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Seeing the anxious faces of the two people, Qin Yu was sneaked in his heart and taunted: “Hehe, you two don’t have time to worry about others now, because your two’s death date has come.”

“What, Zhao Elder Yuan, you are a man of hands and feet, how is this possible?”

When two people heard Qin Yu’s words, they were surprised at the same time.

Zhao Yuan is Outer Elder, and he was disturbed by a discipline, which is unimaginable.

In a corner of the market, two people from Bei Lao and Great Elder saw Zhao Yuan screaming, and the two people also had a surprised look.

“What’s the matter? How could Zhao Yuan suddenly scream, as if he had been attacked by some kind of Divine Sense.” Great Elder Tiecheng said, extremely confused.

Zhao Yuan’s realm is in the outer sect. Although he is not the strongest person in the cultivation base, except for him and Bei Lao, all are Outer Disciples. Who can threaten Zhao Yuan, Elder?

“It was Qin Yu who used the Divine Soul attack and gave Zhao Primordial Spirit a blow.” Bei Lao said in a low voice, but his face was equally solemn.

As an Old Monster in the Celestial Sect, his eyesight is so old, he can naturally see what happened with the blow just now.

It’s just that the blow to Divine Soul just now was irritating, and even he felt a little weird. If he was unprepared, it would be difficult to say that he would not suffer.

“What, you said it was Qin Yu’s hand, but he is still in the war, how could he vacate his hand to attack Zhao Yuan with Divine Soul? And even if he vacates his hand, he can’t make Zhao Yuan temporarily lost. Right.” Tiecheng said in horror. He really couldn’t figure out that it was Qin Yu who did it.

“Fang Yang and Zhao Yuan colluded and were sensed by Qin Yu using Divine Sense, so Qin Yu did it in advance. As for how he did it, I can’t see it.” Bei Lao shook the head said, also incomparably confused.

Hearing this, Tiecheng was completely shocked.

Bei Lao’s realm, he knows best, the entire Sky Cang Sect, the entire Sky Continent can conceal Bei Lao, on the surface no more than 5 fingers.

Such a tough old man, although he could see that Qin Yu did it, he didn’t see how Qin Yu did it.

“Hehe, there are still so many secrets in this guy, but it’s worth our focus on training.” Bei Lao said with a smile.

Tie Cheng’s heart moved slightly, but there are very few people who can make Mr. Bei say so, even he did not have such qualifications and honors.

On the arena, Zhao Yuan’s screaming screams surprised all the disciplines, but Qin Yu, Chen Quan, Fang Yang and the others have no time to worry about Zhao Yuan at this moment.

“Qin Yu, even if it’s your hands and feet, but when Zhao Elder Yuan recovers, you will still die.” Fang Yang’s voice said incomparably cold.

Qin Yu hearing this, but sneered, indifferently said: “Wait for Zhao Yuan to come back to his senses, only your bodies will be seen.”

Suddenly, the movement in Qin Yu’s hand changed, a very special seal, which changed like flowing water, and sank into the fiery sky seal above the sky.

This technique, extremely mysterious, is the God Slaughter Extreme Flame method. It is now used by Qin Yu to control the Sky Seal of the Blazing Fire, which immediately increases the formidable power of the Sky Seal of the Blazing Fire.

The huge stamp pad that had been stalemate suddenly burst out infinite red rays of light, and the temperature of the entire stamp pad suddenly rose a lot, directly reaching more than 7000 degrees.

The relationship between the Celestial Demon Tiger and the Celestial Demon Tiger was originally flat. However, at this time, the temperature of the Celestial Demon Tiger suddenly soared by more than 2 degrees, instantly forming a crushing force against the Celestial Demon Tiger.

Oh la la !

Under the pressure of the Celestial Demon Seal, the black Celestial Demon Tiger was burned by the terrifying heat of the Celestial Demon at an incredible speed, and it was completely destroyed in an instant.

Losing the obstacle of flying Celestial Demon tiger, the blazing fire sky seal suddenly fell, moved towards 2 people smashed down, and then turned into a fire sea, let 2 people drown.

Brush, shua!

Seeing 2 people flooded by the blazing sky seal, all of them sucked in a cold breath in this brief moment, which was extremely shocked.

“Fang Yang and Chen Quan joined forces and they were defeated!”

In the crowd, the uproar sounded like a tide, rising rapidly, flooding the entire inner courtyard of the market, and staring at the scene in shock.

Flying Celestial Demon Tiger, a martial skill, has a fierce reputation among the outer sects of the Celestial Sect for a long time, and everyone is extremely jealous, and it is equal to the fierce fire that Qin Yu burst out.

But Qin Yu didn’t even know what seal was used, and suddenly increased the formidable power of the Sky Seal of Blazing Fire, changed the situation of the battle, and crushed Chen Quan and Fang Yang.

The strong Power of Flame enveloped the entire ring. It took a full 2 ​​breaths of time before it was extinguished by Qin Yu. The bodies of Chen Quan and Fang Yang were also charred wherever they were. Charcoal, horrible to see.

“Junior Brother Qin won!”

Two people, Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong, smiled at the same moment. They are people who know Qin Yu, but they didn’t expect Qin Yu’s battle strength to be so powerful.

“How is it possible, when did this guy become so powerful.” Xu Bing lost his voice in amazement, obviously this result made him somewhat unacceptable.

At this moment, Zhao Yuan also recovered from Qin Yu’s ghost stabbing. He was just about to be mad at Qin Yu, but he saw the bodies of Chen Quan and Fang Yang, and immediately became stunned.

He was caught off guard just now and was stunned by Qin Yu’s Divine Sense ghost sting. There was only a moment of time. But when he came back to his senses, he saw only the bodies of Chen Quan and Fang Yang.

“Zhao Elder Yuan, I have long advised you not to talk too much. Now Chen Quan and Fang Yang did not kill me, but were killed by me. Your face is completely ashamed.” Qin Yu looked a little stunned. Zhao Yuan could not help being taunted.

Everyone also moved towards Zhao Yuan. It seemed that one after another’s gaze fell on Zhao Yuan’s face, and Zhao Yuan was extremely uncomfortable.

As everyone knows, before the start of the competition, Zhao Yuan threatened that Qin Yu would definitely die.

Now Qin Yu is not dead, but instead wiped out Chen Quan and Fang Yang, like a slap, fiercely fell on Zhao Yuan’s face.

Zhao Yuan felt all kinds of gazes from around him, his face was fierce and painful, and an irritation rose in his heart, an incomparable anger.

“Qin Yu, just now in the battle, this Elder not at all see clearly, you must have used some magic to defeat the two of them.” Zhao Yuan brace oneself said, full of resentment.


Qin Yu smiled slowly, not at all nervously, but sarcastically said: “Hehe, the dignified Outer Elder, actually said that he didn’t see clearly. I don’t know if you are blind or you are being plotted against. As for me, No magic is used, just ask the discipline here, they can see clearly than you.”

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