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Everyone looked towards Qin Yu, and there was no expression of disdain in their eyes, but they were extremely respectful and respected Qin Yu.

One punch that can defeat Zhang Hai’s powerhouse is enough to make them take it seriously. Even the warriors of the 9th Layer Peak and Middle Stage of the Spring Realm are breathless with the heavy breath of Qin Yu.

“This guy turned out to be a character who plays the pig to eat the tiger.” Chen Quan’s face moved slightly, and he didn’t know what was thinking in his eyes.

“you let me win !”

Qin Yu revoked the power of Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, moved towards Zhang Hai and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, then looked towards Chen Quan, and asked: “Chen Quan, I don’t know if I have participated in this trade fair. qualifications.”

However, in the eyes of everyone, Qin Yu’s question is really unnecessary. After all, the trade fair stipulates that as long as the battle strength reaches 9th Layer Peak, you can participate.

Qin Yu forced Zhang Hai to surrender with the might of a single fist. He had already proved that his strength was in the half-step Tianhe Realm, so this statement was indeed redundant.

Therefore, this remark is not only redundant, but also offends Chen Quan.

But Qin Yu didn’t think so. Among the more than 30 people present, Chen Quan had the loudest voice and was the first to oppose Qin Yu, so it was Chen Quan that Qin Yu questioned.


Chen Quan’s eyes couldn’t help but pick up a little, and an unpleasant expression appeared on his face, indifferently said: “With your battle strength, you do have the qualifications to participate in the trade fair, but don’t you think you are too arrogant?”

“Hehe, arrogant? Sorry, I really don’t think.”

Qin Yu sneered, pulled over a chair, and sat directly on it, while Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong chose to sit beside Qin Yu.

After the three people were seated, Qin Yu slowly said: “Since everyone has no objections, I will sit here. Of course, if there are people who object, I don’t mind making another shot.”

Qin Yu’s voice is not loud, but it is extremely harsh in everyone’s ears, especially those who oppose Qin Yu’s participation in the trade fair, led by Chen Quan, are terrifying of complexion is gloomy.

They questioned Qin Yu’s strength before, but Qin Yu defeated Zhang Hai and showed his powerful strength.

Although Zhang Hai lost and was forced to admit defeat, it was more like a slap. Fiercely fell on the faces of Chen Quan and the others, slapped Chen Quan and the others.

“Qin Yu, I said, you are a little too impudent.”

Chen Quan said again, his face gloomy into the water, and bursts of killing intent exuded in his eyes, cold and merciless.

Qin Yu sat in his seat and sneered again and again. If he is not impudent, he may have been slapped outside the trade fair and become a joke for everyone.

“I also said, I don’t feel myself impudent.”

Qin Yu waved his hand gently, and said indifferently: “Or, if you really think I am arrogant, then it means I have this arrogant strength.”

Chen Quan’s eyeballs were slightly protruding, and the whole person was extremely ferocious, and he did not speak anymore, but the spiteful color in his eyes was extremely rich.

Everyone can see that although there is no conflict between Qin Yu and Chen Quan, the enmity between the two is really quite big.

“Hehe, it’s really lively here.”

Just when the two people faced each other coldly, a laugh broke the conflict between the two, and then two warriors, about 2 years old, slowly walked in.

One of the warriors, like Chen Quan, has a cultivation base in the half-step Tianhe realm, while the other square-faced realm is in the Tianhe realm 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage.

Qin Yu’s eyes swept across the warrior of the half-step Tianhe Realm, and his eyes fell on the warrior of 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage in the river realm that day.

The realm of this person is the same as that of Ruan 1000 wound. Although it is not as strong as Ruan 1000 wound, it still gives Qin Yu a dangerous feeling.

“Who are the two of them?” Qin Yu asked in a low voice.

“Half-step Tianhe Realm is Fang Yang. That day, the 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of the River Realm should be the rumored Xu Bing.” Jiang Yan hurriedly lowered his head and explained, with some worry in his eyes.

The hatred between Qin Yu and Fang Yang is unknown to others, but Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong are very clear.

Qin Yu had offended Chen Quan just now, and now there is another enemy Fang Yang, and the most important thing is that Fang Yang didn’t know when he actually went with Xu Bing.

In the outer sect of Tiancangzong, Xu Bing seemed a little low-key, and his reputation was not very big, but Jiang Yan knew that this person was a terrifying expert.

Chen Quan and Fang Yang were both martial artists in the half-step Tianhe realm. The strength of these two people was originally terrifying. Now Qin Yu is a pair of twos, and both are a little stretched.

If Xu Bing, the expert of the 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm, intervened again, it would be really troublesome, which made Jiang Yan extremely worried.

And it was Fang Yang who spoke just now!

“Fang Yang and Xu Bing?” Qin Yu did not wrinkle slightly.

He has heard of Fang Yang’s reputation several times. After all, Qin Yu and this person have already formed a beam because of the section length peak.

It’s just that Xu Bing, Qin Yu hasn’t heard of it, and judging from the appearance of everyone, it seems that he doesn’t know Xu Bing very much.

Although everyone didn’t know Xu Bing, due to the powerful cultivation base of Xu Bing’s 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage, no one dared to make a mistake, on the contrary, they looked respectful.

Fang Yang walked into the great hall, glanced at everyone, and said with a smile: “Why, don’t you welcome me?”

“Hahaha, Fang Senior Brother Yang laughed, how dare we not welcome you and give us hundreds of courage, we dare not.”

“Yes, Fang Senior Brother Yang is the initiator of this time trade fair. Who dares not give Fang Senior Brother Yang face, Fang Senior Brother Yang sit down.”

Hearing Fang Yang’s words, everyone rushed to say with a smile, extremely respectful, all kinds of flattering words, to give Fang Yang enough face.

Fang Yang is a well-known generation in the half-step Tianhe powerhouse, even more how, behind him is a powerful existence of 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage.

“Hehe, everyone really gave me Fang Yang face, but the real initiator of this time trade fair was Xu Bing Senior Brother standing next to me.”

Seeing the flattering expression of everyone, Fang Yang couldn’t help but smile, and introduced Xu Bing beside him to everyone, making everyone’s expressions tight, and moved towards Xu Bing.

“Meet Xu Bing Senior Brother!”

Everyone said in unison, Xu Bing was the only expert of the 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage in the audience, and they couldn’t help being disrespectful.

“Hehe, everyone, please sit down, you are welcome!” Xu Bing said with a smile and motioned everyone to sit down.

After Xu Bing greeted everyone, he sat at the top of the long table and stood alone, while Fang Yang sat in the first place below Xu Bing, facing Chen Quanyao.

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