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“Qin Yu, did you hear that, you are a capital crime, a capital crime.”

“And after you die, I will not only get the first place in the innate talent test, but also the discipline of Great Elder, and will still live smartly. You can watch me enjoy the glory of Supreme in the Netherworld. “Tang Lie said with a cold laugh, incomparably comfortable.

“Hehe, do you think it’s possible?”

Qin Yu sneered, and then slowly looked towards Great Elder, said with a smile: “Great Elder, I didn’t mean to disrespect you, but someone just walked into your door and gave you such a big person, you Does your face look good?”

Great Elder’s complexion sank slowly stood up from his seat, clenched his fists, and his eyes contained extremely strong anger.

“Qin Yu, what are you talking nonsense, Great Elder is my Master, you provoke him, hehe, courting death will fail.” Tang Lie looked at Qin Yu with a sneer with dead eyes.


Before Tang Lie’s voice fell, Great Elder suddenly became angry.

With a loud shout, the entire square tremble fiercely. Everyone in this brief moment closed their mouths and dared not talk nonsense.

Everyone can tell that Great Elder is angry.

Great Elder’s eyes, after looking at Qin Yu, put it on Tang Lie, slowly said, “Tang Lie, you really disappoint me.”

“What, I let you down, Master, what do you mean by these words, when did I let you down?” Tang Lie trembled in fright, speaking without careful diction.

Great Elder is his Master, shouldn’t he be facing him? But now he questioned him out loud.

“Hehe, it seems that you haven’t realized your mistakes. Well, when you are kicked out of my door, this Eminence will give you a good explanation about how you let me down.” Great Elder said slowly.

“Get out!”

Hearing this, all the faces of people changed in shock. Great Elder actually kicked Tang Lie out of the house. Why is this?

“Tang Lie, your innate talent of Monarch Rank Grade 5 Martial Soul is the same as this Eminence. This Eminence loves talents. That’s why you are accepted as the discipline of this Eminence. However, you use this to show off and suppress Qin Yu, full of vanity. , This is your first mistake.”

“Second, Qin Yu’s Monarch Rank Grade 2 Martial Soul is the Martial Soul gifted to him by heaven. You are right to envy, but you can’t tolerate others better than you. You want to get rid of dissidents and let me heaven. Cangzong lost a super genius, which is unpredictable. This is your second mistake!”

“Third, you colluded with Song Yi and acted as a tiger. Where did you two regard me as Tiancangzong? This is your third mistake, supercilious.”

Great Elder said word by word, continuously counting Tang Lie’s crimes, every word fell into Tang Lie’s ear, it was a thunderbolt, and Tang Lie was hit hard.

“You have strong vanity, strong jealousy, unpredictable, supercilious, vain attempt to disturb the justice of my Heavenly Blue Sect. You are really damned and unworthy to be a discipline, so I now announce that I will drive you out of my door.” Great Elder The dull voice resounded throughout the square.

All the disciplines shook together, and then they all looked at Great Elder in admiration. Great Elder was impartial and selfless, safeguarding the honor of the Celestial Sect.

Qin Yu also felt a little shock.

Unexpectedly, Great Elder’s temperament is similar to him, just, fair, without the slightest bit of favoritism, silently guarding the dignity and honor of the Celestial Sect.

Tang Lie was trembling all over, and his face was extremely pale. He went to the gate of the teacher and was expelled from the finished apprenticeship gate on the same day, only a few hours apart.

This is a kind of irony, making him a joke in everyone’s eyes, even without the slightest face, standing here again.

“Qin Yu, Qin Yu, blame this little bastard, I must smash this little bastard into 10000 pieces to get rid of the hatred in my heart.” Tang Lie roared resentfully, all of which blamed Qin Yu.

If there is no Qin Yu, he is the strongest discipline of innate talent. If there is no Qin Yu, he is the discipline of Great Elder.

However, everything that I had obtained was broken because of Qin Yu, letting him draw water from a bamboo basket, futile.

“Tang Lie, this Elder just drove you out of the finished apprenticeship door and won’t kill you. After all, Monarch Rank Grade 5 Martial Soul is also a rare Martial Soul, so you can still stay in the Celestial Sect cultivation in the future, but you can do it yourself. “Great Elder said with a sigh.

He saw everything in front of him. It was Tang Lie and Song Yi who were uniting to suppress Qin Yu. He was really sad for Tang Lie.

Moreover, as the Great Elder of the outer sect of the Celestial Sect, if he can’t uphold justice and safeguard the honor of Celestial Sect, who else can maintain it?

If he hadn’t done anything, this matter would spread out, fearing that it would become a joke for the entire Celestial Continent and shame countless warriors.

“Yes, Great Elder!”

Tang Lie didn’t dare to object the slightest, so he could only brace oneself to respond, but this made his resentment towards Qin Yu even stronger, and he almost hated Qin Yu.

“Song Yi, you are hosting the innate talent test this time. As Elder, you can’t treat all the disciplines fairly. This Eminence now deprives you of the right to host the innate talent test. You go to the penalty hall to receive the corresponding penalty.” Said to Song Yi.

A slap can’t make a sound, it is precisely because Song Yi is here to participate, that makes Tang Lie unscrupulous.

“Hmph, you get the penalty when you receive the penalty, there is nothing at worst.”

Song Yi complexion sank, coldly snorted, didn’t say so angry, he was not as easy to talk as Tang Lie, and he would not be silent.

Tang Lie is nothing more than a discipline, besides, he has not formally worshipped Tiancang Sect.

But he Song Yi, but the Heavenly Cangzong Outer Elder, even if his position is under the Great Elder, he is not such a resigned person.

“Great Elder, before going to the Penalty Palace, I want to ask what you plan to do with Qin Yu. Even though he has the super innate talent of Monarch Rank Grade 6, the Martial Soul monument is broken in his hands. You cover this point. No Qin Yu.” Song Yi said still unwillingly.

Before leaving, he must hit a person when he’s down to prevent Qin Yu from getting better.

Speaking of this matter, Great Elder was also a big head for a while, but it did not mean to punish Qin Yu, indifferently said: “Although the Martial Soul monument is broken in Qin Yu’s hands, Qin Yu is not wrong.”

“Well, what do you mean? It’s not the fault of the little bastard whose surname is Qin. Could it be the fault of the old man?” Song Yi’s eyes shrank fiercely and said.

Although he had long expected that Great Elder would not punish Qin Yu, he didn’t expect Great Elder to say that Qin Yu did not make any mistakes. This was to completely excuse Qin Yu.

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