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In the Spiritual Qi of the vast ocean, a few jade green kills, with a very dangerous smell, burst out, and shot Guili extremely domineeringly.

Under the black robe, Gui Li suddenly reached out a big hand. In this big hand, the black light surged, and quickly moved towards the green, which was squeezed fiercely.

“How can it be?”

Fanmei’s face changed drastically. These jade green gloomy lights were obtained in an ancient place. In the past, when killing people with this method, it was always unfavorable, but now….

Before Fanmei could react, the silhouette of Guili, like a ghost, fell in front of Fanmei. The palm peak was raised, moved towards Fanmei’s face, and slapped down.


In this shot, Fan Mei’s head burst open, she didn’t even have the opportunity to fight back, she died directly, and the whole process took less than a second.

When Qin Yu saw this scene, his eyes trembled slightly, revealing an expression of surprise.

Ancient Ghost Race’s cultivation technique of Ghost Li’s cultivation is more powerful than he imagined. It has already achieved the point where it can kill 7 Heavenly Layer Peak in a second.

“Is this the one we are going to follow in the future?” Mullingshan asked in surprise, somewhat absent-minded.

Guili is Qin Yu’s Avatar, she knows this very well.

However, Ghost Li’s battle strength is really incomparably powerful, killing a strong presence in the 7 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage and Peak one after another in a second. He shot decisively, very ruthless, without the slightest drag.

Hey, hey, hey!

After killing Fanmei, Gui Li rushed into the crowd, and there were dull clashes from the crowd. Sun Buzheng, or the warriors of the 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, were all obliterated. Up.

So far, all of the 5 disciplines sent by Song She died here, none of them survived, and it took less than 5 breaths for Ghost Li to kill these people.

Ruthless people, not many words! It should be the description of Ghost Li.

“Your strength is good, much stronger than I thought.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

The ghost is nodded slowly, not hypocritical, indifferently said: “You and me, how do you divide each other!”

Qin Yu smiled dumbly, and then asked Gui Li to put away the storage bags of several people and waved at the space. In that space, two silhouettes immediately appeared.

These two silhouettes are Gu Ying and Fang Jun hiding in the dark. After the two walked out, their faces also had a thick look of shock.

“Senior Gu, how strong is this friend of mine?” Qin Yu asked with a smile.

“Hehe, speaking of which, I’m afraid this guy is stronger than you. It only took 5 breaths to kill 5 disciplines of Beast Palace.” Gu Ying said with a smile, looking up and down the ghost. Li.

This time, when he came to the deserted continent, he originally wanted to bring Qin Yu into the Heavenly Dragon Empire, but in the end he brought in a genius even stronger than Qin Yu.

However, what puzzled Gu Ying was that such a powerful genius as Guili did not participate in the 100 clan battle, and seeing Guili’s appearance, he obeyed Qin Yu.

Fang Jun also looked at Gui Li up and down, extremely envious. If possible, he wanted to gather Qin Yu and Gui Li into the Sky Blue Sect together, but this was obviously impossible.

“Since Gu Ying Senior is satisfied, let’s do what we discussed before.”

Qin Yu indifferently smiled and turned to Guili and said: “Guili, you will follow Guying Senior in the future to the Heavenly Dragon Empire, and bring Qin Yi with you by the way.”

Ghost Li, expressionless, nodded, turned and walked behind Gu Ying, without saying a word.

After 2 days, Guili took Liu Family sisters, Mu Lingshan, and the others to the Heavenly Dragon Empire. Qin Yu handled the Top Sect sword, and finally followed Fang Jun and set foot on the sky. Zong’s road.

The news that Fanmei and the others were killed quickly reached Song She and Guangyuanzi, which made the two of them furious. The 2 disciplines they sent originally thought it was enough to clean up Qin Yu, but it didn’t. t expect, they were all killed.

“Okay, okay, Qin Yu, count you as cruel, if that’s the case, don’t blame me for being vicious and merciless.” Song She gnashing teeth said, hating Qin Yu to the extreme.

However, the Transmission Array they left in the desert has been checked by Qin Yu, and all of them have been destroyed. If you want to retaliate against the desert, there is no other way but to target Qin Yu who is in the Celestial Sect.

The Celestial Continent is extremely vast and vast, while the Heavenly Dragon Empire, Beast Palace, Snow Moon Sect, Heaven Origin Sect, and Celestial Sect are formidable sects standing on top of the Celestial Continent, and they control everything in the Celestial Continent.

However, under Five Great Influences, there are also many families and gangs, the forces are extremely powerful, the friction between them is constant, and the undercurrent is surging.

Almost every moment, there are powerhouses falling, countless families dying, countless forces, rising, and fighting, never stopping.

Of course, in this cruel environment, countless experts and legendary were born. Some of them are just a reputation, enough to scare countless people trembling.

Moreover, it is rumored that before 1000 years, the real ruler of the Celestial Continent was the Celestial Sect. Among them, the Heavenly Dao people can accomplish all the good fortune and dominate an era.

But 1000 years ago, the Heavenly Cang Sect had a rebellion, which led to the invasion of experts from other continents, which caused the Heavenly Cang Sect to collapse and became the weakest of the Heavenly Cang Continent Five Great Influences.

Tiancang Sect is located near the Black Demon Sea on the Tiancang Continent, where the mountains stand tall, each and everyone is very tall, and the Spiritual Qi above is majestic, just like the Immortal Realm.

On these big mountains, there are countless tall buildings, countless buildings, and countless ancient palaces, all giving people a majestic Supreme feeling.

“Qin Yu, this is where our Tiancang Sect is located.” Fang Jun pointed to the mountains in front, said with a smile.

Qin Yu nodded, this place is too majestic, even if it is Qin Yu’s experience out of the ordinary, he was shocked by the scene before him, extremely shocked.

“On the Celestial Continent, this region has the strongest Spiritual Qi. After all, this is the place dominated 1000 years ago, and it is the top of the Celestial Continent, but now only that remains.” Fang Jun sighed.

Think about how powerful their Heavenly Cang Sect was 1000 years ago. Not only did they sit on this majestic Spiritual Qi place, but they also occupied countless mineral veins, spirit veins, and resources. How powerful it was.

But now, the Heavenly Cang Sect only has this foundation, and all other things have been divided up.

Listening to Fang Jun’s sigh, Qin Yu moved slightly in his heart and asked: “Fang Jun Elder, what did the Tiancang Sect go through 1000 years ago?”

Since 1000 years ago, the Heavenly Cang Sect was another existence on the Overlord level of the Heavenly Cang Continent, its strength should be extremely powerful, in the end, it is who, who has such a large energy, can cause the decline of the Heavenly Cang Sect.

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