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Qin Yu is the discipline of Tiancang Sect, and naturally has the mind of guarding the sect gate.

But now his realm only has the 6th Layer Peak of the Earth Spring Realm, and the battle strength has not yet reached the Tianhe Realm. Facing the battle of Five Great Peak Influences, I can’t get in at all, so a sense of powerlessness arises in my heart.

“Ai, indeed, as Junior Brother Qin said, with our current cultivation base, I am afraid that we can’t get any hands in!”

Everyone sighed nodded, this kind of thing, they have no idea of ​​intervening, after all, their battle strength is too low and too low.

“Junior Brother Qin, although we can’t get involved in this matter, I heard that you have offended Beast Palace Elder. If something happens to the Celestial Sect, Junior Brother Qin, you are afraid that some trouble will be unavoidable.” Wang Zhong suddenly reminded. .

Everyone is hearing this, and their hearts are all lost and shaken. Their ordinary disciplines don’t matter.

But Qin Yu seems to have something to do with Beast Palace. If there is a war, Qin Yu will undoubtedly be chased by Beast Palace.

“Song She?”

A silhouette emerged in Qin Yu’s heart. This silhouette is the Beast Palace Elder Song She. The grievance between Qin Yu and this Old Guy is indeed deep and irreconcilable.

The matter started on the battlefield of the 100 races, but it has not been resolved until now. It has always been pressed in Qin Yu’s heart, making Qin Yu a little breathless.

“This matter is only when the time comes. If Song She’s Old Guy dares to come, it doesn’t matter who lives or dies.” Qin Yu said solemnly, a trace of murderous intention flashed in his heart.

The feud between him and Song She and Beast Palace began on the battlefield of the 100 races and continues to this day. If Qin Yu is defeated one day, the people behind him will be miserable.

In particular, the swords Top Sect and Qin Family of Huangzhou have a great relationship with Qin Yu. Now that they are controlled by the Heavenly Cangzong, Beast Palace will not act on remote areas like Huangzhou, so there is no danger for the time being.

But once Tiancangzong is defeated, then Beast Palace will inevitably attack Huangzhou again. This consequence is extremely terrifying. It’s just anxious now, it’s not a solution.

“The Beast Palace matter is indeed extremely terrifying, but let’s proceed to the immediate matter. What do you think of this time outer sect Martial Competition? Are you sure?” Qin Yu said slowly.

Although Qin Yu came to the Celestial Sect for a long time, she is still not very clear about the strength of the Celestial Sect Outer Disciple, so I want to find out.

“This time the outer sect Martial Competition, everyone must have smelled something, so there will be full preparations, and there will be many Peak Outer Disciples in the Tianhe Realm who will take action.” Jiang Yan said slowly, extremely solemnly.

There are two completely different levels between the martial artist of the Tianhe state and the earth spring state. If the martial artist of the Tianhe state makes a move, it is difficult to obtain some decent power with their strength around the 2th Layer of the earth spring state.

“Tianhe Realm?”

Qin Yu hearing this, his eyes narrowed slightly. Although Qin Yu had already guessed this result, it was still a bit heavy.

For example, Qin Yu encountered Ruan 1000 wounds in the cultivation technique hall. This person is the realm of the 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm. His strength is not weak, and he cannot be underestimated.

“Well, besides, after the end of this time outer sect Martial Competition, the top 100 will not only get a lot of rewards, but also enter the Inner Sect and cultivation in the Inner Sect.”

Wang Zhong’s face couldn’t help but a look of yearning appeared. Obviously, Inner Sect is more beneficial than outer Sect, and powerhouse is more.

Being able to join Inner Sect will be the glory of a lifetime, and it is rumored that Inner Sect has the same expert as Elder level, which is extremely terrifying.

“The conditions and treatment of Inner Sect are indeed much better, and as things are today, Sect is afraid to increase the training of Inner Sect Disciple, so we have to get some of these 100 places anyway.” Jiang Yan said resolutely, because Inner Sect is the paradise for Xiuwu.

In the face of the upcoming chaos, if you can enter Inner Sect cultivation and improve your strength, you will have more strength to protect yourself.

“Yes, in order to prepare in advance, there will be a trade fair after the 5th, and there will be no shortage of outer sect experts. We came this time, just want Young Master Qin to go together.” Chu Chen said with a smile.

“Trade fair?”

Qin Yu’s eyes moved slightly. Qin Yu has participated in this trade fair twice, and each time has unexpected results. If he can get some good things, his strength will be greatly improved.

“Well, I will arrive after 5 days. During this period, you should also go back to the cultivation, at least you can improve some cultivation base.” Qin Yu instructed.

On the 5th, if it is not long or short, even if it cannot break through realm, it can comprehend some martial skills to improve some strength.

“Okay, we don’t bother Junior Brother Qin, let’s go back, but Junior Brother Qin, I’ve heard that you seem to have killed the section length peak before, this person’s master is Fang Yang, that guy is a half-step Tianhe cultivation base will also appear on auction, so be careful.”

After speaking, Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong and the others left Qin Yu’s residence, and went back to prepare Spirit Stone, or cultivation martial skill, to prepare for the trade fair a few days later, but Qin Yu remained.

“Fang Yang?”

Seeing the disappearing backs of several people, Qin Yu couldn’t help but murmur.

Fang Yang’s reputation, as early as when Qin Yu killed the section length peak, he had heard that this person was indeed an expert in the half-step Tianhe Realm, and his reputation was not weak in the Tiancang Sect.

However, Qin Yu just murmured, ignored the person, turned around and went back to the room, swallowed 2 Origin Essence Pills, and began to cultivate.

In about half a day, Qin Yu refining these 2 Origin Essence Pills, immediately took out 3 again, swallowed them, and raised the breath to Peak.

With the effectiveness of these 5 Origin Essence Pills, the breath of Qin Yu is not far from the 7th Layer Initial Stage of Earth Spring, but it seems that it will take a while to break through.

Moreover, the 50 Origin Essence Pills, which were given away by Qin Yu, and the refining, have now been completely consumed, except for 3 clear water spirit fruits.

As for the other Grade 5 Medicine Pills, they are not very effective for Qin Yu. They can only be used as a solid cultivation base after Qin Yu’s breakthrough.

“In addition to the 3 Clear Water Spirit Fruits, the medicine pill that has been accumulated is used up, and there is no contribution value, and it cannot be exchanged for other Grade 6 Medicine Pill. It can only be purchased with the middle grade Spirit Stone.”

Looking at the empty storage bag, Qin Yu couldn’t help but smiled bitterly. What he has left is 3 clear water spirit fruits, 1000000 middle grade Spirit Stone, and the one-yuan mixed Spiritual Pill.

However, Qin Yu was not in a hurry to swallow these things. His current cultivation base wanted a breakthrough, and it was too expensive. It would be better to keep it and wait a few days for the cultivation base to be strengthened before proceeding with the breakthrough.

“The trade fair is only 5 days away. The current choice is to either cultivation 1000 overlapping heavy water, or cultivation Cangxuanhua Tianbu.” Qin Yu murmured.

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