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When everyone saw Ruan 1000’s injury and became furious, they all took pleasure in other people’s misfortune’s look towards Qin Yu, thinking that Qin Yu 1000 shouldn’t, 10000 shouldn’t offend Ruan 1000 and hurt the powerhouse of 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage.

There are different levels between Tianhe Realm and Earthquan Realm. Besides, Qin Yu only has the realm of the 6th Layer Peak of Trifling Earthquan Realm. This way, it would have brain issues to go against Ruan with 1000 injuries.

However, Qin Yu was under the pressure of Ruan 1000’s injury, but there was no slight fluctuation on his face. It was just a lightly saying: “If you have the ability, you will come forward and get it, but I’m afraid you don’t have this ability.”

“Oh, it seems you are very confident in your own, but do you really think you are my opponent?” Ruan 1000 said with a smile.

Qin Yu is just a realm of the 6th Layer Peak of the Earth Spring. He really doesn’t know what qualifications Qin Yu has to be so arrogant in front of his expert of the 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage.

“Is it an opponent? Only after you do it, and even though I am not your opponent, do you think I will stand and let you bully?” Qin Yu said coldly.

He admitted that the strength of Ruan 1000 wounds is good, but if he only relies on the strength of the cultivation base, he will show off one’s military strength in front of Qin Yu, even if it is courting death.

Ruan 1000’s bruised brows were completely gloomy, and the aura on his body became more riot. He really couldn’t help but want to kill Qin Yu.

“Okay, then I will let you experience today, the expert of the Tianhe Realm is not something you can insult, you can’t pay the price.” Ruan 1000 said in a cold voice, and moved towards Qin Yu grabbed it with one hand.

Qin Yu’s eyes were also a little bit cold. Since this Ruan 1000 injury is about to be done, then Qin Yu will accompany Ruan 1000 to do it, and give this Ruan 1000 injury reminder.

However, just when the two people were about to collide, an old voice appeared in everyone’s ears, saying with Supreme majesty: “You two stop.”

“Well, this is the voice of Bei Lao.”

After hearing this voice, Ruan 1000’s injured behavior immediately stopped, and hurriedly moved towards the air cup one fist in the other hand and said: “Bei Lao, discipline…”

“Hmph, Ruan 1000 is injured, you are so brave, don’t you know that the cultivation technique is strictly forbidden to use force? If these martial skills are damaged, can you bear it?” Bei Lao’s voice echoed continuously in the air.

In the entire 2nd Layer, there are all Heaven Rank middle grade martial skills. Each copy is of great value. If one or two copies are damaged, it is a great loss.

Ruan 1000 is hurting this. He naturally knows the meaning in the old sayings of the North. He can’t help but sink heavily. He naturally cannot afford the consequences of damaging the martial skill.

It’s just that he is still a little unwilling to be rejected by Qin Yu, and must find time to teach Qin Yu a lesson.

“Qin Yu, this is the end of today’s matter. If you are met by me in the coming day, I will beat you to apologize, and you will remember it for me.” Ruan 1000 coldly said, sleeve gown one After shaking, he left the cultivation technique hall.

Regarding the threat of Ruan 1000 injury, Qin Yu just smiled indifferently and did not take seriously. If Ruan 1000 injury wants to come, let him come.

even more how next time we meet, if we really start, whoever wins will not necessarily be the case.

After Ruan 1000 was injured and left, Qin Yu didn’t stay in the training technique hall any more. He chose 2 martial skills and went outside to register.

The one registered outside is Mr. Bei. At this moment, watching the 2 martial skills selected by Qin Yu, slowly hook the head, and ask: “Qin Yu, do you really want to choose these 2 martial skills?”

“Lao Bei, is there any problem?” Qin Yu asked suspiciously.

“This first martial skill is a martial skill left over by our Heavenly Cang Sect 1000 years ago. However, this martial skill is extremely difficult to cultivation success, and it is too complicated. After many people chose this martial skill, they eventually failed. Come down.” Beilao explained.

The martial skill of Cang Xuan Hua Tianbu does not have any problems or defects in itself, but this martial skill is the most obscure cultivation technique among all Heaven Rank middle grade martial skills. The cultivation is too difficult. In the entire Sky Cang Sect, not many people succeeded either.

To waste time on such a cultivation technique is difficult to cultivation. In Bei Lao’s opinion, it is not worth it.

“Many thanks Bei Lao reminded me, but as long as there is no problem with the martial skill, I will choose it.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

When choosing the martial skill, Qin Yu had already compared it. This martial skill is indeed very complicated, but if it is a cultivation success, the formidable power is much larger.

The unsuccessful cultivation of others does not mean that Qin Yu cultivation is unsuccessful, and this martial skill has been cultivated, so Qin Yu will naturally not give up.

“Well, since you have this confidence, let’s cultivation, but this 1000 overlapping heavy water is the auxiliary secret technique of the cultivation Water Attribute cultivation technique. You are not at all of the Spiritual Qi fluctuations of the Water Attribute, and you offend Ruan 1000 for this. , It seems a bit unwise.” Bei Lao frowns saying.

He knows a little about Qin Yu’s strength, but Qin Yu is more powerful, but Ruan 1000 wound is a martial artist in the Tianhe realm after all, much stronger than Qin Yu.

Qin Yu wasted his contribution for a martial skill he didn’t use, and he also offended an outer sect expert like Ruan 1000, which is indeed unwise.

Hearing this, Qin Yu gave a wry smile. Let’s not talk about the cultivation technique. Just because Ruan 1000 hurt his domineering attitude, Qin Yu felt a little uncomfortable.

“Bei Lao meant, that Ruan 1000 hurt me, should I really let him bully? Or because my cultivation base is low, I should move towards Ruan 1000 hurt my head?” Qin Yu asked back.

Bei Lao was taken aback for a moment, but didn’t expect Qin Yu to be such an upright character, said with a bitter smile: “You brat is really a fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth.”

“It’s not that I’m not afraid of anything. I have awe in my heart. Awe-inspiring people need to be worthy of my awe. It’s not the strength of realm that can be determined, and Ruan 1000 injuries don’t seem to be worthy of my awe.” Faintly explained.

Awe is above being a person, and has nothing to do with the strength of the warrior.

After listening to Qin Yu’s words, Mr. Bei understood the thoughts in his heart and grinned as said with a smile: “Okay, you brat has some knowledge. In this case, old fogey won’t persuade you anymore. You should go back to cultivation and prepare. Strive for early strength bring it up a level, by the way of old fogey I am looking forward to you.”

Qin Yu nodded, left the Martial Skill Pavilion with 2 martial skills, returned to his small courtyard, and then prepared to retreat once, cultivation martial skill, to improve his strength.

The cultivation technique hall was set up in the outer sect, not far from Qin Yu’s small courtyard, so Qin Yu quickly returned to his small courtyard.

Qin Yu hasn’t returned to the small courtyard yet, but looking from a distance, he found several familiar silhouettes waiting for him anxiously in front of the small courtyard.

“Well, it’s Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong!”

After seeing these familiar silhouettes, Qin Yu moved a little in his heart, swept away the haze on his face, revealed a slight smile, and walked up quickly.

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