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After ordering people to send Zhou Liang back, Jiang Yan came to Qin Yu and said with a smile: “Qin Yu, this time it is up to you to perform the task with us. Before passing, you still need to go to the Tianxuan Temple to register. a bit.”

“This is natural. If you don’t register, even if you have completed the task, the 800 contribution value will be thrown away.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Two people came to the place where the task was registered in the Tianxuan Hall, in front of a young warrior who was not younger than Jiang Yan.

This young warrior, dressed in simple azure clothes, sits here with half-closed eyes, relaxed, just like a handyman disciple, unremarkable.

However, when he saw this young warrior, Qin Yu’s eyes trembled fiercely, and he could feel a great pressure from this young warrior.

The young man sat there, motionless, like a huge mountain of incomparable gigantic, invisibly threatening Qin Yu.

“This young man, really strong imposing manner, the hint of breath revealed invisibly, is so heavy.” Qin Yu said in horror, he can completely determine that the young man in front of him is definitely not an ordinary person.

The young man saw Jiang Yan and Qin Yu coming, and then slowly opened his half-closed eyes, indifferently said: “Jiang Yan, you have all the people performing the task.”

Receiving a task in the Profound Sky Palace is an individual acceptance, that is, the leader of the task, and then the person accepting the task will find specific candidates to participate in the task.

Every task is extremely dangerous. All team leaders who accept the task will choose someone they trust in order to cooperate better and complete the task more perfectly.

If everyone can accept the same task, strangers not only need to beware of each other, but in the middle of completing the task, they will also cause some troubles because they don’t understand each other.

Martial Dao World, powerhouse is respected, but it is also unpredictable, and no one can give his back to someone who doesn’t believe it.

“Meet Qi Senior Brother Xiao!”

Jiang Yan bowed deeply to Qi Xiao, and then said with a smile: “We have found it, and Qin Yu Junior Brother is the last one.”

“Qin Yu worshipped Qi Senior Brother Xiao.” Qin Yu stepped forward and said politely.

Qi Xiao glanced at Qin Yu up and down, then smiled and said: “Hehe, you are the Qin Yu who just entered a few days ago? Saying that you performed well just now, didn’t expect Zhou Liang to be defeated by you, and I also took Wang Zhong’s move, and it seems that he hasn’t done his best yet.”

Hearing Qi Xiao whispering, Qin Yu’s eyes were slightly startled. Qi Xiao really couldn’t be underestimated. Even if he closed his eyes to rejuvenate, he knew that they were fighting outside the Profound Sky Palace.

What’s more, what surprised Qin Yu the most was that Qi Xiao Mingming closed his eyes in the Profound Hall of Heaven to calm his mind, but he actually knew that Qin Yu hadn’t tried his best. Could it be that Qi Xiao just peeped.

“Hehe, I didn’t take a peek, you guy, it seems that the realm is not high, but in fact the battle strength is not bad, and the methods are decisive enough, you deserve to have Monarch Rank Grade 6 Martial Soul innate talent, from the 100 race battlefield The genius who was killed by Shang Si.”

As if seeing Qin Yu’s mind, Qi Xiao explained with a smile.

The conversation between the two people heard Jiang Yan’s ears, but Jiang Yan’s heart was violently shaken.

Qin Yu’s performance just now seems to him to be a super long performance, but Qi Xiao actually said that Qin Yu did not give his full strength, how is this possible?

If this is the case, how terrifying is Qin Yu’s battle strength?

But Qin Yu is just the realm of the 4th Layer Peak of Earthquan.

“It must be Qi Senior Brother Xiao who felt wrong. Yes, Qi Senior Brother Xiao only spoke based on his feelings and didn’t witness the battle with his own eyes. That’s why he made a misjudgment.” Jiang Yan was self-comforted and thought Qi Xiao was a misjudgment. Qin Yu’s battle strength.

Qi Xiao ignored Jiang Yan’s surprise, but instead registered for Qin Yu, said with a smile: “Well, now that you have enough manpower, then this time mission can start.”

“Thanks Qi Senior Brother Xiao!” Jiang Yan bowed respectfully.

Qi Xiao waved his hand and said casually: “Jiang Yan, although the strength of the six of you is not bad, the strength of the blood cloak cannot be underestimated. When performing tasks, you should be more careful, and your current team, There is a big problem.”


Qin Yu hearing this, his heart moved slightly. Although he took over this mission, he still doesn’t know the specifics of this mission.

However, judging from Qi Xiao’s words, the purpose of these few people’s trip is probably to have a great relationship with this blood-cloth castle, and this blood-cloth castle seems to be very powerful.

Jiang Yan was nodded, and couldn’t help but smile. The strength of the blood-cloth castle is indeed not weak, and there are still differences in their current team.

Qin Yu and Wang Zhong are already irreconcilable hatred. If these two people conflict, it will inevitably weaken the battle strength of their team.

Moreover, with Wang Zhong’s character, even if he didn’t kill Qin Yu himself, he would definitely kill Qin Yu quickly. No one can guarantee that Wang Zhong would do anything extreme.

Wang Zhong’s battle strength is not a powerful expert in the outer sect, but it is precisely because of this Wang Zhong’s behavior that he is extremely extreme, and he is jealous.

Qin Yu didn’t worry about Wang Zhong, but took a deep look at Qi Xiao. After leaving the Sky Profound Hall, he asked, “Jiang Yan Senior Brother, this Senior Brother Xiao should not belong to Outer Disciple, right?”

Qi Xiao was able to give Qin Yu such a huge pressure in the invisible, and his strength was terrifying to the extreme. If it were Outer Disciple, it would be too terrifying.

“You kid has good eyesight. Qi Senior Brother Xiao is indeed not an Outer Disciple, but an Inner Disciple, a powerful existence above the Tianhe level. As for the specific identity? Hehe, when you reach that level, you will naturally know.” Jiang Yan said with a smile.

Qin Yu’s heart moved, and he was right to guess.

Qi Xiao is not only an Inner Disciple, but also an existence above the Tianhe Realm. Moreover, listening to Jiang Yan’s words, Qi Xiao seems to have another identity behind him, not so simple on the surface, but with extraordinary origins.

However, Qin Yu is not yet qualified to come into contact with these things. Just as Jiang Yan said, when his cultivation base becomes stronger, he will naturally come into contact with the expert of this stage of Qi Xiao.

Outside of the Heavenly Profound Hall, Wang Zhong and other 5 people are still waiting here, and now with Qin Yu and Jiang Yan 2 people, the entire group is 7 people in total.

However, these 7 of them are not a strand of rope, but vaguely divided into 2 factions, one male and one female, two martial artists of 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage standing on Jiang Yan’s side.

The other two experts of 2 Heavenly Layer Peak, led by Wang Zhong, stood on the opposite side of Qin Yu.

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