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Great Elder’s eyes sank a little, and a cold color flashed through the expression. Song Yi broke the sect rules, insulted the sect glory, and even killed Qin Yu to death. It was really hateful, don’t want to have his old face.

“We have not seen Monarch Rank Grade 6 Martial Soul in our Heavenly Cang Sect for many years, so when the inner Sect Elder refined the Martial Soul monument, it did not consider the Martial Soul intensity limit of the Martial Soul monument. If you are really surprised, Then go to the inner Sect Elder who refines the Martial Soul monument.”

Great Elder said lightly, and pushed the matter to Sect Elder.

As for the natural phenomenon released by Qin Yu, he didn’t think much, because some powerful Martial Souls were not what he could imagine.

Song Yi’s face was extremely green. With his identity, he naturally couldn’t question those inner Sect Elders, but if he were to let him put this matter down, it would be impossible.

“Tie Cang, you are cruel, but this matter is not over. Even if the old man doesn’t do it, the people of the Tang family will do it. That little bastard arrogant and conceited will eventually die. Can you shelter for a while, or protect it for a lifetime? “Song Yi hissed angrily roared, very bitter.

Tie Cang is the name of Great Elder, but for so many years, no one dared to call Great Elder’s Life Source, but it was called “Great Elder” respectfully.

Great Elder’s heart moved slightly, Qin Yu offended the Tang family, which is indeed a bit difficult to handle.

However, Qin Yu can only rely on Qin Yu for this matter. He has now expelled Tang Lie out of the house and punished Song Yi severely, which is already a great help to Qin Yu.

How far Qin Yu can go depends on Qin Yu’s good fortune, because there is no powerhouse, but with the help of others, he walked to Martial Dao Peak.

Song Yi was suppressed by several Elders together and sent to the Penalty Hall. The matter was completely calmed down.

But everyone knows that this matter is endless. Qin Yu completely offended the Tang family, offended Song Yi, and offended Zhao Yuan.

“This little bastard, relying on the Great Elder here to defend him, can he be unscrupulous? Zhao Yuan will not agree to it.” Zhao Yuan said coldly.

He wants Qin Yu to die here, so that he can vent his hatred and let him out of this breath.

Regarding these, the expression on Qin Yu’s face has always been indifferent, and his heart is extremely plain, without the slightest wave of waves.

At the beginning of the 100 clan battlefield, Beast Palace Elder Songshe was not the same as aloof and remote, but Qin Yu was still fearless. Now in this sky, what is Qin Yu afraid of?

“This first round test, let’s stop here. In this test, Qin Yu innate talent is the first. As for the ones that haven’t had time to test, let the Elder test them.”

“In addition, after the test is over, the second round of Wubi will be hosted by Huozhu Elder. This Elder is a little tired, so go back and rest first.”

Great Elder sighed. Today, he originally wanted to witness this batch of innate talents of the discipline, but he didn’t expect things to end up like this, and he almost couldn’t suppress it.

After that, Great Elder came to Qin Yu again, warned repeatedly: “Your innate talent is good, but you have a somewhat upright personality, so you can be a good cultivation. In the future, you can also become a powerhouse of the heavenly continent.”

“Many thanks Great Elder, but the character of Great Elder is not the same as being upright.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

“Hehe, your kid’s mouth is really unforgiving. Okay. The next martial artist is more careful than you. Take it when you see it. Don’t be too strong. Monarch Rank Grade 6 Martial Soul’s innate talent, even if you don’t participate. Wubi can also become the discipline of our Tiancang Sect.” Great Elder lightly said with a smile.

Qin Yu bowed deeply in gratitude. From birth to now, he has always maintained a fearless heart, but the Great Elder now makes him in awe.

An upright character, iron-blooded pride, only such a resounding man is worthy to walk in this world.

“Now I announce that all disciplines below King Rank Grade 5 Martial Soul have been eliminated and become the Honorary Disciple of the Celestial Sect. The rest will participate in the second round of Wubi and take the top 5000 to become the Outer Disciple of the Celestial Sect. “Huozhu faintly announced.

When this voice fell, the crowd immediately became agitated. Many of the disciplines showed expressions of disappointment. They couldn’t help but step back and stepped out of the crowd.

There are more than 2 people in these disciplines. Their Martial Soul is lower than King Rank Grade 10000. They cannot become the Outer Disciple of the Celestial Sect, but can only become the Honorary Disciple.

In Great Sect like Tiancangzong, strength is first and second, and the most important thing is innate talent, because people with strong innate talent can go farther and stronger.

King Rank Grade 5 Martial Soul is the bottom line of the Celestial Sect.

But Qin Yu doesn’t have to worry about this at all, because his Monarch Rank Grade 6 Martial Soul, but far surpasses King Rank Grade 5, and is the strongest genius of the Celestial Sect innate talent for decades.

After 40000 disciples were eliminated in half, only half of the disciplines remained. These disciplines were easily sighed in relief, and they finally passed the first round.

As for the second round, although the elimination rate is also extremely high, as long as you don’t encounter some extremely powerful warriors, you won’t lose too badly, and there may be a chance to mix into the Celestial Sect.

Of course, some innate talents are extremely powerful, and Martial Dao’s powerful disciplines, such as Zhou Shan, Ye Sen, Tang Lie, Shi Kun, Liu Shi and the others, don’t need to worry at all.

Their innate talents are super strong, all of them are Martial Soul above the Monarch Rank, and their strength is not only among the top ten, but also among the top ten, ranking high.

“The second round assessment lasts for 3 days and is divided into ten arenas for a ranking battle. Please come up and receive the grades in turn.” Huozhu lightly saying.

With the maintenance of many Elders, each discipline receives numbers separately.

Some handyman disciples set up a ring on one side, portraying an array of protection rings, so as not to completely destroy the ring.

When everyone was building the ring, Zhao Yuan and Tang Lie walked over together, and Zhao Yuan didn’t know where to win over a batch of expert disciples and followed him.

“Qin Yu, this second round, I hope you don’t meet me, because you will lose miserably. I will crush your head fiercely on the ring.” Tang Lie said with gnashing teeth, hating Qin. Yu is gone.

Above the level of Martial Soul, he lost to Qin Yu and was expelled from the door by Great Elder. These hatreds were his incomparable resentment against Qin Yu, and he wished to whip Qin Yu to the corpse.

“Hehe, haven’t you learned your lesson?” Qin Yu sneered, looking at Tang Lie playfully.

This Tang Lie’s head is really iron. He suffered a loss in his hands just now, and now he still comes to provoke him. It’s really Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin.

“Tang Lie, don’t worry, maybe before I saw you, he was already a dead person. He offended this Elder, and this Elder won’t make him so much better.” Zhao Yuan coldly said.

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