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“Brother Chen Quan, you seem to be in conflict with someone just now, I don’t know who dares to provoke you?” Fang Yang asked indifferently after sitting down.

“Hehe, isn’t it him? It seems to be called Qin Yu!”

Chen Quan smiled coldly and pointed to Qin Yu replied, his eyes filled with resentment.

“Qin Yu !”

Hearing Chen Quan’s words, Fang Yang suddenly fell into the complexion.

He doesn’t know Qin Yu’s appearance, but these days, he dreams of killing Qin Yu, because Qin Yu killed his subordinate section length peak in front of everyone.

The section length peak showed off one’s military strength in the outer sect and grabbed the treasure of the discipline. It was Fang Yang’s support behind him, because most of the treasure robbed by the section length peak fell into his pocket.

Since he took the section length peak as his younger brother, the section length peak has snatched a lot of good things for him, which also made his cultivation base rapid progress.

Qin Yu killed the section length peak, which was equivalent to cutting off his money, and when Qin Yu killed the section length peak, the section length peak reported the name of Fang Yang, but Qin Yu ignored it.

The section length peak can die, but the name of Fang Yang cannot be ignored, because it is equivalent to others slapped his old face in full view.

“You killed my section length peak?”

Thinking of all these things, Fang Yang’s face couldn’t help but cold, looked towards Qin Yu, who was sitting there calmly, and asked coldly.

“What, Qin Yu actually had an antagonism with Fang Yang and killed Fang Yang’s section length peak?”

Everyone hearing this, all looked towards Qin Yu in horror, secretly said in one’s heart, Qin Yu is really an overbearing master, even Fang Yang’s people dare to kill.

Although they had already heard about this incident, it was even more shocking to say it personally from Fang Yang’s mouth.

Besides, Qin Yu offended Chen Quan just now, and now he encounters Fang Yang’s ruthless stubbornness. The situation is dropped a thousand zhang in one fall, which is not very good.

Even Xu Bing, who was sitting in the first seat, raised his brows slightly, and looked towards Qin Yu involuntarily, and a surprised expression flashed deep in his eyes.

“Hehe, this evil creature can really cause trouble. It seems that wherever you go, it will be arrogant and despotic.” Chen Quan said coldly with a smile, secretly thought Qin Yu was totally courting death.

“What about me? The section length peak is arrogant and despotic in front of me, shouldn’t I kill him?” Qin Yu was incomparably plain, and asked Fang Yang back.

The reason why Qin Yu killed the section length peak was because of the courting death of the section length peak itself. Qin Yu was no wonder this matter, and if this matter gave Qin Yu another chance to choose, Qin Yu would still kill the section length peak.

Qin Yu is not a good person. When others come to the door, he will naturally kill, otherwise, others will kill him.

“Dare to confess in front of me that you are very kind, don’t you be afraid that I will smash your corpse here for 10000 pieces?” Fang Yang complexion sank said coldly, and bursts of killing intents flowed out of his eyes. .

Qin Yu killed his section length peak and dared to be so arrogant. This completely stirred Fang Yang’s nerves, and Fang Yang couldn’t help but want to do it.

“I also think that he should be shredded into 10000 segments. Such an arrogant and despotic person is not qualified to sit here.” Chen Quan said abruptly, seeming to have the intention to shoot.

The two great experts in front of me were all aimed at Qin Yu. Everyone’s eyes lit up. Some people took pleasure in other people’s misfortune looking at Qin Yu, thinking that Qin Yu was dead.

Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong, who were sitting next to Qin Yu, were also a little nervous at the moment, breathing extremely tight, and secretly squeezed a sweat for Qin Yu. After all, Qin Yu was facing an expert for more than half of the Tianhe state.

“Oh, it seems that both of you are interested in my head, hehe, this time trade fair, I really came right, and I can trample to death two dogs who don’t know whether they are alive or dead.” Qin Yu didn’t move his eyelids. Said.

Some indifferent voices spread from Qin Yu’s mouth. Everyone’s expression changed slightly. Didn’t expect Qin Yu to say this.

Regardless of whether it is Chen Quan or Fang Yang, they are both experts in the half-step Tianhe realm, and these two people are still half-step Tianhe powerhouses. Among the outer sects of the Heavenly Cangzong, they have a not weak name and no one is there. In front of the two of them, dare to say such a thing.

Ordinary warriors, when confronted with one of them, all keep quiet out of fear and dare not make too much trouble.

Qin Yu faced 2 people, but said that he would “step on” 2 act recklessly dog ​​things. It was extremely overbearing.


Xu Bing, who was sitting above the top, watched this scene with great interest, astonishment flashed in his eyes, and his pupils shrank slightly.

As the only expert of the Tianhe Realm 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage in the field, he is one level higher than everyone else, and he is detached. He can see through the strength of Fang Yang and Chen Quan at a glance.

The strength of these two people, if left alone, would not pose any threat to him, but if they were put together, they would definitely threaten him at the 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm.

Qin Yu’s strength, no matter how strong it is, it can defeat the expert in the half-step Tianhe realm, but it is definitely not an opponent of two people, and speaking like this is really too arrogant.

Brush, shua!

Chen Quan and Fang Yang suddenly got up from their seats. In the eyes of both of them, there was an extremely strong sense of anger. One after another, the majestic Spiritual Qi, floating around, made everyone once again. shock.

Everyone present could see that in the hearts of Chen Quan and Fang Yang, Qin Yu had a killing intent. In other words, Qin Yu would eventually pay a heavy price for his recklessness.

With the two people standing up, exuding a strong killing intent, the atmosphere of the scene was once again promoted to the extreme. With swords drawn and bows bent, a terrifying battle seemed to explode.

At this time, under the eyes of everyone, Qin Yu also stood up slowly. Others came to the door with insults. If Qin Yu didn’t fight, he would become a laughingstock for others.

“and many more!”

Just when the two parties were preparing to do something, Jiang Yan beside Qin Yu was really unable to sit still, and hurriedly got up and said, “Xu Bing Senior Brother, this trade fair was planned by you behind your back. Are you really Just sit here and watch them humiliate Junior Brother Qin?”

Xu Bing frowned slightly, and said a little displeased: “Jiang Yan, what do you want me to do?”

He is familiar with Fang Yang, and naturally wants to stand on Fang Yang’s side. Since Fang Yang wants to kill, he definitely has no reason to stop him, and he is extremely unhappy with Jiang Yan’s questioning.

A warrior who hasn’t reached the 9th Layer Peak of the Earth Spring Realm even half of the Tianhe Realm, why question him?

“Xu Bing Senior Brother, the trade fair is led by your secret organization, so you are responsible for maintaining the trade fair. Now that this kind of thing happens, no matter which party is killed, your reputation will be wiped out.”

“If you want to host the trade fair again in the future, who would dare to come?” Jiang Yan explained in a deep voice.

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