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3 Castle Lord turned his head, moved towards Qin Yu and the others. It seems that all the people here kneel to him, but Qin Yu and the others still stand there, seemingly without the slightest intention of kneeling. Very eye-catching, this made his face a touch of anger.

“You guys, are you still reluctant to kneel down? It seems that I made my move a little lighter just now.” 3 Castle Lord’s eyes trembled and said coldly, the pressure on his body suddenly moved towards Qin Yu and the others Pressed over.

The wolf-shaped Demon Beast under his crotch also seemed to feel the owner’s anger. Facing Qin Yu and the others, contorts one’s face in agony, his eyes gradually turned scarlet, and his body also released a violent breath.

Under the suppression of these two huge auras, Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong’s two expert at 2 Heavenly Layer Peak, their complexions were slightly cold, and their eyes were full of expressions of fear.

Both Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong are qualified to attack the 9th Layer Initial Stage of Earthquake, but these two people are not the real 9th ​​Layer Initial Stage of Earthquake after all. Facing experts who are stronger than them, they will naturally be extremely afraid.

As for Chu Chen and Han Miaoyi, the two martial artists of the 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, their faces were fused, and the sound of creak rang from their bones, as if they could be crushed at any time.

However, Qin Yu’s face didn’t change the slightest. The breath on his body slowly burst out. With a flick of his sleeves, a majestic coercion bloomed, covering several people, and several people were loosened.

“Many thanks Junior Brother Qin!”

Several people moved towards Qin Yu at the same time and sent an expression of gratitude, and immediately laughed bitterly. How long has it been since Qin Yu started, his strength has reached this level of terrifying.

First, Tang Wei was killed in the City Lord Mansion, and more than 900 black armor guards were destroyed. Now facing the 3 Castle Lords in the Bloody Castle, his face remains unchanged.

On the contrary, these old-fashioned disciplines of them were overwhelmed by the breath of the monster wolf sitting down by the 3 Castle Lord, and finally asked Qin Yu to help.

For the gratitude of several people, Qin Yu waved his hand casually, not much care, and immediately took a step forward and said indifferently to 3 Castle Lord: “Sorry, I wait not at all to give people the habit of kneeling.”


Seeing Qin Yu’s attitude toward himself, 3 Castle Lord’s face gradually became gloomy. He was killing the chicken to warn the monkey first, but Qin Yu seemed a little unaware.

“This guy, he is really a tough guy. He dared to stand up to 3 Castle Lord and not kneel down for 3 Castle Lord. Is this for courting death?”

“The 5th Layer Middle Stage of Earthquan, I dare to run to our bloody castle to spread the wild. This is not what courting death is, 3 Castle Lord, let us do something to kill this dog.”

“Yes, it is a capital crime to dare to confront 3 Castle Lord!”

3 The dozen or so people behind Castle Lord immediately burst into voices. Each and everyone looked at Qin Yu with a sneer, as if looking at a dead person, feeling that Qin Yu was extremely ridiculous.

Their blood-clothed castle is built here, they can retreat into the mountains to defend them at any time, and they can come out again to form a deterrent against Baiyan City. Even if the City Lord Mansion encounters them, it will be a headache.

In this area, anyone who heard of their blood-clothed name would be scared to scare their courage, Qin Yu is so stiff now, then there is only one dead end.

“Hehe, it’s been a long time since I saw you as a bold person, but you can’t afford the consequences, so I advise you to kneel down for me obediently, or don’t blame me for being impolite.” 3 Castle Lord sneered threatened.

“Then I also give you a warning. All the people who bring you blood-clothed castles, all kneel before me, otherwise, kill without mercy.” Qin Yu indifferently said, giving tit for tat, A Tooth For A Tooth.

3 Castle Lord hearing this, became furious, Qin Yu not only confronted him, but also threatened him with the meaning of his words, unaware of life or death.

“You two go up and kill this little bastard for me.” 3 Castle Lord casually ordered 2 martial artists of 8 Heavenly Layer Peak, and said indifferently.

After these two warriors of 2 Heavenly Layer Peak received the order, there was a look of excitement on their faces, urging Demon Beast under the crotch to come to Qin Yu.

“Boy, since the 3 Castle Lord is angry, even if you beg for mercy now, I am afraid that there is no room for reversal, so you must die here.” One of the warriors sneered and said playfully.

“Let your 3 Castle Lord take the action personally, you two, it’s not enough for me to kill with one shot, I really don’t bother to do it.”

Faced with the threat of these two warriors at 2 Heavenly Layer Peak, Qin Yu said indifferently without raising his eyelids.

“What, let us 3 Castle Lord do it yourself, with you, an ant from the 5th Layer Middle Stage of Earthquan, you are also worthy to say such a thing? Hehe, really boast shamelessly.”

Two people were sneaked at the same time, and their feet were on Demon Beast’s body. Demon Beast took the two people and jumped up from the sky, moving towards Qin Yu and culled.

Seeing the two people doing their hands, Qin Yu’s eyes moved slightly, and immediately shook the head. Since these people wanted to court death, then he fulfilled these people.

Immediately, Qin Yu took a step slowly, his body floated out like a ghost, and in the blink of an eye, he came to a few people behind.

Hey, dong!

Qin Yu came behind the two people, and then, the two people and the Demon Beast under his hips all hit the ground, erupting with a dull sound like a mountain, and fell directly to the ground.

This sudden scene caused everyone to turn pale with fright. None of them saw Qin Yu’s shot. These two people, together with Demon Beast under the crotch, fell.

After a breath, there was a large amount of blood oozing out of the necks of 2 people and the necks of 2 Demon Beasts. Everyone saw that on the necks of 2 people and 2 Demon Beasts, there was a very subtle line. Blood stains.

Although this bloodstain was extremely small, it caused a few people to not even wailing, and it was directly fatal.

“How did he do that?”

A scared witless warrior in the Blood Castle killed 2 Demon Beasts and 2 Experts of 8 Heavenly Layer Peak in a single blow, and what was even more shocking was that they didn’t even see the action clearly. This is too terrifying, right? .

The rest of the people were also very confused in their hearts, but most of them were panic, because Qin Yu’s strength was too scary.

Only 3 Castle Lords flashed a thick surprised look in his eyes. Under the power of his realm, he could see something clearly, but not so real.

“This guy was using sword energy just now, and the control of the sword energy is extremely accurate, it’s a metamorphosis.” 3 Castle Lord said in shock.

Qin Yu flashed by just now. When killing a few people, 4 sword energy burst out in his hand, submerged on the necks of 2 people and 2 Demon Beasts, and wiped out the 4 with one blow.

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