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The powerful pressure of 8 Heavenly Layer Peak in Zhouliangdi Spring Realm was like a turbulent river, and the eruption was so full that the moved towards Qin Yu fiercely was suppressed.

The violent restlessness was vaguely mixed with a fierce color, which changed the complexion of many people, knowing in his heart that Zhou Liang planned to move towards Qin Yu to make a ruthless hand.

“Qin Yu, I hate to admire your courage, but Zhou Liang does not like others stealing my things, even more how this mission is related to the 800 contribution value and the face of my Zhou Liang.”

Zhou Liang’s body was full of violent auras, and he said with a smile coldly, “You receive my palm first. If you can catch it, I will give you the qualification to grab the spot.”

In Zhou Liang’s eyes, although Qin Yu was fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, he was not eligible to compete for the spot with him. As long as Qin Yu dared to accept his hand, he promised to kill Qin Yu with one palm.

A genius with Monarch Rank Grade 6 Martial Soul, if he died in his hands, Zhou Liang, wanting to gain his reputation, Cangzong would rise in an uproar on this day.

Qin Yu hearing this, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Zhou Liang really looked up to himself this time, but this confidence was nothing but a fool in Qin Yu’s eyes.

“It’s useless to say more, let’s do it!” Qin Yu said indifferently.

“Well, you are brave.”

Zhou Liang bit his teeth fiercely, revealing the white teeth, like a beast, releasing the cold Qi, the violent Spiritual Qi in the right hand, quickly moved towards the palm of the palm.

In Zhou Liang’s palm, countless majestic Spiritual Qi was suppressed by it, gradually turning into a red color, just like a piece of lava, releasing terrifying heat.

Under this terrifying high temperature, the surrounding air was burned up, and it seemed that it could be ignited at any time. That kind of terrifying power was extremely powerful.


Looking at the burning red lava in Zhou Liang’s palm, Jiang Yan’s brows fiercely shrank fiercely, and he stood up and stopped by the two people.

“Qin Yu, you can’t take this palm, at worst this time the task is not done.” Jiang Yan persuaded painstakingly.

Zhou Liang’s palm is too strong. If Qin Yu is fine, if he can’t catch it, he will severely break his arm and die here. He can’t let Qin Yu lose his life here in vain.

Hearing that Jiang Yan discourages Qin Yu, Zhou Liang’s eyes have a sneer, and the arrogant meaning in his eyes is even more intense. He said with a smile: “Do you want to regret now? Hehe, yes, let Qin Yu Knock me 3 bangs, call me 3 grandfather, and I will let him go this time.”

“Repent, you are too dear to yourself.”

Qin Yu smiled coldly, and then said to Jiang Yan: “Jiang Yan Senior Brother, I understand your kindness, but I have to take this battle.”


Jiang Yan was still worried and said that he had known that Wang Zhong would bring Zhou Liang here to replace the last place. He killed him and asked Qin Yu to come here, so he wouldn’t be what he is now.

“Nothing but impossibility, if I can’t even take his palm, even if I go with you, I’m afraid I won’t be able to complete the task.” Qin Yu lightly saying.

Ordinary disciplines do countless tasks in a year, but the contribution value is only about 3000, but this task is as high as 800. Needless to think, this task is also extremely dangerous.

If Qin Yu couldn’t resist Zhou Liang, then there would be no need to perform this mission.

After bypassing Jiang Yan, Qin Yu came to Zhou Liang, one after another black aura, slowly floating on his body, a domineering physical force burst out.

Under this physical strength, Qin Yu’s whole body is like a black iron, giving people a sense of weight like a mountain.

After stimulating the Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, Qin Yu slowly said: “Zhou Liang, you can make a move.”

“Hehe, no wonder you dare to be so boast shamelessly. It turns out to be a cultivated body refinement martial skill, but your stuff is useless in front of me. I have killed 3 expert body refinement martial skills before.”

Zhou Liang saw that Qin Yu had come out of the actual battle with the body refinement martial skill, and he didn’t care at all. The power of his palm was condensed to the extreme. With fierce wind, fiercely’s moved towards Qin Yu’s chest slapped down.

The conflict between 2 people was outside the Profound Sky Palace, so it attracted a lot of disciple onlookers. After everyone saw this scene, they couldn’t help but shook their hearts.

“Who is this guy who dares to stand here and let Zhou Liang fight, is there something wrong with his brain?”

“Zhou Liang is the Martial Dao expert of 8 Heavenly Layer Peak in Earthquan. This guy has to be smashed into the flesh.”

“This guy seems to be the new discipline Qin Yu this time. Legend has it that he owns the Monarch Rank Grade 6 Martial Soul, forcing Great Elder to expel Tang Lie who owns the Monarch Rank Grade 5 Martial Soul.”

“Oh, there is such a thing? But although this guy’s Martial Soul is very tall, but his brain seems a little insufficient, he actually came to provoke Zhou Liang. This time, he is dead.”

There was constant discussion from everyone around. Many people took pleasure in other people’s misfortune. It was refreshing to see a super genius with Monarch Rank Grade 6 Martial Soul innate talent die in front of them.

Facing the surrounding discussion, Qin Yu turned a deaf ear, stood there, motionless, despite Zhou Liang’s violent palm, fiercely slapped him.


A dull sound came from Qin Yu’s body, deafening, causing many warriors to buzz! Buzz! Buzz!’s ears, and it seemed that the eardrums could be broken.

“Hehe, this kid dares to take my palm so arrogantly, courting death.”

Zhou Liang was sneered, but when he raised his eyes and looked towards Qin Yu, he found that Qin Yu was watching him with incomparably indifferent eyes. There was no shock on his face, and his body did not move back.

“What, he was completely motionless when I took the palm of my hand, how is this possible, how is it possible?” Zhou Liang said with a horrified face, his whole body extremely pale.

On his right arm, there was also a twitching sensation one after another at this moment, a dull pain.

With this palm, it seemed to hit a rock, not only did not kill Qin Yu, but the tremor from Qin Yu’s body caused his right arm to be injured.


Jiang Yan’s eyes trembled slightly, and then, an expression of surprise appeared on his face, Qin Yu just stood here, actually resisting Zhou Liang’s fierce attack.

“How strong is Qin Yu’s physical strength? Standing there and letting Zhou Liang kill, even Zhou Liang can’t kill him.” Jiang Yan said in surprise, his eyes full of surprises.

Wang Zhong’s expression also changed drastically, and his pupils shrank fiercely, his expression extremely ugly.

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