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After seeing Qin Yu and the others, one of the middle-aged men from the 9th Layer Initial Stage of Diquan Jing came up and said, “I am Wangchen, the deacon of the Blood Castle, and this is Master Wei Chang. Several important criminals who killed our 3 Castle Lord, who are you?”

“The main culprit who killed the Castle Lord 3 Castle Lord?”

Hearing this, the expressions of Chu Chen, Han Miaoyi and the others changed slightly, because the 3 Castle Lords of Blood Castle were killed by them and Qin Yu.

In other words, these people are specifically for them, and the strength of the entire team is extremely terrifying, which makes several people worried.

Qin Yu’s face was extremely calm, slowly said: “I am the criminal you are looking for, Qin Yu!”

“What, that’s you?”

Wang Chen and Wei Chang were both hearing this. They were all dumbfounded. They felt the Spiritual Qi fluctuations here, and they rushed here when they knew there were people here.

But I didn’t know that these people were the ones who killed their 3 Castle Lords, and most importantly, these people did not quibble, but directly admitted it.

“Oops, Junior Brother Qin took the initiative to admit it.”

The expressions of Chu Chen and Han Miaoyi and the others changed drastically. They thought that Qin Yu would decline, but they didn’t expect that Qin Yu would not even sophistry. This is too stupid.

You must know that the strength of the team in front of them is extremely strong. If they fight with these people, it is extremely disadvantageous, and they are likely to lose here.

“This guy is tired of living. He actually confessed that they killed 3 Castle Lord in front of us. Is he blind? He didn’t see our strength.”

“A 5th Layer Middle Stage of the Earthquan, plus a few warriors from the 8 Heavenly Layer Peak of the Earthquan, say that he killed 3 Castle Lords, which is really boast shamelessly.”

“Yes, with their strength, there is no way to kill 3 Castle Lord. I think they are deliberately posing and want to get our attention.”

“There is such a possibility, but I think he still made a wrong calculation, so that not only won’t attract our attention, but will die miserably.”

The people in the blood-clothed castle all sneered, and their eyes were full of sneers. They didn’t believe Qin Yu’s words at all, thinking that Qin Yu just wanted to get their attention through this matter.

But this method is too stupid. On the contrary, it will make them look down upon, besieged by them, and tortured when they are dying.

Upon hearing this, Qin Yu and Han Miaoyi, Chu Chen and the others couldn’t help but show a strange smile on their faces. Qin Yu took the initiative to admit it, but these people couldn’t believe it.

Wangchen and Weichang both have faint smiles on their faces, while another warrior in the 2th Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquan Realm took out several portraits and compared them.

“Master Weichang, don’t say it, it’s really them, they are exactly the same as the people on this portrait.” The warrior of the 9th Layer Initial Stage of the Spring Realm lost his voice.

After they got the news that the 3 Castle Lords had been killed, they ordered the closure of the mountain. When the mountain was closed, they also caught some hunters. These portraits were painted by the hunters.

However, what a few people didn’t expect was that Qin Yu and the others were exactly the same as those on the portrait.

Especially the portrait of Qin Yu was highlighted by them, because according to the news they got, Qin Yu was the first ominous beast to kill 3 Castle Lord.

“What, you said it was really them, but how is this possible?”

Wang Chen said in surprise, Qin Yu clearly only had the 5th Layer Middle Stage of the Earthquan. How could they have killed their 3 Castle Lord? You must know their 3 Castle Lord, but the expert of the 9th Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquan was better than I don’t know how many times Qin Yu is stronger.

“Yang De, give me the portrait in your hand. I want to personally confirm if it is them?” Wang Chen said.

He and Yang De are both deacons in the Bloody Castle, knowing that Yang De It shouldn’t be lied to him, but he still doesn’t believe Yang De’s words, after all, Qin Yu’s cultivation base is too low.

“Hehe, if you don’t believe it, just look at it for yourself.” Yang De said without angrily, and threw the portrait in his hand to Wangchen.

After Wang Chen took the portrait, he compared it carefully, and immediately held breath cold air and lost his voice: “It’s really them.”

“What, were they the one who killed the 3 Castle Lord, how is this possible?”

“3 Castle Lord was actually killed by a warrior from the 5th Layer Middle Stage of Earthquan. I, Cao, what an international joke.”

The many warriors who laughed at Qin Yu who wanted to attract attention before suddenly became complexion greatly changed, and their spirits became tense. Those who can kill them 3 Castle Lords are definitely not good.

However, their faces also had fiery pains, as if they were being slapped.

“Hehe, it seems that we have really missed it this time, but I am curious, in front of a few of us who admitted to the killing of 3 Castle Lord, are you really afraid of dying here?” Wei Chang suddenly said with a smile.

3 Castle Lord’s realm is in the 9th Layer Initial Stage of Earthquan, but there is only one person, plus 3 Castle Lord’s mount Demon Beast.

But they have 3 people here, and the men they brought this time are extremely powerful, and their overall strength is several times stronger than that of 3 Castle Lord.

If ordinary people encounter this kind of situation, they may dodge one 2. It is impossible to admit it so generously like Qin Yu, whether this is asking for trouble or being arrogant.

Qin Yu hearing this, grinned, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said confidently: “Then I ask you, if I don’t admit it, will you let us go?”

“Naturally not. Since you are not in the blood-clothed castle, we would rather kill 10000 by mistake than let you go. Besides, we still have your portrait in our hands.” Wei Chang said indifferently.

As he said, even if Qin Yu doesn’t admit it, after they take out the portrait, they will still know Qin Yu’s identity and cause a big battle.

Therefore, whether Qin Yu admits it or not, in their eyes, it is impossible to escape death.

“That’s not it. Since it’s useless, why should I hide? Besides, with my strength, I don’t have to hide, because I have the confidence to destroy you all.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Hidden is useless, why hide, even more how Qin Yu is not afraid of these people, because of his strength, there is no need to fear these people, so how to hide sophistry.

“You mean, you can kill us all here?” Wei Chang looked surprised and asked in surprise.

“Not bad!”

“Hahaha, I haven’t heard such arrogant words from you for a long time.” After hearing Qin Yu’s affirmative answer, Wei Chang laughed directly, his eyes full of expressions of disdain.

Other people also followed the taunting, they really didn’t know where Qin Yu had the courage to say such crazy things to them, and Qin Yu also showed great confidence.

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