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Qin Yu, a warrior in the Earthquan realm, dare to fight Song Yi, and his expert in the Tianhe realm, if he dare not even say a word, wouldn’t it be too spineless.

“You…you…Fang Jun, Huozhu, are you two going to rebel?” Song Yi’s face was full of iron.

They didn’t expect these two people to give tit for tat to an unknown discipline, and to faintly implicate Great Elder, which really made Song Yi feel incredible.

“Rebellion is hard to talk about. The two of us are just to protect the honor of the Celestial Sect, and with the skills of little friend Qin Yu, even in the Heavenly Dragon Empire, I am afraid that I will receive key training. If you don’t believe it, you can ask The ancient shadow of Heavenly Dragon Empire, he and Fang Mou invited Qin Yu at the same time.” Fang Jun said indifferently.

“What, Heavenly Dragon Empire also invited Qin Yu, Qin Yu didn’t go to Heavenly Dragon Empire, this…”

“Heavenly Dragon Empire is Five Great Influences, Ranked 1st Super Great Influence, why didn’t Qin Yu go to Heavenly Dragon Empire and came to our Heavenly Sect.”

When everyone heard that the Heavenly Dragon Empire had invited Qin Yu, they all had a look of horror. Many of them wanted to join the Heavenly Dragon Empire, but they had no access and qualifications.

Song Yi’s face was also ugly. Didn’t expect Qin Yu’s innate talents were all valued by the Heavenly Dragon Empire, and this matter, with his power, obviously could not be suppressed.

“Great Elder, look…” Song Yi asked for instructions.

Great Elder waved his hand, and then said indifferently: “Okay, that’s the end of this matter, Qin Yu, you can go up and test it. Although Tang Lie is the discipline of this Eminence, this Eminence will not favor him. Let you suffer injustice.”

“Hehe, then many thanks Great Elder.” Qin Yu smiled indifferently, without taking seriously.

Even though he can’t enter the Sky Cang Sect today, Qin Yu can go to other forces as well, so there is nothing to worry about.

It is gold, it will shine wherever you go, and will not be buried!

“Since Great Elder gave you a chance, well, the old man will let you test it, but the ugly thing is in front. If your Martial Soul is lower than Monarch Rank, the old man will expel you from the Heavenly Cang Sect.” Song Yi said coldly. .

Everyone was hearing this, their faces all changed, extremely shocked.

Among the 40000 disciples this time, only Tang Lie, Zhou Shan, Shi Kun, Liu Qiang, Ye Sen and the others have Martial Souls of Monarch Rank or higher. Song Yi asked Qin Yu to achieve Monarch Rank Martial Souls. Isn’t it difficult for strong people? .

Everyone couldn’t help but feel a little sympathy and pity Qin Yu. According to their understanding, Qin Yu’s next future is afraid that it will come to an end.

“Martial Soul above Monarch Rank, hehe, what is this, is it your threat?”

Qin Yu sneered, no one else had this request, but Song Yi made this request to him. This Old Guy’s face is really thick.

“Threat? Hehe, right? This Elder is in charge of the first round test. Even if it is unfair to you, but with your supercilious attitude, this Elder has this right to abuse this Elder.” Song Yi said indifferently. .

“Hahaha, Song Yi Elder, you have such a big right, such a big lewd prestige, but unfortunately, you are destined to be disappointed, old dog, just wait to be beaten in the face.”

Qin Yu laughed heartily, under everyone’s astonished eyes, he moved towards the Martial Soul monument and slapped away.

In an instant, on the Martial Soul stele, a dazzling red light burst out, like blood, a half-day sky stained with red.

The 5-foot scarlet-red light beam, on top of the Martial Soul monument, fluctuates continuously, like a Blood Sword, extremely fierce, stabbing everyone’s eyes, unable to open.

“What, Monarch Rank Grade 5 Martial Soul, Qin Yu turned out to be Monarch Rank Grade 5 Martial Soul, how is this possible?”

Looking at the 5-foot scarlet-red light beam, everyone was stunned. Like Tang Lie and Great Elder, Qin Yu also possesses the rare Monarch Rank Grade 5 Martial Soul.

“How is this possible, how can he have Monarch Rank Grade 5 Martial Soul?”

Song Yi’s face was extremely horrified, extremely flushed, and his old face was burning with pain.

No wonder Qin Yu dared to be so arrogant and daring to be rude to him. It turns out that Qin Yu also has a Martial Soul comparable to Great Elder, which is too shocking.

“This kid unexpectedly possesses this high innate talent, and we have to worry about him for nothing.” Huo Zhu exclaimed, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

Fang Jun’s clenched fist peaks also slowly spread, Monarch Rank Grade 5 Martial Soul, enough to establish Qin Yu’s status.

On the contrary, the faces of Zhao Yuan and Tang Lie were not so pretty. They were blue and purple, as if they were kicked by a donkey, they were extremely ugly.

“This rubbish is also Monarch Rank Grade 5 Martial Soul.”

Tang Lie gloomy face cursed, a rubbish, how does he deserve to stand at the same height and have the same Martial Soul.

An incredible color appeared on Great Elder’s face, and then an expression of wry smile appeared.

Fortunately, he gave Qin Yu a chance, otherwise, he would kill a genius.

“Song Yi Elder, what is the level of my Martial Soul, are you trying to drive me out of the Celestial Sect?”

Qin Yu asked with a sneer, not at all retreating from the Martial Soul monument, but continued to urge the power of Martial Soul, making the red rays of light even more dazzling.

Song Yi hearing this, her entire cheek was flushed and hot, as if she had been slapped fiercely, and her old face was a bit uncontrollable.

He originally wanted to take this opportunity, hit a person when he’s down, to drive Qin Yu out of the Sky Cang Sect directly, and then send someone to kill Qin Yu, but who knew that Qin Yu’s Martial Soul level was so high.

“Qin Yu, your Martial Soul level is good, and you can be considered a genius. I was dim-sighted from old age before, and I was wrong.” Song Yi said indifferently, seeming to have become extremely gentle, and found himself a step down.

Otherwise, he really doesn’t know how to end it!

And under this circumstance, he can no longer move towards Qin Yu at all. If he insists on embarrassing Qin Yu, he will become the public enemy of everyone.

However, his resentment towards Qin Yu remained undiminished.

Tang Lie’s realm is much higher than Qin Yu. In the next battle, Tang Lie can still obliterate Qin Yu, so Qin Yu will live a little longer.

“Wrong? Hehe, it seems that Song Yi’s Elder’s eyesight still needs to be tempered, otherwise it will lower the Celestial Cangzong Elder expert level.” Qin Yu said indifferently.

Everyone could hear that Qin Yu’s words were satirizing Song Yi, but Song Yi had nothing to say, so he could only break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

Seeing that Song Yi’s face was cold and uncertain, he was extremely resentful and kept silent.

Qin Yu put his gaze on Tang Lie, this guy was the culprit.

“Tang Lie, sorry, it seems to disappoint you. I am not desperate under your innate talent.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

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