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Zhao Yuan and Xu Bing both sneered. Looking at Qin Yu, it was like looking at a dead person. Under the Celestial Demon tiger, Qin Yu was afraid that there would be only a dead end.

“Hehe, it’s convenient now, there is no need for this Elder to make a secret move.” Zhao Yuan sneered, standing with his hands negative.

In his plan, if Chen Quan and Fang Yang cannot kill Qin Yu, he will help them secretly and create a gap for them to kill Qin Yu, but now it seems that he does not need to kill Qin Yu. , Because Qin Yu couldn’t resist this flying Celestial Demon tiger.

“Qin Yu, do you know this secret technique? If you do, don’t hurry down on your knees and beg for mercy, otherwise you will be torn apart by the flying Celestial Demon tiger.” Chen Quan sneered, said with great confidence.

Both he and Fang Yang cultivated this secret technique. When facing the enemy alone, it is extremely powerful, making people become terror-stricken at the news.

Now the flying Celestial Demon tiger was jointly displayed by the two of them. The formidable power is even more terrifying, it is ten times stronger than the single player, they do not believe that Qin Yu can resist it.

“Hehe, this can be considered Secret Art, what garbage thing.”

Qin Yu hearing this, but smiled abruptly, the Spiritual Qi that was surging all over his body suddenly changed, forming one after another fiery red thing, a hot breath burst out.

After this hot breath erupted, the temperature in the entire inner courtyard of the market rose by several times, and many people suddenly burst into sweat.

“The Seal of Blazing Fire!”

Qin Yu suddenly drank, and the fiery red Spiritual Qi all over his body, under the urging of Qin Yu, suddenly moved towards the sky and condensed away. A huge crimson stamping pad measuring 30 feet slowly emerged.

Where is the crimson stamp pad floating, one after another crimson Spiritual Qi flowing in it, like a volcanic boulder that has burned red.

This is exactly the fiery sky seal of Qin Yu cultivation.

In this cultivation technique, if the temperature reaches 500 degrees, it is Small Success Realm, if it reaches 5000 degrees, it is great accomplishment realm, and if it reaches 50000 degrees, it is Perfection Realm.

At this moment, the temperature of this blazing sky seal, although not as terrifying as 50000 degrees, it also exceeded more than 5000 degrees, reaching the great accomplishment realm.

Around the burning sky seal, the sky seemed to be burnt red under the scorching temperature. Under the terrifying high temperature, many warriors felt that the water vapor within the body was about to be evaporated.

“Heavenly Seal of Fire, this seems to be the martial skill of the Tang family in Baiyan City. You didn’t expect to be cultivated to great accomplishment realm by you, but you still can’t resist the flying Celestial Demon tiger under our two joint hands.”

Chen Quan and Fang Yang both looked extremely cold, and immediately they looked at each other. Divine Sense moved at the same time, controlling the flying Celestial Demon tiger, and immediately moved towards Qin Yu to kill them.

Flying Celestial Demon’s tiger wings spread out, just like a foreigner, extremely fierce, the black blade of the wings seems to split Heaven and Earth into two halves.


Qin Yu single-handedly clicked, the fiery fire sky seal suddenly burst out, moved towards the flying Celestial Demon, the tiger slammed away, one red and one black halo, heavy hitting together.

At the moment the two hit, the black Spiritual Qi and the crimson Spiritual Qi suddenly surged, forming a black and red intertwined ripple, moved towards the sky swept away.

The terrifying ripples seemed to destroy everything. After surging in the sky for a long time, it slowly calmed down.

However, the Celestial Demon Tiger and the Celestial Demon Tiger stood in a stalemate in the sky, causing the sky to turn into black and red sides, completely different.

Very terrifying power. ”

Seeing the powerful fluctuations of the collision, everyone around was shocked. The half-step Tianhe Realm’s cultivation base was able to kill to such an extent, it was beyond everyone’s expectations, it was too exciting.

“Didn’t expect Qin Yu’s fiery sky seal, can actually withstand the powerful secret technique of flying Celestial Demon tiger, Qin Yu’s battle strength, I am afraid it will be invincible under the Tianhe realm.”

“Yes, Fang Yang and Chen Quan joined forces, and they couldn’t kill Qin Yu. Even if Qin Yu loses, this battle is enough to deter the outer sect.”

Everyone’s voices, continuously heard, fell in Fang Yang and Chen Quan’s ears, causing the two to blush, hitting one by two, and they were stopped by others. This was a shame to them.

“Zhao Elder Yuan, please take action, help me and kill this little bastard!”

Fang Yang calmed his face and suddenly told Zhao Yuan in secret that he knew that at this time the two of them could no longer kill Qin Yu, and Zhao Yuan needed to take action.

As long as Zhao Yuan makes a secret move to cause some confusion to Qin Yu, the balance will be broken, and the two of them will catch Qin Yu and completely kill Qin Yu.

“Master, it’s no good, Fang Yang will transmit Zhao Yuan to Zhao Yuan again, and let Zhao Yuan take action.” Dragon Soul suddenly said in surprise, reminding Qin Yu that he obviously sensed Fang Yang’s transmission to Zhao Yuan.

Qin Yu’s Divine Sense is no less than Fang Yang’s, while Dragon Soul’s Divine Sense is several times stronger than Qin Yu. It has already reached the level of Tianhe Realm. Fang Yang’s sound transmission can’t hide from Dragon Soul.

Qin Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and as expected, he saw Zhao Yuan’s eyes, and there was a subtle killing intent. Although Zhao Yuan was well concealed, it was still noticed by Qin Yu.

“Do you want Zhao Yuan to take action? Hehe, Dragon Soul, you use Ghost Race’s secret technique to disturb Zhao Yuan. I kill Chen Quan and Fang Yang.” Qin Yu hurriedly instructed.

Ghost Sting is a kind of Divine Soul secret technique in Ghost Race. This secret technique is extremely profound and can form a shocking blow in an instant, causing a trace of panic to the opponent.

More importantly, this ghost stabbing secret technique, without deliberate perception, can’t be noticed at all, and it will surely be effective in one blow.

Although it will not kill Zhao Yuan, as long as the time for Zhao Yuan’s breath is disturbed, Qin Yu will have time to kill Chen Quan and Fang Yang.

After Zhao Yuan received Fang Yang’s request for help, a killing intent rose up in his heart, although it was in full view, it was easy to be perceived by others.

But as long as he doesn’t use too much Divine Sense, there will be no trouble, and he only needs to disturb Qin Yu’s Divine Sense a little bit, giving Chen Quan and Fang Yang a chance to kill Qin Yu.

“Okay, I will help you, you are ready to attack.”

Zhao Yuan replied, but just as his voice fell, a strange Divine Sense suddenly shot out of Qin Yu’s Niwan Palace, like a needle, fiercely pierced into his mind.


Zhao Yuan was caught off guard and didn’t expect that Qin Yu would let Dragon Soul attack with Divine Soul at this time, so he called out pitifully directly.

“Zhao Elder Yuan!”

Hearing Zhao Elder Yuan’s screams, Chen Quan and Fang Yang were all shocked. Zhao Yuan had an accident when he didn’t expect this.

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