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Zhao Yuan’s complexion was extremely ugly. Today, he was planning to kill Qin Yu, but it turned out that not only Chen Quan and Fang Yang were killed by Qin Yu, but also Xu Bing of the 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm, almost planted there. Qin Yu’s hands really made him feel extremely angry.

“In the fight between disciplines, I could not intervene at will, but you seem to be too ruthless to start.” Zhao Yuan brace oneself said.

Qin Yu smiled coldly, he started very ruthless?

Little did he know that in this battle, if he was defeated, Zhao Yuan would not only help him, but would also help Xu Bing fiercely insult him.

And over the years, Qin Yu has been fighting and growing constantly, and has concluded an iron rule, that is, to be merciful to opponents.

“Zhao Elder Yuan, you are not embarrassed when you say this, and you can speak flowers in your dog’s mouth for unreasonable things.” Qin Yu sneered, sneered.

But Qin Yu knew that Zhao Yuan was blocking here. If he wanted to kill Xu Bing, it would be impossible, which made Qin Yu feel a little uncomfortable.

According to his idea, Xu Bing must be eradicated today to prevent this person from causing any disaster in the future, but Zhao Yuan has changed everything now.

“Zhao Elder Yuan, this kid is disrespectful to you, you can kill him!” Xu Bing came back to his senses, and gave Qin Yu a fiercely stare, suggested.

At the beginning of the trade fair, Qin Yu was just an ant in his eyes. However, the existence that he regarded as an ant before, almost killed him today, which made him extremely resentful.

Therefore, he urged Zhao Yuan to kill Qin Yu.

Zhao Yuan also moved his mind to kill Qin Yu, staring at Qin Yu with indifferent eyes, silent, seeming to weigh the pros and cons.

“Kill me? Hehe, come if you have any, Elder intervenes in the duel between the disciplines, and also beheads the discipline privately. This is not a light crime. Of course, if you are confident that you have the ability to escape from the Celestial Sect, kill now I can too.” Qin Yu said with a cold laugh.

At the opening of the mountain martial arts ceremony, Zhao Yuan had a grudge against Qin Yu and wanted to kill Qin Yu a long time ago, but he has not done anything. This is the reason.

Elder is a manager, but not at all the right to dispose of the discipline. If the discipline makes a mistake, it will be reported to the Penalty Hall. Naturally, there will be a penalty Hall for disposal, which has nothing to do with Elder.

Zhao Yuan’s face was extremely green, although he wanted to kill Qin Yu, but thinking of the consequences, he didn’t dare to suppress his thoughts forcibly.

“Hmph, Qin Yu, you don’t want to be arrogant. Although you defeated Xu Bing today, Xu Bing will still challenge you on the outer sect Martial Competition. You can wait to die.” Zhao Yuan coldly snorted, brace oneself said There is no lack of threats in the words.

“Oh, outer sect Martial Competition raise upwards to fight me?”

Qin Yu smiled slowly, and sarcastically said: “Then I will wait, the outer sect Martial Competition is only ten days away, Zhao Elder Yuan, you’d better spend vigorously training him and enhance his battle strength, otherwise, outer Above the sect Martial Competition, I still kill him, and it’s as easy as killing a chicken.”

Zhao Yuan was coldly snorted, did not speak, and left here, clutching Xu Bing, embarrassed like a dog.

Seeing the silhouette of Zhao Yuan and Xu Bing leaving in embarrassment, the mood of everyone was heavy and breathless. Today’s result far exceeded their expectations.

In this Life and Death Battle, there were too many changes. Qin Yu killed Chen Quan and Fang Yang, but in the end he almost killed Xu Bing, the powerhouse of the 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm, and forced them away. .

Xu Bing has just entered the 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm. Perhaps his strength is not very strong, but that is after all the existence of the Tianhe Realm. There are two different levels between the Heavenly Layer and the Earth Spring Realm.

After Zhao Yuan and Xu Bing disappeared completely, everyone came back to his senses and turned their eyes on Qin Yu, with expressions of awe in their eyes.

Qin Yu defeated Xu Bing, which means that Qin Yu’s battle strength is not weak in the Tianhe Realm 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage. It is fully capable of becoming an outer sect giant and is admired by everyone.

“Hehe, I said this kid has the ability to deal with it, and it didn’t disappoint me.”

In the distance, after seeing Qin Yu forcing Zhao Yuan away, Bei Lao couldn’t help but show a smile on his face, showing a satisfied expression, looking at Qin Yu on the ring with admiration.

“This Little Brat is really good. The battle strength of the 7th Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquan, the Sword Intent of the Fourth Stage, and the final sword move is also extremely sharp. The combination of various methods has exceeded our expectations. “Tiecheng also said with a smile.

He knows a little about the low grade Venerable Artifact in Qin Yu’s hands. This is a reward from the Heavenly Cang Sect’s Open Mountain Martial Art.

However, the last move, Myriad Transformations 1000, made Tiecheng unexpected, and that move was too powerful.

“The last move, Myriad Transformations 1000, is not the martial skill of our Celestial Sect, but it is the strongest among the middle grade martial skills. Under the great accomplishment realm, it is no less than Heaven Rank middle grade martial. The formidable power of Skill Perfection Realm, I don’t know where did Little Brat learn it from?” Old Bei said with a smile.

Tiecheng was nodded, completely agreeing with Bei Lao’s statement, and extremely approving of the last move.

“Lao Bei, then Zhao Yuan violated Elder, how to deal with him?” Tiecheng frowned, asked tentatively.

Zhao Yuan’s actions just now went beyond Elder’s scope of rights and did not play a role in upholding justice. This crime is not small.

“Zhao Yuan?”

Bei Lao’s face sank a little, and Zhao Yuan’s various actions just before he could see it did not match what Elder did.

As Elder, in front of the disciplines, you should uphold justice, especially this kind of battle between disciplines, there can be no favoritism, otherwise it will cause injustice.

“Leave him alone, let him put some pressure on Qin Yu, which will help Qin Yu grow. After the outer sect Martial Competition is over, send him out to perform tasks in some dangerous places, or exile directly to the Black Demon Sea. Among them, the Black Demon Sea also has some changes recently!” Bei Lao said solemnly.

“Black Demon Sea is also changing?” Tiecheng said in surprise.

For example, on the territory of Cangzong today, the Heavenly Dragon Empire, Beast Palace, Snow Moon Sect, and Heaven Origin Sect Four Great Influences continue to support some forces like Blood Castle, trying to capture some territories in preparation for the collapse of Heavenly Cangzong .

Under this circumstance, the Heavenly Cang Sect was already on the verge of a major enemy, and could not protect itself.

However, Black Demon Sea at this time also had an unusual movement. For the Sky Cang Sect, it was even worse, which made Tiecheng’s heart sink a lot.

“Well, when the time comes in the Black Demon Sea, you can send some disciplines over. This matter will wait until the outer sect Martial Competition is over. Let’s go. There are still many things waiting for us to do. Now for us, It’s a race against time.”

Bei Lao sighed, his silhouette blurred, and disappeared into the market with Tiecheng.

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