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Tang Lie’s brows were extremely hideous, and then coldly snorted said: “Innate talent is good, but if it is battle strength, you are still not equal to me. I will still make you desperate when you meet Wubi.”

“Hehe, isn’t it? It seems that your face doesn’t hurt enough!” Qin Yu faintly smiled and said, but he already had an idea in his heart.

Song Yi forcibly said, “Qin Yu, you and Tang Lie, and the number one genius this time, don’t hurry down and let others test it.”

“and many more!”

Just after Song Yi finished speaking, Qin Yu interrupted Song Yi’s words directly, and then said: “Song Yi Elder, are you afraid that you made a mistake? Tang Lie is worthy to be tied for first place with me?”

“What, what do you mean is that Tang Lie is not worthy of being called first with you, hehe, joke, you two are both Monarch Rank Grade 2 Martial Soul, naturally tied for first.” Song Yi said with a cold laugh.

To be honest, if it weren’t for the immensity of heaven and earth, if it weren’t for the immensity of heaven and earth, if it weren’t for the immensity of heaven and earth.

“Song Yi Elder, it seems that your old eyes are really dim, almost blind, whoever told you, he is qualified to be tied for first place with me, open your dog eyes to see clearly before speaking.”

Qin Yu sneered in a cold voice, and suddenly urged Swallowing Ancestral Dragon Martial Soul, coldly shouted in his heart: “Swallow!”

Song Yi Elder’s face was extremely green, Qin Yu won the first place, but he was not satisfied.

Fortunately, he wants to see what else Qin Yu can play.

The Martial Soul level is determined by the innate talent. It is completely determined from the moment of birth, and there is no way to change it.

Now both Qin Yu and Tang listed are Monarch Rank Grade 5 Martial Soul, and he is forced to admit that Qin Yu is also the first in the innate talent assessment. Now Qin Yu is still clamoring here, which is completely nonsense.

“Well, let me see what other jokes you can make. If everything remains unchanged for a while, even if it is Monarch Rank Grade 5 Martial Soul, the old man has an excuse to suppress you.” Song Yi said with a cold laugh in his heart.

Since Qin Yu was still messing around, he let Qin Yu mess around. He just couldn’t find an excuse to suppress Qin Yu, but Qin Yu took the initiative to send it to the door.

Qin Yu turned a deaf ear to Song Yi’s thoughts, but completely motivated the Swallowing Ancestral Dragon Martial Soul, absorbing the Martial Soul energy from the Martial Soul monument.

The original Monarch Rank Grade 5 Martial Soul unexpectedly changed again at this time, and the crimson beam of light continued to rise, forming a bright glow.

“Well, this kid’s Martial Soul is actually in the mutation. Could it be that he had hidden Martial Soul before it was really not graded?” Seeing the rising scarlet-red light beam, Song Yi’s face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Qin Yu actually hides the Martial Soul level. In other words, the Qin Yu Martial Soul level is better than Monarch Rank Grade 5. How is this possible?

Great Elder, Huozhu, Fang Jun, and the others were all shocked. They had never seen a person’s Martial Soul even become stronger.

“This guy’s real Martial Soul level, won’t it be Monarch Rank Grade 6, right?” Huozhu Elder couldn’t help but mutter.

If this is the case, it means that Qin Yu’s innate talent is stronger than the outer sect Great Elder, and is the strongest innate talent in the Tiancang Sect for more than ten years.

“Monarch Rank Grade 6 Martial Soul!”

Great Elder’s eyes, fiercely’s trembling, his Monarch Rank Grade 5 Martial Soul, is already strong enough, it is hard to imagine that there is even someone stronger than him in the sky.

“Everyone, my Martial Soul is in Monarch Rank Grade 6, and if it is released for the first time, it may also attract the Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon and bring you a chance.” Qin Yu suddenly said.

Martial Soul breakthrough, there will be a Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon blooming. Under all eyes, Qin Yu can’t hide it at all, so it’s better to say it early and give everyone a guide. It doesn’t seem so strange.

“There is a Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon? What, real or fake?”

“When the legendary too powerful Martial Soul was released, it was extremely difficult every time, but there was indeed a Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon, but no one had seen it.”

“So, if that world natural phenomenon really exists, will it bring us a great opportunity?”

Everyone was horrified, and then looked at Qin Yu with expectant eyes, hoping that Qin Yu would release the super Martial Soul of Monarch Rank Grade 6, Good Fortune and the others.

Seeing everyone’s super expectant eyes, Qin Yu’s heart calmed down slightly. At present, he can only deceive everyone with this kind of words. He can’t say his Martial Soul, he can advance.

Immediately, Qin Yu’s courage completely opened up, letting go of the Swallowing Ancestral Dragon Martial Soul, and absorbing all the Martial Soul energy extremely quickly.


With the Martial Soul monument, the majestic Martial Soul can continuously be introduced into Qin Yu within the body and be swallowed by the Swallowing Ancestral Dragon Martial Soul. The rays of light on the Martial Soul monument become stronger and stronger, almost Blinking speed, moved towards 6 feet and rushed away.

Between Heaven and Earth, countless rays of sunshine suddenly descended, and these rays of sunshine fell on everyone, making everyone feel comfortable and extremely strange.

“Is this the Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon inspired by the mighty Martial Soul, really strong, and I seem to be breaking through.”

“Ah, Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon, Qin Yu is right, I also have traces of breakthrough, hahaha, Qin Yu, thank you so much.”

“Hey, the old man also has a relaxed and joyful feeling. Could it be that this bottleneck, which has been stuck for many years, will break down, it is impossible.”

On the square, countless warriors are bathed in that world natural phenomenon, and their faces are full of strong surprises. Many people’s cultivation bases have even had a breakthrough in this brief moment.

Even Huozhu, an expert of the Tianhe Realm, has broken through a realm.

“Is this Monarch Rank Grade 6 Martial Soul? It is really strong, and the aura of this Elder was also aroused.” Great Elder exclaimed, extremely shocked.

He is the powerhouse of the Tianhe Realm, and the cultivation base is still above the flames, but the Martial Soul natural phenomenon released by Qin Yu Monarch Rank Grade 6 is aroused.

But among all the people, the most profitable is Qin Yu. Not only did his Martial Soul breakthrough reach Monarch Rank Grade 6, but the cultivation base in this brief moment also jumped up and skyrocketed.

“Do you want to break through the 4th Layer Middle Stage?”

Qin Yu whispered, but soon shook the head and said, “It should be the 4th Layer Peak of Earthquan.”

As early as in the desert continent, Qin Yu had already felt the signs of breakthrough, but he was too busy before and didn’t cultivation properly, so he delayed the cultivation base.

However, now, with the help of the Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon of Martial Soul breakthrough, his cultivation base will completely break through the bottleneck of the 4th Layer Initial Stage of Earth Spring.


Qin Yu within the body, heard a dull sound, a powerful force rushed out of Qin Yu’s 4 limbs and 100 skeletons, and entered the 4th Layer Middle Stage of the Earth Spring.

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