful.

“Hey, Zhong Qiang, didn’t expect you to stand up first, then let you do it, take care of them, Senior Sister belongs to you tonight.” Fanmei glanced at the man and said casually .

When the other two people saw this, they were all extremely disappointed. The two of them were just a step slower and they were taken the lead by Zhong Qiang. They really regretted it to the extreme.

“Hahaha, there will be more Senior Sister Xie, Senior Sister rest assured, I will pack these Stinking Insects soon, and then spend a good night with you.”

Zhong Qiang laughed heartily, patted his chest and promised, then moved towards. Several people came over and looked at Qin Yu and the others coldly, with disdain on his face.

Although Qin Yu and the others can kill Hu Feng, the Beast Palace Palace Lord of the barren continent, they must have been killed jointly, which is not true, and his own strength, in the 7 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, is not the battle strength. Hu Feng can be compared.

“It was Fan Mei Senior Sister who you smashed just now. If that’s the case, then I’ll take you first without getting out and getting killed.” Zhong Qiang scolded coldly, as if he was reprimanding some rubbish.

Fanmei also showed a hint of satisfaction. This Zhong Qiang would choose someone, knowing that Qin Yu was against him, and wanted to take Qin Yu’s operation first.

“Hehe, this little bastard dare to call me ugly, wait a while to catch you, carve peasant on your face, and see who is ugly.” Fan Mei smiled coldly.

To deal with the low-level peasants like Qin Yu, she doesn’t even have to take a shot, someone will help her clean up Qin Yu, and all this is based on his beauty.

In the face of Zhong Qiang’s scolding, Qin Yu frowned, his current strength can completely kill Zhong Qiang in seconds, so he walked forward without fear.

“Let me do it.”

Qin Yu just stood up and was stopped by Gui Li, which made Qin Yu a moment of stun, and then said with a smile: “In that case, let you come, and I believe in your strength.”

The realm of Ghost Li was originally around the 6th Layer of the Earth Spring, but the Bloodline, which was integrated with the powerhouse skeleton tempering of the Heavenly River Realm, has now reached the 7 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Earth Spring.

In addition, Guili possesses the ancient Ghost Race cultivation technique and the Holy Spirit method, and it is not weak to fight. With Guili’s battle strength, it is completely enough to kill Zhong Qiang.

Zhong Qiang saw Guili stand up, his eyes picked up slightly, he looked up and down Guili, and smiled in a negative test: “Hehe, didn’t expect it is really a bird, but you think it’s the same realm as me, Can you stop me? Whimsical.”

A joke, he Zhong Qiang has been in Beast Palace cultivation for 3 months. During this time, he has entered the Beast Palace mountainside’s canyon of life and death twice, and successfully survived from it.

The Canyon of Life and Death is a place provided by Beast Palace for the discipline to solve personal grievances. It is irreconcilable. In the Canyon of Life and Death, there are not only the incomparably powerful Beast Palace disciple, but also various powerful Demon Beasts.


Zhong Qiang didn’t hesitate, but took a sudden step. The majestic Spiritual Qi whizzed around his body, an extremely domineering pressure, fiercely’s moved towards Gui Li pressed down.

At the same time, Zhong Qiang’s right hand contained an extremely violent Spiritual Qi storm.

Under the entanglement of these Spiritual Qi, Zhong Qiang’s right arm was also strong for a full circle, revealing extremely strong battle strength all over his body.

“This guy’s strength is much stronger than Hu Feng, and he is known for being violent.” Liu Shuanghan said indifferently. She was not afraid of Zhong Qiang, but Zhong Qiang’s strength, which was indeed not weak.

Qin Yu nodded, Zhong Qiang’s battle strength is indeed stronger than Hu Feng. Next, it depends on the performance of Guili.

Although Qin Yu believes in the strength of Guili, after all, it is the first time he has seen Guili make a move.


After Zhong Qiang urged the cultivation base, the peak of Fist shot out, rubbing against the air, like a meteor, smashed down, and pointed directly at Guili’s facade.

Under the black robe, Gui Li’s expression could not be seen clearly, but when Zhong Qiang’s fist peak was about to fall on Gui Li’s face, a black light suddenly surged out of Gui Li’s body.

This black light, under Gui Li’s urging, formed a palm-size black blade, about 3 feet, and moved towards Zhong Qiang’s neck at a very fast speed.


A slight sound came into everyone’s ears, and Zhong Qiang’s fist peak, with this sound, stopped forcibly, and floated 2 feet in front of Gui Li.


Seeing this weird scene, all eyes were shocked, and the ghost came first, and actually killed Zhong Qiang in seconds.

“How is it possible? We are very clear about Zhong Qiang’s strength. With his strength, he was even wiped out.”

“This black-clothed youth is covered with black robe and can’t see the face and origin. The realm has reached the 7 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, and the strength has even reached the terrifying level of 7 Heavenly Layer Peak.”

Fanmei and Sun Buzheng, the two people behind them, whispered, unconsciously, both of them were startled in cold sweat, and their whole bodies trembled slightly.

They also envied Zhong Qiang just now, thinking that Zhong Qiang was a step ahead, but now it seems that Zhong Qiang is completely rushing to courting death.

Fanmei’s eyes widened, didn’t expect that Zhong Qiang, who she sent out, was so impossible to withstand a single blow. He was killed by the other party without even touching the opponent’s body.

“Hmph, it seems that this barren continent really has one or two talents, but then, let this great aunt take the shot himself.” Fanmei Coldly Snorted said.

Zhong Qiang was killed by a spike, which really surprised her, but her realm, but at 7 Heavenly Layer Peak in the Earthquan realm, is more powerful than Zhong Qiang. It is much more powerful than Zhong Qiang. Killing Qin Yu and Guili is nothing but moving. Things to move your fingers.


As soon as Fanmei’s words fell, Gui Li’s silhouette disappeared from the spot, leaving a vague black shadow on the spot, and actively killed Fanmei.

Seeing Ghost Li 2 without saying anything, he dared to attack her. Fanmei was furious, and the vast Spiritual Qi waved around her body, forming a vast ocean.

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