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“Hmph, what are you, Zhou Liang is justified in killing you, but you can’t kill Zhou Liang, because he is my Wang Zhong’s person.” Wang Zhong said coldly snorted, extremely domineering.

His Wang Zhong is in the outer sect of the Cangzong. Although it is not a decision expert, few of his Wang Zhong’s people dare to move, because everyone knows that those who moved his Wang Zhong will end. How miserable.

His Wang Zhong is so domineering!

Facing this overbearing Wang Zhong, Qin Yu’s eyes became dull, and a strong light was released in his eyes. Not only did he not back up, but instead stood forward, he showed a stubborn domineering intention.

“Wang Zhong, you are so domineering, so arrogant. But to me, your dominance is of no use, and you are a dog thing, dare to dominate and arrogant in front of me.” Qin Yu said coldly, giving tit with Wang Zhong for tat.

That imposing manner, that overbearing manner, was not weaker than Wang Zhong, but was 30% stronger than Wang Zhong.

Since Wang Zhong is so domineering, then he Qin Yu is even more domineering than Wang Zhong!

“En? You hurt my person seriously, and you dare to contorts one’s face in agony to me. It seems that you are tired of life. Fortunately, the anger in my heart just has no place to vent, now I will use you to vent it.” Wang Zhong Stand up straight, slowly said.

The voice fell in the ears of everyone, causing everyone to tremble. No one thought that Wang Zhong would use Qin Yu to vent his anger.

Suddenly, Wang Zhong’s silhouette violently slammed out with a palm, driving the violent wind, very ruthless moved towards Qin Yu’s head slapped down.

It’s not that no one dared to provoke him, but a new beginner’s discipline who dared to speak to him has been nailed to the list of mortalities, and he will kill Qin Yu today.

“Wang Zhong, stop!”

Jiang Yan’s expression was shocked, angrily roared.

This competition was originally stated in advance, but Wang Zhong’s mind was so narrow, he wanted to reach Qin Yu and death, and kill Qin Yu here.

But when he wanted to stop him, it was too late, because Wang Zhong had already killed Qin Yu, and he could kill Qin Yu at will, smashing Qin Yu’s head to pieces.

Qin Yu had a place for Wang Zhong a long time ago. Looking at the murdered Wang Zhong, his face was extremely solemn, secretly thought: “really strong!”

This palm of Wang Zhong didn’t have any fancy, but compared to Zhou Liang’s palm, I don’t know how powerful it was.

In the palm of his hand, a halo flashed, like a big mountain, pressed down in the air, and the strong wind on it made Qin Yu’s face a little bit painful.

However, Qin Yu is not so afraid. Although Wang Zhong is extremely tyrannical, if he uses all the means, he is sure to kill him here.

The thoughts got to this point, Qin Yu also stirred up a majestic killing intent on his body, and the golden stage of Perfection Realm suddenly urged it out.

The golden palm peak, with violent coercion, fiercely moved towards Wang Zhong’s blast, colliding with Wang Zhong’s fist peak.


2 At the moment when the Daoquan peak collided, a wave of destruction spread like a ripple. The strong wave affected many disciplines, causing many of them to vomit blood at the time and severely injured.

“To die, quickly retreat!”

Everyone was shocked and hurriedly shot backwards. None of them didn’t expect that the confrontation between Qin Yu and Wang Zhong was so strong that it was just the strength of the aftermath that shocked them. .

Dēng dēng dēng !

Under this confrontation, Qin Yu stepped back a few steps, and then all the power that Wang Zhong had suppressed was poured onto the ground. There was also a numb feeling from the right hand, 5 refers to some stiff.

Wang Zhong’s silhouette also shook violently. Obviously, in the confrontation between the talents, not at all got the benefits of little bit, and a haze appeared on his face.

His Wang Zhong, under a full strength attack, did not kill Qin Yu unexpectedly.

This made his face hot and painful, but his heart of killing Qin Yu was obvious, and he did not intend to let Qin Yu’s life go.

“Hmph, took my palm, I think you are a bit capable, but then, you don’t have that good luck.” Wang Zhong coldly snorted, and continued to move towards Qin Yu.

Qin Yu didn’t speak, but the breath on his body rose up violently, showing everything with his attitude, giving tit for tat with Wang Zhong, without any retreat.

In this palm, Qin Yu used the golden stage demon palm, but now this golden stage demon palm can only be regarded as an ordinary method, even the formidable power of the small success realm’s fiery sky seal.

If it is to urge the demon outside the law, or use the Myriad Transformations 1000 to kill the sword, or the demon sword, there is no reason for this Wang Zhong to not die.

“Wang Zhong, you are enough.”

Just when Wang Zhong wanted to do it again, Jiang Yan furiously blocked the center of the two, the aura on his body floating and indifferent.

Seeing Jiang Yan stand up, Wang Zhong’s expression darkened slightly, icily said: “Jiang Yan, you really plan to put aside all considerations of face with me, can you help this little bastard?”

“Wang Zhong, what happened just now is obvious to all, and Qin Yu and Zhou Liangyou bet on an appointment. Zhou Liang lost the cultivation base of 8 Heavenly Layer Peak in the hands of Qin Yu, which was shameful enough. Don’t you feel more embarrassed than Zhou Liang?” Jiang Yan said without angrily.

The gambling agreement between Qin Yu and Zhou Liang has been witnessed by everyone. It can be said that it is a matter of willingness to fight and suffer.

Zhou Liang surpassed Qin Yu’s several small realm cultivation bases and lost to the low realm Qin Yu. This was originally a shameful thing.

But Wang Zhong was narrow-minded. In order to give Zhou Liang a head, he was a strong killer on Qin Yu, and was resisted by Qin Yu. He refused to give up. It was entirely to have no shame.

Wang Zhong complexion ashen, a touch of anger emerged, and he held back the eruption. After a long time, he said: “Well, then this time is above your face, so please spare him once, but if he dares to join us For this mission, I can’t guarantee his life.”

The mission team was like helping each other and helping each other, so that they could complete the mission perfectly, but it was too late for Wang Zhong to kill Qin Yu, so it was naturally impossible to protect Qin Yu’s life.

“Hehe, you just need to take care of your own life.” Qin Yu sneered said.

This matter, with Jiang Yan’s intervention, was finally suppressed.

However, Wang Zhong’s resentful eyes have never left Qin Yu, and he can’t wait to kill Qin Yu now.

Qin Yu is extremely indifferent to all this. If Wang Zhong doesn’t come to provoke him when performing the task, that’s all.

If Wang Zhong dared to make a cruel hand secretly and provoke him to Qin Yu, he wouldn’t mind having all his cards out, and even used Dragon Soul to wipe out Wang Zhong.

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