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In the end, Qin Yu chose the cultivation Cang Yuan Hua Tianbu.

1000 The secret technique of overlapping heavy water, Qin Yu is not at all intending to truly cultivation, but wants to use this cultivation technique to condense the demonic energy in the Black Demon Sea.

But as to whether it can succeed, the effect is still 2, so Qin Yu also temporarily gave up the cultivation technique. After all, there is not much time left for Qin Yu.

But for the martial skill of Cangyuan Hua Tianbu, if it is a cultivation success, Qin Yu’s strength can increase a lot again, so Qin Yu puts his goal on Cangyuan Hua Tianbu.

“Cang Yuan Hua Tian Step, the martial skill of footwork, stepping out in one step, it is 7 feet long, whether it is used to kill or avoid the opponent’s attack, it is extremely wonderful, and this martial skill is far beyond the average Heaven. Rank middle grade martial skill .”

After Qin Yu comprehend Cang Yuan Hua Tian Step, he set about cultivation, stepping out, just like tapping water, appearing 7 feet away, his body is agile and fast.

That kind of feeling gives people an extremely unreal feeling, with an extremely graceful posture, which is indeterminate, leaving behind shadows wherever he goes.

However, the cultivation of this martial skill is indeed much more difficult. After Qin Yu has honed many times, he can barely achieve the 7-foot effect required by the cultivation technique.

“This step is more like a kind of beautiful Martial Dao, and can interpret a kind of body method to this degree, and then combined with the murderous foul wind and bloody rain, it is perfect.” Qin Yu said extremely unexpectedly. .

It can be said that this Cangxuan Transformation Step is a combination of a murderous body and dance, killing the enemy with a graceful posture. I don’t know what kind of monster can come up with this kind of thing.

When killing people, it seems to be dancing!

In the secret room, Qin Yu’s body is indeterminate, continuously performing the steps of Cang Xuan Hua Tianbu, and finally left countless afterimages in the space, as if a person appeared many Avatars.

Under this kind of selfless cultivation, the time of the 5th day passed in panic. After the 5th day, Qin Yu opened the door, full of energy, moved towards a mountain range and walked away.

In the Celestial Sect, Outer Disciple lives in different mountain ranges. After all, there are too many people, and a mountain range cannot live at all.

Only when Qin Yu joined the Celestial Sect at this time, he has accepted a full 5000 disciplines, plus the accumulation over the years, the outer sect of the Celestial Sect is enough to reach 4.

With such a huge number, a mountain can’t be inhabited naturally, and this trade fair was set up on the strongest mountain in Outer Disciple.

This mountain doesn’t have a name, but compared to the mountain where Qin Yu lives, on the mountain where the veteran Outer Disciple lives, Spiritual Qi is more abundant.

The mountain where Qin Yu lives, next to the Black Demon Sea, is the worst mountain in the Spiritual Qi among the Heavenly Cang Sect.

“Sure enough, the time of worshipping into the Heavenly Cang Sect is different, the realm is different, and the treatment you receive is different.” Qin Yu sighed secretly.

The spiritual Qi of the mountain in front of me is ten times stronger than that of the mountain where Qin Yu lives. Therefore, without using medicine pill, living here will have a cultivation speed ten times that of the former.

At the entrance of the mountain, two people, Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong, were waiting here for Qin Yu. After seeing Qin Yu coming, the two people immediately greeted them.

“Junior Brother Qin, you are finally here!” Jiang Yan said with a smile.

Qin Yu nodded, said hello to two people, smiled and asked, “I’m not here late.”

“Naturally not, and there is still plenty of time, but we still have things to do before the trade fair, so we must hurry up.” Jiang Yan explained.

Qin Yu heard that there was something to do, his heart moved slightly, and immediately followed the two people, rushing towards the top of the mountain together, and soon came to the entrance of a huge house.

This house occupies an area of ​​more than 3000 acres and is incomparable gigantic. Although it is not comparable to the cultivation technique hall and the towers and pavilions like the Xuantian Temple, it is absolutely refreshing.

“here is……”

Looking at the house in front of him, Qin Yu said in surprise.

When did the Outer Disciple of the Celestial Clan Sect live in such a huge house, even Elder would not receive such treatment.

“Junior Brother Qin, this is the outer sect market. All the transactions of the outer sect are completed here. It is not a place where a discipline lives.” Jiang Yan explained with a smile.

The Outer Sect’s disciple of the Celestial Sect has reached as many as 50000. In addition to receiving tasks from the cultivation technique hall, the Xuantian hall and other places, in addition to redeeming the Cultivation Art and Martial Skill, it also needs to complete various transactions to improve strength.

And here is the place where Outer Sect’s disciple is set up and sold. It acts like a city market and provides a lot of convenience for each disciple.

“Oh, there is such a place unexpectedly.” Qin Yu was slightly surprised.

Speaking of which, after he entered the Celestial Sect, he didn’t stay in the sect for a long time. He didn’t pay much attention to these places, and he was an eye-opener today.

“Well, Junior Brother Qin, let’s go in first. Before the auction, we can pot some treasures here. Maybe we can get some good things. Of course, if you have anything you want to sell, you can also take it out, Chu Chen With Han Miaoyi, we set up a stall here.” Jiang Yan suggested with a smile.

The three people walked into the house together. In the courtyard, there were stalls for sale everywhere, people coming, people going, it was so lively, and the things sold by everyone were all kinds of strange things, which was extremely rich.

“Grade 5 Medicine Pill, Huang Gengdan!”

Qin Yu saw a medicine pill at a stall at a glance. This Huang Gengdan belongs to Grade 5 Medicine Pill. Among Grade 5 Medicine Pill, it is very famous. It is rarely seen on weekdays. Didn’t expect unexpectedly appeared here.

“It is indeed Huang Gengdan. This pill has an excellent cultivation base effect for martial artists around the 8 Heavenly Layer of Earthquan. It is very valuable. It requires 8 middle grade Spirit Stone. If Junior Brother Qin wants it, you can buy it. “Jiang Yan suggested.

“Forget it, this thing doesn’t do much to me.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Although Qin Yu’s realm is not high, he has taken various medicine pills for a long time, not to mention Grade 5 Medicine Pill, even Grade 6 Medicine Pill does not know how much he swallowed.

Huang Jingdan’s Grade 5 Medicine Pill, for others, is Supreme Treasure, but it has little effect on Qin Yu. It looks like a chicken rib, so he intuitively rejected Jiang Yan’s kindness.

In addition to medicine pill, Qin Yu also discovered countless weapons, some animal skins, and various mineral vein Spirit Stones, all of which are valuable.

However, Qin Yu watched for a while, then dispelled the desire to buy, turned around and moved towards other stalls and walked.

These weapons, animal skins, and various treasure medicine pills may be regarded as Supreme Treasure for others, but for Qin Yu today, they are of little use. If they are purchased, they are just a waste of Spirit Stone.

Seeing how much Qin Yu is not at all interested in these things, Jiang Yan smiled slowly and said, “In this case, I will take you to see other things.”

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