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Zhou Liang was brought by his Wang Zhong, that is, his person. If Zhou Liang suffered a loss here, it would be equivalent to his Wang Zhong’s face, which was fiercely drawn.

“This rubbish can’t kill even a piece of rubbish. It’s really annoying.” Fiercely scolded in Wang Zhong’s heart, and Zhou Liang was secretly thought to lose his face.

Zhou Liang’s face twitched violently. He found that he couldn’t shake Qin Yu at all. In this case, he couldn’t occupy this place.

“Okay, okay, Qin Yu, count you cruelly, let’s give you the quota for this time task, but this matter is not over yet, I will definitely kill you in the future.”

Zhou Liang brace oneself said, announcing that he had given up the quota, but the resentment in his eyes never disappeared.

“and many more!”

When Zhou Liang just gave up his quota, Qin Yu spoke up.

“Why, I have already given you the quota, what else do you want to do?” Zhou Liang said complexion is gloomy, extremely furious.

Qin Yu looked at Zhou Liang indifferently at the surprised face, his eyes froze, one after another cold killing intent, slowly dissipating, gloomily said: “Zhou Liang, you have already shot once, then the next thing is Isn’t it time for me to shoot?”

After feeling the cold killing intent from Qin Yu, Zhou Liang shivered subconsciously, hurriedly distanced himself from Qin Yu, and looked at Qin Yu in shock.

“What, do you still want to shoot?”

Zhou Liang heard this, sneered, mobilized the power of the whole body to defend, and said with a smile: “Qin Yu, I admit that your battle body is extremely powerful, but it is impossible to shake me.”

Massive Spiritual Qi, constantly moved towards Zhou Liang surging away, forming an extremely heavy Spiritual Qi defensive barrier in the whole body.

After doing all this, Zhou Liang let go of his heart, and his defense is not bad at all. Qin Yu wants to break this defense barrier, which is basically impossible.

“Hehe, am I impossible to shake you?”

Qin Yu smiled indifferently, revoking the power of Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, and shaking his hands, a flaming Spiritual Qi moved towards Qin Yu surged out of his hands.

This flaming Spiritual Qi gushes out like a vast ocean, condensed by Qin Yu, and forms a flame stamping pad about 3 feet in the void.

The flame stamp pad is suspended in the sky, and the manic flame formidable power seems to burn away even the void. The terrifying temperature makes the entire space become hot.

“Heaven Rank middle grade martial skill, and it’s Small Success Realm, this…” a martial artist turned pale with fright said.

Heaven Rank middle grade martial skill requires a full 10000 points of contribution value. Many disciplines do not eat or drink, and they can only exchange for a Heaven Rank middle grade martial skill for 3 years, which is extremely precious.

It is hard for everyone to imagine that a new discipline that is just entered, only half a month, will control the Heaven Rank middle grade martial skill and cultivate it to Small Success Realm.

“Terrifying, too terrifying, the temperature at the center of the flame stamp pad is probably over 500 degrees, right? If this move goes on, even people with strong defenses will not be able to support it.”

Looking at the incomparably scarlet flame stamping pad, which continuously emits terrifying heat, on the foreheads of the disciples, there was unconsciously a big cold sweat, terrified and terrified.

Jiang Yan also moved slightly in his heart. Others didn’t know about this martial skill. He knew it very well. He couldn’t help but murmured, “Heaven Rank middle grade martial skill of the Tang family, the seal of fire, when did Qin Yu cultivate it to Small? Success Realm?”

According to him, Qin Yu killed Tang Lie on the Martial Art of Opening Mountains. Even if he got the seal of the fierce fire at that time, it was only half a month’s time. It is impossible to cultivation the seal of the fierce fire to the point of Small Accomplishment?

Under the gaze of all eyes, Qin Yu’s expression was indifferent, manipulating the Heavenly Seal of Fire, fiercely strikes down at Zhou Liang.

Looking at the extremely rapid zooming in and moving towards the blazing fire heavenly mark that he had fallen, Zhou Liang’s eyes had a panic, a smell of death, which rose in vain from his heart.


The Fire Heaven Seal fell on Zhou Liang’s body without any accident. It can be seen that the Spiritual Qi defense that Zhou Liang is proud of, under the terrifying high temperature, continuously collapsed, continuously burned, and evaporated.

The Burning Fire Seal is the martial skill that burns the Spiritual Qi, which naturally burns Zhou Liang’s Spiritual Qi defenses. Almost immediately, Zhou Liang’s defense completely collapsed and was penetrated by the Burning Fire Seal.


Amidst the majestic fire, Zhou Liang’s screams were heard, terribly terrifying, and after a few breaths, the fiery sky seal disappeared, and only a dark black figure staggered out of it. It’s Zhou Liang.


Zhou Liang’s head was downcast, his clothes were not covering his body, like coke, after walking staggering for 2 steps, he fell heavily on the ground and never stood up.


Watching Zhou Liang fall, many people all held breath cold air, Qin Yu this move, it was so cruel, they almost killed Zhou Liang.

Even many of the disciplines were frightened on the spot. Although Zhou Liang had just advanced, he was an expert at 8 Heavenly Layer Peak anyway, and even Qin Yu’s trick was not blocked.

The audience fell silent for an instant, and the needle dropped!

The expert of 8 Heavenly Layer Peak in the Earthquan Realm, gave up all the attacks and defended with all his strength. Even if it was Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong, the two experts, they would have to spend some means to attack Zhou Liang.

In contrast, Qin Yu only used one trick.

Looking at Zhou Liang’s tragic situation, although there is still a breath of life, it is still half-dead. Even if the good Grade 6 Healing Medicine Pill is used, it is still a matter of 2 yards.

“I can’t see that this guy is so powerful, and I am worried about him for nothing.” A look of bitter smile appeared on Jiang Yan’s face.

Thinking of what he had just prevented Qin Yu and Zhou Liang from fighting, thinking that Qin Yu would die here, his face flushed and his face was full of embarrassment.

Wang Zhong had a gloomy face, and hurriedly came to Zhou Liang’s face, checked Zhou Liang’s injuries, and found that Zhou Liang’s meridian within the body had all been shaken off by the raging fire.

The meridian was broken and recovered, at least half a year, or as long as several years. Moreover, this matter may leave a shadow in Zhou Liang’s heart, and Zhou Liang’s Martial Dao will stop here, and it will always be impossible to advance.

“Qin Yu, hello very ruthless means, unexpectedly smashed Zhou Liang’s meridian.”

Wang Zhong suddenly raised his head and looked towards Qin Yu, the violent surging in his eyes, everyone could see that Wang Zhong was completely angered by Qin Yu.

Qin Yu smiled coldly, looked at Wang Zhong, and said with a smile: “Zhou Liang’s trick just now, I want to kill me too. If I’m not very ruthless, let him treat me as a soft persimmon. Can you trouble me?”

This is Martial Dao World. If you don’t kill people, people will kill you. There is no emotion to talk about.

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