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Seeing these more than a dozen warriors, the eyes of Jiang Yan, Wang Zhong, Chu Chen and others suddenly tightened.

Among these people, the leader is a middle-aged warrior who is an expert of the 9th Layer Initial Stage of Earthquan, and a demon wolf under him is also at the 9th Layer Initial Stage of Earthquan.

The strength of Demon Beast is much stronger than the warriors of the same realm, and this middle age person is able to subdue a Demon Beast of the same realm. Obviously, the strength is extremely terrifying.

And the more than ten people behind him, their realm are all above the 8 Heavenly Layer of Earthquan, and there are Demon Beast mounts under them, each and everyone is extremely mighty and extremely powerful.

“Everyone has a Demon Beast mount, and the cultivation base is so strong. Unlike the hunters, the family of Baiyan City is also impossible to appear here.” Qin Yu frowned and said slowly.

Hearing Qin Yu’s voice, the complexions of several people changed a little, and they all guessed their identities, fearing that they were the people in the blood-clothed castle they were looking for.

“The people in the Blood Castle, why are they so powerful?” Han Miaoyi said.

When I took the task before, Bloodcoat was just a rateless organization, and the strongest was 8 Heavenly Layer Peak.

Otherwise, only a few of them would dare not take on such a task, but it seems that it is not the case at all.

“It took a full year for City Lord Mansion to eradicate the blood-covered castle. In addition to the people in the blood-covered castle occupying the mountain range of the Tianhuang mountain range, which can be hidden at any time, strength is also another aspect.” Jiang Yanshen took a deep breath, Shen Soundtrack.

Obviously, there is a huge gap between the information they received before and the bloody castle in reality, and the information given to them by the City Lord Mansion also contains a lot of errors.

The appearance of more than a dozen people made the atmosphere on the scene suddenly become cold, and many hunters around were extremely vigilant at this moment.

“Damn, it’s the people in the blood-clothed castle, how could they appear here, here is the middle and outer periphery of the Tianhuang mountain range.” A warrior said nervously, and the big knife in his hand couldn’t help but clenched tightly.

The other people also looked slightly cold. Although their strength was strong, they were still a bit weak in the face of the experts of the 9th Layer Initial Stage of Earthquan.

After the people in Blood Castle stopped, a warrior of 8 Heavenly Layer Peak in Earthquan, urged the Demon Beast under him, and slowly walked forward, pointing to the middle age person in the 9th Layer Initial Stage of Earthquan. Angrily said: “Everyone, we are the people of the blood-clad castle. This is the 3 Castle Lord of our blood-clad castle. You are not fast to bow down.”

The middle age person, known as the 3 Castle Lord, slowly exudes a majestic coercion, and there is also a kind of majesty of a superior, an unusually powerful horror.

Under this terrifying majesty, some warriors of the cultivation base at 7 Heavenly Layer in Earthquan Realm couldn’t help shaking, as if they were being stared at by the wild beast, then fiercely trembled and knelt involuntarily. Come down.

Seeing many people kneeling down, a faint smile finally appeared on the face of 3 Castle Lord, but again, many people did not kneel down, including Qin Yu and the others.

“Many of you are very knowledgeable about current affairs, but there are also a lot of people who don’t know current affairs.” 3 Castle Lord swept away his eyes and said coldly.

In the end, his gaze fell on a warrior at 8 Heavenly Layer Peak in the Earthquan realm. The indifferent voice was mixed with a strong killing intent.

“You, kneel down!”

3 Castle Lord shouted coldly.

The warrior’s complexion tightened, his complexion slightly turned ugly, his body tense, as if he was facing an enemy, but he still brace oneself and said, “Why do you make us kneel down, the blood-clothed man is bullish intolerably.”

“Hehe, are we bully intolerably? This is the site of our blood-clothed castle. If you let you kneel down, you must kneel down.”

3 Castle Lord smiled coldly, a killing intent appeared on his face, and his right foot lightly tapped the wolfish Demon Beast under his crotch twice.

This wolf-shaped Demon Beast is 4 meters high and more than 6 meters long. At this moment, it seems to have been ordered by the 3 Castle Lord, and it suddenly slapped down with a paw.

Among the 5 claws, an extremely compelling cold light is released, and the attack power is no less than the expert of the 9th Layer Initial Stage of any earth spring.

The sudden scene made the martial artist of 8 Heavenly Layer Peak in the spring realm pale in shock. A black shield appeared in his hand, and the cultivation base was fully urged.

The majestic Spiritual Qi, after injecting the black shield, caused the black shield to rise in the wind, instantly becoming extremely huge, blocking it.


The 5 claws of the demon wolf Demon Beast, fiercely slap on the black shield, erupted with a dull sound, resounding through the surrounding mountains, like Nine Heavens thunder.

The claws of the demon wolf Demon Beast and the black shield were stalemate at the same time. The warrior of 8 Heavenly Layer Peak in the spring realm looked happy, and only then was a little relieved.

Without the defense of this black shield, with his own strength, I am afraid that in an instant, he will be torn apart by this wolf-shaped Demon Beast and become a dead body.


But this stalemate lasted less than half a second, and a ka-cha cracking sound suddenly came from above the black shield.

Immediately afterwards, the black shield suddenly broke apart like glass, turning into countless fragments.

The martial artist of Heavenly Layer Peak at 8 Heavenly Layer Peak suddenly changed his complexion. However, before he could make any response, the front paws of the wolf-shaped Demon Beast suddenly pierced his chest, piercing his battle body directly.

A demon wolf’s claw appeared at the location of his heart, and blood spurted out suddenly, and it sprinkled on the surrounding grass, causing the surrounding grass to instantly become scarlet.

“Hehe, even with this strength, I dare to disobey the Castle Lord, overestimate one’s capabilities, and swallow him!” 3 Castle Lord sneered, ordered.

The wolf Demon Beast slowly took 2 steps ahead, and immediately started to eat.

Without has several points of time, the warriors of 8 Heavenly Layer Peak in the spring realm had no bones left. They were all swallowed up by the wolf-shaped Demon Beast. Only one storage bag was left, which was accepted by the 3 Castle Lords. For yourself.

There is a lot of flesh and blood remaining on the mouth of the wolf-shaped Demon Beast, lifts the head, facing the remaining warriors, contorts one’s face in agony, showing the fierce light.

There were no kneeling people around, and his face was extremely pale in fright. He immediately prostrated himself on the ground, moved towards 3 Castle Lord and bowed down, curled up where his whole body was, unusually fearful and respectful.

3 Castle Lord now put away his cold gaze, with a gentle smile on his face, with a touch of arrogance, looking at these people kneeling towards him, as if looking down at a group of ants.

Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong and the others, not at all, knelt down, but after seeing this, they were all complexion changed. These 3 Castle Lords are really cruel people.

Only Qin Yu, facing this scene, still has a calm expression on his face, without the slightest tense atmosphere. Obviously, there is not much fear of this 3 Castle Lord killing the chicken to warn the monkey.

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