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“It’s a big joke. I thought that killing 3 Castle Lords would be able to compete against us and the Great Master. I don’t know whether we live or die.”

“That is, Master Wei Chang and we are not at all hidden cultivation base. Can he not see our strength? He even dared to speak so much.”

“What a fool, even if he has the ability to kill 3 Castle Lords, he is also a frog in well. I don’t know how terrifying the strength of our Blood Castle is. Even the City Lord Mansion can’t handle us, let alone It’s them.”

The many warriors all laughed, as if they heard the biggest joke in the world, thinking that Qin Yu was extremely stupid.

“Qin Yu, you can kill 3 Castle Lords. It is indeed an expert, but you are nothing at all in front of Mr. Wei Chang. Now I give you a chance to kneel down and swear to become Mr. Wei Chang. A servant of the son, I will ask the son of Wei Chang to spare you.” Wang Chen said with a cold laugh.

Like everyone else, he knows that Qin Yu has the ability to kill 3 Castle Lords, but he doesn’t think Qin Yu can contend with them. After all, they have 3 powerful existences of 9th Layer Initial Stage here.

Moreover, the strength of Master Wei Chang is extremely terrifying. When he competed with 3 Castle Lord a few days ago, he could crush 3 Castle Lord with a single blow.

3 Castle Lord’s revenge, they naturally want to avenge, but if they can take advantage of this opportunity to subdue Qin Yu, and let them have a stronger expert in the bloody castle, it doesn’t matter.

“Hehe, if you and your son Wei Chang kneel down, I can spare you.” Qin Yu said abruptly, his face extremely flat.

Hearing this in the ears of Wangchen, Yang De, and Wei Chang, the three of them were furious. Qin Yu dared to tell them to kneel down.

Wang Chen and Yang De are deacons in the blood-clothed castle. They both feel that they are noble, but Weichang’s identity is even more noble. No one has ever dared to let them kneel.

“you are courting death !”

Wang Chen and Yang De two people, roar said in a rage at the same time, their faces looked like wild beasts.

2 The Demon Beast under the crotch seemed to feel the anger of the owner, each and everyone became extremely irritable, contorts one’s face in agony.

“Courting death? Hehe, come up and try, and you will know who is courting death.” Qin Yu sneered, his words full of indifference.

The purpose of his coming this time is to get rid of the blood-clothed castle, how could he kneel down to the people in the blood-clothed castle, and Qin Yu has no possibility of kneeling down.

On Wei Chang’s face, a chill slowly released, and then slowly said: “Yang De, Wang Chen, you two don’t need to take action, this evil creature belongs to me.”

After all, Weichang’s face became extremely savage, and there was a strong aura of riots all over his body, and his whole body became fierce, like a sword edge that was not unsheathed.

Once this sword edge is out of the sheath, it must be bloodied.

“Wei Chang’s strength is not weak. Although it is the same realm, it is at least two levels higher than 3 Castle Lord. The origin of Blood Castle seems to be not small.”

Feeling the strong fluctuations from Wei Chang’s body, Qin Yu’s heart moved slightly. He was not afraid of Wei Chang, but felt that the identity of Wei Chang was definitely not simple.

Qin Yu didn’t say what the bloody castle was, everyone understood.

Even the strength of 3 Castle Lord is not so strong, but Weichang is so young, but stronger than 3 Castle Lord, he is definitely not a man in blood.

Moreover, everyone is extremely respectful to him, and he dare not make a mistake at all, which also shows the rank and status out of the ordinary.

According to Qin Yu’s guess, this greatness is like some powerful family, or some sect sent here to exercise.

Although this wild mountain range belongs to Baiyan City, standing behind is the Heavenly Cang Sect of Five Great Influences. Wei often dares to come here, and his background is bound to be extremely powerful.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu has a very bad feeling in his heart. The balance between Five Great Influences is afraid that it will slowly be broken.

“Qin Yu, I know you are the discipline of the Sky Blue Sect, but you are still dead.” Wei Chang coldly said, urging the Demon Beast under his crotch, and suddenly killed him.

Weichang hasn’t been here for a long time. The Demon Beast under his crotch is obviously just recovered, and his strength is not strong. It can be compared to the wolf-shaped Demon Beast of 3 Castle Lords at most.

However, Wei Chang’s strength was infinitely terrifying. A long spear suddenly appeared in his hand and waved suddenly, forming a burst of densely packed gun shadows.

These densely packed gun shadows and piercing air, like firecrackers, burst continuously and formed a lore, moving towards Qin Yu enveloped.

“This set of Spear Art is really strong, and it can form a big net with gun shadows. If it is shrouded in the big gun shadow net and cannot be broken, there will be no retreat. When the time comes, it will only be strangled into flesh. end.”

“Hehe, yes, it is not surprising that he can display such a powerful martial skill as Young Master Wei Chang.”

“Prince Wei Chang has a noble status and a strong background. This time Qin Yu must be dead.”

Seeing Wei Chang directly displaying the extremely powerful long spear martial skill, a touch of admiration appeared on everyone’s faces.

Although Wei Chang had only three days to come to the Bloody Castle, Wei Chang had worked with the three Castle Lords in these three days.

Although not the opponent of 2 Castle Lord and Castle Lord, Wei Chang used this set of Spear Art to crush 3 Castle Lord. 3 Castle Lord can only be stunned, even without the power to fight back.

Seeing Qin Yu being shrouded by his Spear Art, Wei Chang couldn’t help but show a confident smile on his face, said with a smile: “Being shrouded by my Spear Art, even Divine Immortal can’t escape, you just wait. Let’s be crushed into minced meat.”

When playing against the 3 Castle Lord, 3 Castle Lord surrendered as soon as this set of Spear Art came out. Although 2 Castle Lord could block this set of Spear Art, it was because 2 Castle Lord shot in advance.

2 If Castle Lord does not make an early move and is enveloped by his Spear Art, even if he is immortal, he will still be pierced into a hedgehog and cannot afford to be seriously injured.

“Spear Art is indeed a good spear method, but in your hands, it seems to be a little useless.” Looking at the spreading Spear Art, Qin Yu said indifferently.

Although Qin Yu has not cultivated any Spear Art, in the eyes of Qin Yu, the set of Spear Art displayed by Wei Chang is indeed not very brilliant. On the contrary, Qin Yu found three loopholes.

In expert battles, one loophole can be fatal, let alone three loopholes.

After being aware of the loopholes in the gun shadow, Qin Yu silhouette moved and shuttled through the gun shadow like a ghost, miraculously evading all the gun shadows, and moved towards Weichang to kill the past.

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