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Qin Yu and the others did not know the appearance of Bei Lao and Tiecheng.

Qin Yu’s pupil light has been staring at the backs of Zhao Yuan and Xu Bing, and deep in his eyes flashes a strong killing intent.

In all these years, except for the occasional few times, Qin Yu’s killing intent has never been so strong, and at this moment it is completely provoked by Zhao Yuan and Xu Bing.

The grudge between him and Zhao Yuan is not so big! From the beginning to today, I have been grieving.

This person is like a bomb to Qin Yu. It will explode at any time, making people caught off guard, so it must be killed early.

It was not until Zhao Yuan and Xu Bing disappeared that Qin Yu closed his eyes, grabbed the killing intent in his heart, and swept all the storage bags of Chen Quan and Fang Yang into his hands.

This is Qin Yu’s spoils of war, which is naturally owned by Qin Yu.

After snatching the storage bags of two people into his hands, Qin Yu did not shy away, and opened the storage bags in front of everyone, revealing a lot of good things inside.

“Chen Quan’s middle grade Spirit Stone is about hundreds thousand, but Fang Yang’s middle grade Spirit Stone is 400,000, and the total is 500,000 middle grade Spirit Stone.” Qin Yu said with satisfaction.

Chen Quan was pitted on the trade fair by Qin Yu, and now there are only hundreds of thousands of middle grade Spirit Stones left, which is reasonable, but Fang Yang has a lot of middle grade Spirit Stones.

The two-person middle grade Spirit Stone totals about 2 in total, which is an extremely large number, making everyone in the audience extremely greedy.

Looking at the middle grade Spirit Stone piled up like a mountain, everyone’s eyes became straight, extremely greedy, but because of Qin Yu’s battle strength, no one dared to grab it.

Qin Yu’s battle strength is not weak even at 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage in the Tianhe Realm.

And their realm is less than Tianhe Realm 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage, and they want to grab something from Qin Yu, which is totally courting death.

Although the wealth is not exposed, it is forced to do so when the strength is insufficient. If you are strong and who dares to snatch it, then kill it directly and see if anyone dares to make a mistake.

Qin Yu defeated Xu Bing and satirized Zhao Yuan, which put a lot of pressure on everyone’s psychology and made everyone afraid to impudent.

Under the greedy and envious eyes of everyone, Qin Yu slowly collected 500,000 middle grade Spirit Stone into the storage bag, and then checked the other treasures.

In addition to the Spirit Stone, there are also many other treasures, piled up like a mountain, among them there are quite a few spirit pill and marvelous medicines, and there are more than 30 in total.

“More than 30 medicine pills, ten of which are Origin Essence Pill. I eat too much of this stuff and it is of little use to me now.” Qin Yu indifferently said, selecting these ten 6 Origin Essence Pills. , Ready to be given to Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong.

In addition to Origin Essence Pill, Qin Yu also found 2 pieces of Venerable Artifact in the storage bags of 2 people, one is a heavy drum, and the other is a long spear.

These two pieces of Venerable Artifact are good, they are Fang Yang and Chen Quan’s hole cards, but they did not use these 2 years of Venerable Artifact because of the powerful secret technique of flying Celestial Demon Tigers.

When the outer sect Martial Competition is approaching, the value of these 2 defective Venerable Artifacts is at least about 500,000 middle grade Spirit Stone.

However, for Qin Yu, the Venerable Artifact is not good enough, so moved towards Wang Zhong and Jiang Yan said: “These 2 Venerable Artifacts and ten 6 Origin Essence Pills, you two are divided, and The Grade 5 Medicine Pill here is also owned by you two.”

“What, Junior Brother Qin, you want to give us these things, these things are very valuable.”

Two Venerable Artifacts, 2 Origin Essence Pills, plus countless Grade 2 Medicine Pills, two Venerable Artifacts, two pieces of Venerable Artifact, plus countless Grade 6 Medicine Pills, worth at least 5 middle grade Spirit Stone.

However, Qin Yu threw these things to them without frowning, making the two people flattered.

To know that all the treasures on the two of them add up, there is no 2 middle grade Spirit Stone.

“These things are of no use to me, and they will be given away. You two should take them quickly, lest others are greedy. Of course, you can also give some to Chu Chen and Han Miaoyi and the others.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

It’s not that Qin Yu doesn’t care about these things, but that Qin Yu has been blind to these things, and Qin Yu now has a middle grade Spirit Stone of about 100 800,000, and there is no shortage of 700,000.

Hearing Qin Yu’s words, the two of them couldn’t help but laughed bitterly. These things were indeed a windfall for the two of them, but to Qin Yu, it seemed that they had fallen out of favor.

“Well, in that case, we will accept these things, many thanks Junior Brother Qin.” Jiang Yan said with a smile.

Wang Zhong also moved towards Qin Yu and gave a deep punch, very grateful to Qin Yu.

The expressions of everyone were shocked. No one didn’t expect that Qin Yu would give away such a treasure without the slightest hesitation.

“Well, this is… Shenyan Huangshi.”

Immediately, Qin Yu placed his gaze on a familiar yellow stone, his eyes moved slightly, and a touch of joy appeared.

This is what Qin Yu and Chen Quan were fighting over at the trade fair that day. It can greatly supplement Divine Sense and is a treasure for Dragon Soul.

At the beginning, Chen Quan paid a super price of 3 150,000 middle grade Spirit Stone to obtain this item, but now it falls into the hands of Qin Yu, and Qin Yu is in vain.

In addition to Shenyan Huangshi, other mineral vein gems are also of great value, and many of them are precious materials for the layout of Formation, which are all collected by Qin Yu.

Qin Yu’s accomplishments in Formation and Pill Concocting are not inferior to Martial Dao. If you get these things now, you will definitely need them in the future.

After counting these things, Qin Yu slowly stood up, flipped his hand and took out a jade slip, and on this jade slip, it was the secret technique of flying Celestial Demon tiger.

The secret technique of flying the Celestial Demon tiger is extremely powerful. Qin Yu has just learned by Qin Yu. It can be compared to the great accomplishment realm’s blazing fire seal, and this is only a situation where two people have cultivated for 2 days.

If there is enough time, if the Celestial Demon Tiger’s secret technique is cultivated to the Profound Realm, its formidable power will be more powerful and become a killing move.

However, Qin Yu now does not have the meaning of cultivating the Celestial Demon tiger. There is no shortage of martial skills on his body, so he plans to auction this thing.

“This is the secret technique of the Celestial Demon Tiger. As for the formidable power, I believe you have all heard that if you exchange the secret technique of the same realm in the sect, you need at least 10000 points or 150,000 middle grade Spirit Stone. Now I only need hundreds thousand, you can use it for cultivation.” Qin Yu said to everyone.

As soon as this word came out, everyone was boiling, countless eyes staring at the jade slip in Qin Yu’s hands.

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