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“Junior Brother Qin!”

When several people saw Qin Yu coming back, they all smiled and stepped forward 2 steps, and moved towards Qin Yu greeted them.

“Junior Brother Qin, where did you go? We have been waiting for you here for half an hour.” Jiang Yan smiled indifferently and said first.

“I went to the cultivation technique hall and chose two cultivation arts. I asked a few of you to wait a long time. Let’s go in and talk.” Qin Yu explained with a smile, and then invited all 6 people to his residence and discussed carefully. stand up.

The last time 7 people went to Huangtian mountain range to perform a mission, and finally, to be on the safe side, Qin Yu asked the 6 people to come back early. Now it is the first time they met after they came back.

“Junior Brother Qin, didn’t expect that after we left, your blood-clothed castle was destroyed by one person. It is really unimaginable.” Jiang Yan said enviously, with a look of shock on his face.

When they heard about this incident, they felt extremely shocked. Now, although some time has passed, every time they think about it, they still feel a little weird.

Qin Yu’s realm at the time was at the 6th Layer Initial Stage or Middle Stage of the Earthquan, facing the bloody castle with the powerhouse of the Tianhe Realm, which was not an opponent at all.

But Qin Yu still wiped out the entire blood-clothed castle. Although there were no heads of the willows, the three major Castle Lords and several Beast Palace disciples except the willows were completely wiped out.

“The bloody castle thing is indeed a bit unexpected, but it is also extremely dangerous. If it weren’t for my good luck, I would almost be buried somewhere.” Qin Yu explained the matter of the Huangtian mountain range.

Several people heard the process of Qin Yu destroying the blood-clothed castle with their own ears, and they were all shocked and breathed.

Especially when Qin Yu was stopped by Liu Ku and later killed the scene of the Jade Water Demon Python, all of them were scared into a cold sweat.

Liu Ku and Jade Water Demon Python are all experts of the 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm. If Qin Yu’s realm at the time is used to fight the enemy alone, it will almost certainly die without any suspense.

Of course, Qin Yu also hides some details in this. For example, he got Spirit Fire and the unary mixed Spiritual Pill, which was taken by Qin Yu casually.

“In the last mission, I finally received all the contribution points. I am really sorry. This is the clear water spirit fruit I got. I will give each of you one as compensation.” Qin Yu said with a smile , Took out 6 clear water spirit fruits and placed them in front of 6 people.

“What, green water spirit fruit, give each of us one.”

Looking at the clear water spirit fruit on the table, all 6 people were shocked, and didn’t expect Qin Yu to give them such an expensive gift.

Back in the Xuantian Temple, bringing back 2 clear water spirit fruits, you can get 10000 points of contribution.

That is, a clear water spirit fruit, worth 5000 points of contribution value, more than a common disciple, the contribution value obtained in a year.

However, as soon as Qin Yu shot it, there were 6 clear water spirit fruits, equivalent to 30000 points. This gift is simply too rich for everyone.

“Junior Brother Qin, we didn’t get the contribution points for Bloodcoat Castle. It is completely because our battle strength is not good. You can’t blame you for swallowing contribution points. Moreover, the process of destroying Bloodcoat Castle is also thrilling. It was completely done with your own life. Yes, so it is not used to compensate us.” Jiang Yan refused.

The value of Bishui Lingguo is so great that all of them are naturally very greedy.

Especially during this time, the realm of Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong has reached the 2th Layer Middle Stage of the Earth Spring, and this clear water spirit fruit is needed to increase cultivation base.

But this gift is too expensive, it was Qin Yu nine deaths and still alive, they dare not accept it.

“Hehe, ask you to take it, and I have 3 clear water spirit fruits left here, enough for me to use now.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

After several evasions, Jiang Yan and the others received the green water spirit fruit. In addition, Qin Yu took out the body of the green water demon python and distributed some spiritual flesh to several people.

The Demon Beast of the Tianhe Realm is an item of great nourishment for the warriors of the Earth Spring Realm. With these physical and clear water spirit fruits, it is enough for Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong to break through to the 2th Layer Peak of the Earth Spring Realm.

The realm of Chu Chen, Han Miaoyi and other 4 people has now broken through the 9th Layer Initial Stage of Diquan, and can also go further with these two distinct things.

“Junior Brother Qin’s great favor, we have nothing to repay.” After six people accepted the things, they all lowered their heads in shame.

“Okay, let’s end this matter, tell me what are you looking for me?”

In order not to embarrass a few people, Qin Yu changed the conversation and asked with a smile.

Jiang Yan raised his head and sat down with a serious face. He said with a heavy face: “Junior Brother Qin, you just came back from the cultivation technique hall. I wonder if you heard the news of the outer sect Martial Competition on the way?”

“Outer sect Martial Competition?”

Qin Yu was a little surprised. Although he had just returned from the training technique hall, he went straight to his residence along the way. He hadn’t heard about it at all, so he shook the head and said, “I have never heard of this.”

Seeing that Qin Yu hadn’t heard of this incident, Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong were not surprised. Wang Zhong explained: “In fact, the outer sect Martial Competition was released just before the Great Elder one hour, so we just knew it. .”

“Yes, but the outer sect Martial Competition at this time seems to be different. In previous years, it was held in autumn, but this time was more than 2 months ahead of schedule. Things are a bit strange.” Jiang Yan frowned.

The outer sect Martial Competition, in the outer sect of the Tiancang Sect, is the premier major event every year. The time has not changed, but this time has advanced.

After hearing this news, many Outer Disciples of Tiancang Sect were extremely shocked, so the whole outer sect was in an uproar.

“Is the time ahead?”

Although Qin Yu paid too much attention to the outer sect Martial Competition, he didn’t know why the outer sect Martial Competition time was advanced.

But his keen sense of smell still made him feel some unpleasant feelings from this matter, and faintly felt that there were some unknown things hidden in this matter.

“Well, the time has advanced by 2 months. Now the entire Outer Disciple is crazy and is starting to prepare for this event. I guess this is related to the appearance of the Beast Palace in the Blood Castle.” Jiang Yan whispered, cautiously speculated.

Qin Yu nodded, the shadow of Beast Palace disciple appears in the blood castle, then the shadow of Beast Palace will definitely appear in other places.

In other words, the Sky Cang Sect already knows that Beast Palace will start with the Sky Cang Sect, and now this outer sect Martial Competition in advance seems to be something to do.

However, what a few people didn’t know was that this matter was 100 times more complicated than they thought.

“It is indeed possible, but our cultivation base is too low. I am afraid that we can’t get any hands in this matter.” Qin Yu sighed slowly, a little disappointed.

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